exactly, behind the scenes is about 20k people being paid salaries to be busy messing with the 8k homeless population. conceivably, you take the money away and you get maybe 18k homeless (best case). so you're giving 10k people a welfare job, holding the 8k homeless in check. the other 10k (out of the original 20k) would get real jobs elsewhere. be easier to just give the homeless welfare jobs directly. give em brooms to clean up the poopy sidewalks every few days, while the other few days they poopy the sidewalks while they're on fentanyl. alas... they'll organize and start a union and want to be paid to poopy the sidewalks full time.
There was a pretty good documentary about the cottage industry that is serving the homeless community in San Francisco
It really exposed the number of advocates and administrators making big money addressing the homeless situation. These people were making tremendous salaries. And it wasn't just them, everyone had a hand the pot, from the food vendors, temporary shelters, people supposedly providing medical and mental health services ect, graft everywhere.
It was on youtube. Really not a problem you'd want to solve if you were making the money these people did.
It's not rocket science. So crazy how so many normies can't see it. Hide behind a righteous cause, continually increase theft for said cause, give a tiny fraction to the problem, pocket the rest.
They obviously don't want to impact any issues to risk any theft reductions. It was only started in the first place, because they saw another opportunity to steal more.
Take it further - they exacerbate the problems to increase more funding. Rinse and Repeat. Now apply that template everywhere. Gov in a nutshell.
I'd prefer billionaires burned their money rather than send it to the IRS. We've known and normies have discovered that the government is funding a border invasion, terrorism, destabilizing entire regions, mass deception campaigns against
Americans, torture programs...
Every dollar we take away from government is a win for humanity.
That money goes to rich people. If the money had been administered properly that would have solved the problem.
That money should have gone to qualified builders to build housing. That would also put men back to work. Working people spend money improving theconomic conditions.
Rich folk hoard money not good for economics
American War vets should not be sleeping on the streets.
Fighting homelessness is quite the business. Who knew?
exactly, behind the scenes is about 20k people being paid salaries to be busy messing with the 8k homeless population. conceivably, you take the money away and you get maybe 18k homeless (best case). so you're giving 10k people a welfare job, holding the 8k homeless in check. the other 10k (out of the original 20k) would get real jobs elsewhere. be easier to just give the homeless welfare jobs directly. give em brooms to clean up the poopy sidewalks every few days, while the other few days they poopy the sidewalks while they're on fentanyl. alas... they'll organize and start a union and want to be paid to poopy the sidewalks full time.
There was a pretty good documentary about the cottage industry that is serving the homeless community in San Francisco
It really exposed the number of advocates and administrators making big money addressing the homeless situation. These people were making tremendous salaries. And it wasn't just them, everyone had a hand the pot, from the food vendors, temporary shelters, people supposedly providing medical and mental health services ect, graft everywhere.
It was on youtube. Really not a problem you'd want to solve if you were making the money these people did.
It's not rocket science. So crazy how so many normies can't see it. Hide behind a righteous cause, continually increase theft for said cause, give a tiny fraction to the problem, pocket the rest.
They obviously don't want to impact any issues to risk any theft reductions. It was only started in the first place, because they saw another opportunity to steal more.
Take it further - they exacerbate the problems to increase more funding. Rinse and Repeat. Now apply that template everywhere. Gov in a nutshell.
The shield of racism pales in comparison to the shield of antisemitism, the gateway shield there is.
Exactly! Been voting NO on anything that gave "them" more money; the money never gets there.
I'd prefer billionaires burned their money rather than send it to the IRS. We've known and normies have discovered that the government is funding a border invasion, terrorism, destabilizing entire regions, mass deception campaigns against Americans, torture programs...
Every dollar we take away from government is a win for humanity.
Well said.
I could believe they've spent it "fighting" them and not helping them, like weird architecture to prevent good sleeping spots as an example....
Excellent point. I'm sure there's alot of that going on too
It has been about siphoning off money to enrich themselves and their puppeteers.
This is an insane stat
It's lining (someone's) pockets.
I lost a bet once.
In the army, there was a line of 113's. A friend said before we got to the end he'd have $20 but only ask for $0.25 at each vehicle. He got double.
Never underestimate the generosity of Americans.
This is why it is so lucrative to hold out a beggar's hand.
And why charlatans can get rich off you when you are willing to help the poor.
Apparently $2.4 million doesn’t go as far as you would think. What the heck are they doing, giving them solid gold crack pipes?
That money goes to rich people. If the money had been administered properly that would have solved the problem. That money should have gone to qualified builders to build housing. That would also put men back to work. Working people spend money improving theconomic conditions. Rich folk hoard money not good for economics American War vets should not be sleeping on the streets.