The Epoch Times (@epochtimes)
About 75,000 federal workers have signed up for buyouts.
They're the ones with 2nd jobs...
Just think of how many 75K actually is. Damn. The g0v is BEYOND bloated.
Yep. My daughter, who works for a government contractor, said her boss was talking to her about how his friend was laughing because he worked for the government and he’d put on his mouse mover and go golfing all day. Her boss said, “Yea he’s hurting now cause he bought a house in WVa and can’t do the commute into DC w/o it costing a fortutune.” The really worthless ones are taking the money and jumping ship. Also gonna be a lot of houses up for sale…..
Unbelievable. And we tax payers are paying this dude's salary to do just that. Friggin ridiculous. Can't wait to see what the end result will be from trimming all this fat and eliminating these USAID-types. Fingers crossed taxpayers either get a significant reimbursement or income tax gets entirely abolished (ideally both).
Reimbursement from who? These fucks spent all the money they stole. Thieves don’t save...
Confiscated from evil villains from under their lairs.
75k really isn't that many. The government employs like 2 million people. Also I wouldn't be surprised if many of these are good workers that know they can get another job. I wouldn't mind switching jobs with a 8 month bonus.
Yeah that’s not a lot, we need to reduce it from 2 million to under 100k.
This is probably a great break for many of them who would jump at the chance to bail if they didn't lose everything in the process.
I'm all for cutting gov down to it's bare bones, but if they were hired for imaginary jobs then why the pay off ?
Most were likely gaming the system and knew it. Why reward that ? Boot them with these parting words " Be thankful you're not getting arrested ".
When someone is paid crazy cash to just stare at the walls they know they are cheating. Anyone would know what they are doing is theft and wrong.
When downsizing happens in the free market we just get fired, often without notice and without a winning lotto ticket as we depart.
Always with the double standards & 2 sets of rules for us and them.
Unfortunately it’s because Federal Government jobs are covered by the Federal Union. It’s easy to offer incentives to them then get in long drawn out battles with that Union. Trust me.
But if it's fraudulent it should be null and void. The mafia / mob also created their own little " club " and because it was criminal we just went after them and didn't offer buy outs.
Unions were created under the guise of being virtuous, but were just the mob under a new name. Fraud vitiates everything.
Think of it - start a club that u know will be criminal and rule 1 and 2 is u can't investigate or end the club. Again we should not have to play by the rules THEY set up.
Federal unions need to be outlawed along with government pensions. They serve at the pleasure of he people and 401K’s are good enough for us, they are good enough for them.
Agreed. Those damn unions are why you can’t fire anyone.
Before that it was the civil service. —It’s always been hard to fire because of lack of oversight. If you don’t have skin in the game, and if you have to document everything in detail, there isn’t much incentive to adequately supervise employees.
You have to put a bad employee on a specific work performance plan for months before even considering firing. and then they go to the union on you for everything.
The son-in-law of one of my clients was hired for one of those work from home, minimal hours required government jobs. less than a year ago, chose to work it from another state and is now taking the buyout. Free $$$
Or they had retirement coming up soon, so they'd get a nice little 8 month vacay.
They can’t take retirement and buyout.
I read the notice. It stayed that retirement still accrued during the 8mo.
Link to article:
Great solution! If they were fired, they would bring lawsuits and all kinds of whiny publicity.
When these "federal workers" fill out their paperwork, will they be looked into? If they had another full time job, will they really get a buy out?
I want moar to resign.
Just think you’ll get your salary & benefits for 8 months, if you remain employed you very well be let go next week without anything but unemployment benefits & Obamacare! 😏