Hospital protocols during the plandemic:
Person falls down stairs..
Goes to hospital..
Tests positive for "covid"..
Gets sedated and intubated..
Gets killed by hospital protocols..
Doctor labels death as "covid" !!!

Happened to my Mom. She went in for a knee injury, tested negative for covid. They tested her every single day for ten straight days and its negative every time. Mind you they only tested their staff once a week. They give her the covid shot over her objections. Five days later she tests positive for covid and ten days later she is dead.
I will never trust the medical industry ever again. Heroes? Fuck every single one of them. The nurses especially, fn arrogant midwits who thought they were Florence Nightingale . They knew this was poison and they didn't give a care.
Very Sorry to hear that.. I had a Similar Experience, and have Similar Sentiments, as it only took 3 days for my mother…
I upvoted you. It seems wrong since you were stating that your mother had died, but I could not let the down vote stand. Who would do such a thing?
Sorry to learn about your mom.
Sorry to hear. It's an awful thing. God bless them both.
I'm so sorry JAERS! I see a big lawsuit in your future. 💔🤬🙏🤍
No wonder you are furious. Remember the huge sign on white cloth on a NY freeway that said "Cuomo killed my Mom"? We need JFK justice, 911 justice and Covid justice.
so very sorry, my friend. That's just terrible.
Very sorry for your loss.
I would have sued them into oblivion.
You left out the part about the hospitals getting 44,000 for every covid death!
Motorcycle crash ------- covid.
A couple were paid over a hundred k per death
I know two people that died this way.. both were older - but perfectly fit and healthy before being admitted to the hospital. One was the older brother who had a panic attack and was worried about his heart. He was brought in and told he had a mild heart attack.. and then his sister visited him.. and they suddenly both have covid and were told they needed to stay. The sister didn't want to but was made to feel like it was mandatory. She was texting my mom the whole time basically saying they gave her drugs in an IV and wouldn't even tell her what they were..
The whole corrupt temple needs to be brought down...
Take mom to hospital for tests…..Sir,Sir, you need a mask! Fine, …….leaving the hospital I throw away my mask in a garbage can, uncovered outside the door……full of used masks………nuff said.
I'm ready for the truth of this, and everything else, to become mainstream.
Long past ready.
I feel ya brother and of course plenty of retribution and justice to go around!
Family Member, decided on Hospice and to stop dialysis due to their spouse dying. Immediately as the hospice paperwork was signed, instant COVID diagnosis. Died due to stopping dialysis. Death Certificate...... COVID. 100% absolute bullshit.
Let me know when the class actions start. ✌️
Same, when my grandfather in Poland died (he was sick from multiple things for a while but it was blamed on COVID), the people at the morgue mentioned something exactly like this happening to other old people. This is a worldwide issue.
The creepy thing about Covid is that it was world wide. I felt like Darth Vader had taken over the planet.
Hospital admins made out like bandits all the while being able to hide behind the excuse that ‘I was just following orders’.
I have 2 major hospitals withing 5 miles of my house. At no point during covid were they over run as the media portrayed them.
I rode around in the car looking at 6 such places. They all looked abandoned.
And I thought I was skeptical , I quit at 3. Glad you are not my auditor ; )
ANYONE involved needs to lose EVERYTHING
Any hospital system, meaning the CEOs, the board ect and doctors involved in this fraud deserve the DEATH PENALTY!!!
I was brought to hospital , asked if I was vaccinated, told them no.
Co7id test positive
Covid ward for 2 weeks given redemsvir against will
Given ativan and barcinib against will
Crash and kidny shutdown
Incubated and ventilator
18 days out
Woke up
I was only one in ICU that survived that entire year
Blood letting......in the USA
Totally fucking true.
That’s nothing compared what really needs to happen .
legalize competition: to the med schools (abolish accreditation), medical industry (allow more freedom to open healthcare businesses), current healthcare professionals (don't require licensing)
Medicine was taken over by the Rockefellers, that is why it is so corrupt.
ANY hospital found guilty in doing this must be required to: return all Medicaire and Amedicaid payments, pay a substantial fine, remove the CEO/CFO operating during said time period. What? They can’t afford to repay and pay a fine too! Oh too bad. You lose your license to operate as a hospital and to be reimbursed by Medicare and Medicaid. What did you say? That would be at least 90% of hospitals! Oh well, people will be healthier with less hospitals.
During COVID, I had an unfortunate fall off a ladder and ended up breaking three ribs. I drove myself to urgent care, where x-rays confirmed the injury, but thankfully, my COVID test came back negative. They advised me to head over to Harborview Hospital in Seattle for further care. So off I went in an ambulance! At the hospital, they tested me again for COVID (still negative) and things felt a bit off; they were telling me that I needed to stay overnight, and plus my phone was nearly out of battery. After about six hours there witnessing some wild things and waiting for a promised charger, I decided it was time to go. My daughter kindly met me outside so we could head home together. I had a very vibe at the hospital.
This is encouraging if they are openly talking about this premeditated murder.