It’s funny how that backfired on them! Little did they know how the majority of Americans don’t give a flip what celebrities say or have any trust in them. These people are stupid!!
To this day, i see signs: We Stand With Ukraine and Ukraine flags flying. These are the idiots that listen to MSM that Ukraine is winning. They don’t hear about the billions sent to Ukraine, the mansions Zelensky bought, the number of soldiers dying and the bioweapons labs courtesy of Metabiota and the Biden family.
Made me despise that midget twerp even more, as if I give a flying fuck what some clown who gets paid to play make believe for a living says about anything whatsoever.
Ya but.. how do we know THIS IS TRUE?
Please frens, you have to sauce stuff before you believe it.
Y'all keep reacting to posts as if they are accurate and true, without questioning them first.
It’s funny how that backfired on them! Little did they know how the majority of Americans don’t give a flip what celebrities say or have any trust in them. These people are stupid!!
Holy shit...
Its all smoke and mirrors.
From the Gaslighting...
How many of you are loving this timeline? I know I am!
People are being made to wake up. It's glorious to watch.
oh yeah!
To this day, i see signs: We Stand With Ukraine and Ukraine flags flying. These are the idiots that listen to MSM that Ukraine is winning. They don’t hear about the billions sent to Ukraine, the mansions Zelensky bought, the number of soldiers dying and the bioweapons labs courtesy of Metabiota and the Biden family.
Love Moss!
i want to see the list of celebs paid for by our tax dollars, and i want a refund
I want ALL of that money back. If you took money for some bullshit. I want it back.
Maybe we could authorize one more payment - a one way flight to Ukraine for all these celebrities. Final Tour. No returns.
A propaganda show. We paid for. To keep the leftists deep staters in laundered money.
They need to return that money.
Betcha Dennis rodman got broke off to visit NK years back...
All makes sense now...
Did they fund that crappy "documentary" by Sean Penn?
Wait till you all hear how much money went to Chelsea Clinton...
looks like she got 84mill..
Made me despise that midget twerp even more, as if I give a flying fuck what some clown who gets paid to play make believe for a living says about anything whatsoever.
I don’t even remember celebrities traveling to Ukraine. Do we have a list?
Pretty sure I remember Sean Penn being there and giving Zelensky his Oscar or whatever. Ben Stiller too
I just heard from someone Angelina Jolie was paid $20million from USAID to go
Spicoli gave his Oscar to Zelinsky
Reader context says it isn't so.
Ya but.. how do we know THIS IS TRUE? Please frens, you have to sauce stuff before you believe it. Y'all keep reacting to posts as if they are accurate and true, without questioning them first.
Oh, good grief!
Any really famous celebrities? I don't follow them and most are just names to me.
Where did Olga get this information?
Money Laundering.