Same. As if they’re the only ones who have ever been pink slipped because of an economically driven decision from the top. They’re getting an 8 month severance. Those whiney assholes can fuck right off.
Pushing the transgender agenda and the vax on the military, in my opinion, represented infiltration to destroy America! I could not believe how political leaders would undermine their own military! This was treasonous as treasonous as Obama allowing warships to be built with inferior iron from China!
They knew anti-vax was pro republican.
It's funny because anti-vax used to be a liberal talking point.
Really? It's not hard. Delete everything from ? to the end and learn how to post a clean link.
Thanks cupcake. I was on the tablet and going for a run. I wish I could be perfect like you.
A frog can dream...
The more they bitch the better I like it.
Same. As if they’re the only ones who have ever been pink slipped because of an economically driven decision from the top. They’re getting an 8 month severance. Those whiney assholes can fuck right off.
Pushing the transgender agenda and the vax on the military, in my opinion, represented infiltration to destroy America! I could not believe how political leaders would undermine their own military! This was treasonous as treasonous as Obama allowing warships to be built with inferior iron from China!
And pressured private business to do the same..colleges high schools
I remember that, thanks for bringing it into the light.
...end of democracy as they know it. Let get back to the Representative Republic we were created to be.
Put them all on a barge and push it out into blue water.
May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
I would have been ok if they kept their mouths shut, it was the chastisement and ridicule that crossed the line
They've all been hosting meetings just to cry together. 😂