Think of how often the American left says the USA should have a welfare state like that of the Scandinavian countries, and then think of how little those countries need to spend on national defense. Why bother when you can just rely on safety provided by the U.S...

All of Europe socialism was financed by our tax dollars and debt.
they dont have to pay any taxes! obviously
oh, they took your tax dollars too - they just took ours as well
DEFENDING FROM WHAT!!! That is the QUESTION? CABAL CONTROLLED GOVT , is the ANSWER. They tax, they dumb us down, they over regulate us, they kill our businesses, they poison us, they silence us etc etc. The notion that ANYONE needs protection from Russia, China or any other enemy the CABAL dreams up is more than ABSURD.
do they regulate to poison, or deregulate and then poison? or both. which is worse poisoning?
They get US protection and get to spend their peoples' money on cabal agendas. Scandalous ordeal...
Well, let's not exaggerate this. It's not like I don't pay roughly 70% taxes here in Europe when all is said and done. The welfare state is by far the boggest government expense.
Raising the defense spending by doubling it is costly, but not nearly as costly as the welfare state.
Also, let's not forget the reason Europe needs to be prepare for war is not caused by the Russians, it is what the American deep state did in Ukraine in 2014.
We will be fine without the US. 90% of militsry expenditure of lives and money for the country I live in in the last 25 years has been for missions to Iraq and Afghanistan. We were forced to participate in those illegal conflicts, because we were part of NATO.
Janna Ganesh is not European, his opinion is ignored and he should return to the super power open sewer he came from.
Remember when Vivek insulted Americans on Christmas Day. Social Grace is something first World Nations enjoy in comfort.
Which is why I don’t trust them. Hopefully Kash proves me wrong but Indians don’t assimilate from my experience.
They also have huge taxes, that take your money and give back a small part of it.
NATO is a failed organization. Look no further than the recent quagmires in Afghanistan, Iraq and now the Ukraine ( and thats just the recent failures ). It's been infiltrated by deep state actors who want endless wars with no end in sight. Your prize for the blood and treasure you sacrifice is invasion of your country and more loss of blood and treasure, this time on your own soil.
We talk alot about identifying psyops and freeing ourselves of the deep state. Who here is smart enough to realize that the Ukraine is of no importance? They are just a money laundering machine whose resources will be plundered and they'll act as a buffer " nation" going forward. If they were of any import both the US and the EU would be sending troops to the front yesterday. But that's not happening now, is it?
It's fn over. First one smart enough to exit NATO and align with Russia wins. You can't break free of the deep state if you keep playing their game. Next up is breaking free if our greatest ally south of the Ukraine.
It's now or never.
EU is a US Welfare state, we need to trim them off our subsidies
They opened their own borders, then speak self-righteous words, about the need to protect the borders of Ukraine. "Thinking themselves to be wise (without God) they became utter fools instead"
Look at. the top expenses in US budget. Social Security and Medicare dwarfs everything else, even defense. US is a welfare state atm.
Defend it from what, it's already been conquered.
I don't know why we need to increase our military budget if Trump is pulling us out of everyone else's business.
Seriously, if we're not going to be the entire world's babysitter/police officer, why in the world do we need to spend an extra 100-150 BILLION dollars in military spending?
Our military budget is more than the next seven countries with the highest military budgets combined.
We sure as shit don't need to be increasing the military budget if we're not going to be covering the cost for the rest of the world.
"Seriously, if we're not going to be the entire world's babysitter/police officer, why in the world do we need to spend an extra 100-150 BILLION dollars in military spending?"
Because the deep state is not just in America. It lives in Europe and feeds off of America. Now that this is ending, they are going to feed off Europe to keep their wars going. That much seems pretty clear to me.
And how will increasing our military budget by hundreds of billions of dollars stop the DS in Europe, if we're no longer going to be over there holding their hand.
Let Europe take care of their own shit for on e. I thought that was what all this was about.
I agree with you, I am just saying the deep state is much larger than what's in the US. The bureaucracy is one thing but it's the jewish ethno fascists that are the real issue and that isn't being shutdown.
We should be lowering our military budget but we do still need to consider defense. I suspect they is as much fraud waste and abuse in military as there is in USAID.
Considering the rabid military industrial complex that has run the show the past 5 decades, I'm going to guess that there is more abuse and fraud built into the military budget than anywhere else.
All you really have to do is give a little song and dance about keeping America safe, and people will just start chucking their wallets at you, screaming "Here, take my money!"
The article is addressed to European national leaders with the desired end goal of Europe maintaining the proxy war in Ukraine in the US' absence.
It’s written by a non European turd world immigrant. Why would anyone take it seriously?
Wow. This really puts things into perspective. Postwar Western Europe has had it so good for so long off the back of Pax Americana and goodwill.
The original concept of welfare was a safety net, which works in a high trust society.
We now have diversity, and welfare has become a lifestyle choice for a growing percentage of the population.
The social contract is broken.
That could not have been stated better or more clearly. So many miss this point. Welfare doesn't work in the type of society we live in today. Well, it does for (((their))) intent but not for the original intent.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what kind of welfare they give out? Somehow I've totally missed that they have massive social spending in Europe.
National Healthcare, and free college are the big ones. Especially Norway. I think one of them were doing trials on universal income as well, but I haven't kept up with it. They usually give generous maternal/paternal paid leave. Free or subsidized child care. They also give more, on average, than other countries on things like unemployment, low cost housing, senior pensions, etc....
sounds awful
Finland had UBI but it failed and was cancelled after 2 years.
Why is someone named Janan Ganesh telling Europe what they should do?
It’s not your to give!
Rand Paul’s Davey Crocket speech
This should explain it in a picture.