dont stop at liberals that hate america. How about anyone that hates it and says horrible shit about their countrymen and any of these beautiful united states? Losers all of them.
I don't know any Africans on welfare and you don't either. Nigerians can hustle women out their savings while living in said mudhut tho. Nigerians are entrepreneurs all over the world as matter of fact. They won't leave any money on the table. That'd be stupid.
That's pimping not simpin' baby boy.
I don't blame you for being nervous.
America needs more Jesus people if anything.
Maybe you're a shill, maybe you're paid to push agendas, or maybe you are just uninformed, but either way you refuse to look at the data on the topic and are I lying going off the two or three people you personally know. Which is meaningless info compared to the Millions Of others
I never joke about Jesus Christ
Lots of white folk on Welfare and everything Blacks using to survive life .
This Country is filthy with Anti Christ folk. We need more Holy Ghost Christians instead of greedy selfish folk.
Those greedy folk aren't going to leave SA.
They want to get America involved in some concocted Foreign Affairs Bs.
They haven't drop the Epstien files so they distract with this mess.
It's NOT just the white farmers. White people in nearly every profession are being persecuted in South Africa.
Perhaps expand that definition to White Farmers or any other White or Mixed Race persons in South Africa who can show that they are being persecuted due to their race... and who have skills useful to the American economy if they are relocated here.
NO welfare. You come here, we help you get established, you find a job and work for a living like everyone else.
It sucks that white South Africans need to flee the country they've lived in for generations, but they are welcome in the US with open arms. White genocide is very real and as much as I'm tired of taking in refugees, we should be taking in white ones before the white race goes extinct. I also would be in favor of taking in Christians from Syria who are currently facing genocide from Islamists. Or maybe we take over Gaza and turn it in to the middle east's first Christian nation that can serve as refuge for all of the Christians in the region.
Now watch the enemies of whites world wide scream and cry racism. There is one race on the earth that is being systematically genocided, and it isn't any of the ones crying racism.
They marry fat ones too. Don't believe the Television.
See it all the time in America.
They pay for that Latina and Asian goodness but their precious white skin is diluted tho.
Their Children are nice looking.
Not sure where you live but this country has been safe for all the christians i know. Thats why they are able to do all of the things they do with their church community. All kinds of outreach and public service often done in the most depressed parts of town. Never heard anyone from my church talk about being afraid for their safety. lol. Get out more, you!!
I'm for it. Bring in all the whites from South Africa and deport every illegal in the country. Every single one of them have to go. All no if ands or but's.
First they have to figure out somehow how to transfer their money and wealth here.
Trump should send a 'diplomatic' group to South Africa and say this....'All whites are invited to move to the US, and if anyone gets in the way the penalty will be something deep'....I know I have to watch what I say because 'optics'.
Do it for one group gotta do it for all Christians. Affirmative Action is over.
That's the law baby.
Don't forget the Palestinian Christians under attack by Israel forces.
Why do you hate Jesus people?
We need more battle tested Christians in America.
Not more Catholics and Jews.
We getting rid of talented immigrants to bring in more foolish people that we have nothing in common with other than skin tone.
American people do farming just fine when you get the government out the way.
Did you forget that we feed the World?
The last thing American farmers need is more competition for farmland.
People need to think with their brain instead of their skin tone.
Farms were lost due to Government interference and allowing big businesses to invade farmers and buy up land.
Practically every one in America can grow a garden or farm if they have property.
There's something amiss about this, on the level of the deed undone. We are standing by for racial tyranny, and all we can offer is an escape route? It's like watching Robert Mugabe all over again. I don't know what the right answer is.
I saw a map recently that showed the racial density of blacks in South Africa. It was mainly in the eastern half of the country. One might imagine a partition with the whites in the western third. This is an idle thought. I suppose nothing good will happen unless the better element in the black population wakes up and realize this is Zimbabwe all over again, and they cannot go in that direction. The EFF must be curbed by the blacks themselves. It is maybe a sad blessing that Alan Paton does not have to live through this.
There are several black races (mostly immigrants) who don't get along with each other. The English Whites are not exactly best buddies with the Dutch Whites either. Not so simple as draw a line on a map.
Oh, I'm aware of that. There are multiple tribes in South Africa alone. But they have taken a lynch-mob attitude toward (e.g.) Zambians and Ugandans working in SA, under the umbrage that they are "stealing" jobs from the layabout locals.
It would be surprising if there was much good blood between the Boers and their oppressors. I am mindful of the Irish and the British.
Blacks don't have any guns or money to fight anything. They wouldn't last 3 weeks.
The demons use loud mouth negros to talk foolishness to forment a skirmish that's meant to enable them to steal everything thing.
300 years and that nation can't solve their problems?
That makes no sense.
Man, you need to read up on the battle of Isandlwana, where 20,000 Zulu warriors defeated (killed) 18,000 armed British troops. They had only assigai spears and ox-hide shields. Present-day brigands can break into armories and steal weapons, overpower local forces and take their weapons, and traffic with black-market troublemakers (no shortage in Africa) to obtain weapons from Angola and Mozambique. They attack unarmed civilians and "necklace" them. Tires and petrol...and a match. Even otherwise peace-loving Zambia had roving gangs of armed factions up to the last election. You sound like Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer: "These natives will be a pushover." History is against you.
All this didn't stop Robert Mugabe from imposing a reign of terror and driving out the white farmers from Zimbabwe, plunging the nation into starvation and penury.
What gives you the idea that any passage of time will solve a nation's problems? We've been around for ~250 years and, boy, do we have problems!
First the US shouldn't be involved in anything to do with any money going to any nation or group within a nation that did what they did in Congo or Zimbabwe.
Second: once any whites in South Africa leave that nation should be cut off completely. No trade, no nothing.
It seems to me that a demonic influence has taken over their leaders.
That's cool and all, but they've been there fighting since before the US was a country. They don't want to be Americans, they just want America amd Europe to quit forcing them to be ruled by genocidal communists.
Sure, let in all the white people, lol.
You know that is going to be the leftist narrative on this.
I love it! Elon is having fun with being an African American who just happens to be white.
I'd rather have 100% of the white farmers from SA come here, above any other Africans who will be nothing but a drag on our society.
I want a prisoner exchange.
Ship out the liberals that hate America.
dont stop at liberals that hate america. How about anyone that hates it and says horrible shit about their countrymen and any of these beautiful united states? Losers all of them.
You're a drag on society. You don't see Africans in unemployment lines. They are strictly here for the hustle.
Lmao, most Africans are on welfare.
And they ARENT in any job lines because they don't work. So no need to get in a line.
Please go look at the percentage of African migrants on welfare, vs native people, from any white county.
Most migrants are fucking welfare black holes and don't produce much for their body country
I don't know any Africans on welfare and you don't either. Nigerians can hustle women out their savings while living in said mudhut tho. Nigerians are entrepreneurs all over the world as matter of fact. They won't leave any money on the table. That'd be stupid. That's pimping not simpin' baby boy. I don't blame you for being nervous. America needs more Jesus people if anything.
The statistics show otherwise.
Both in America, and in Europe.
Maybe you're a shill, maybe you're paid to push agendas, or maybe you are just uninformed, but either way you refuse to look at the data on the topic and are I lying going off the two or three people you personally know. Which is meaningless info compared to the Millions Of others
I never joke about Jesus Christ Lots of white folk on Welfare and everything Blacks using to survive life . This Country is filthy with Anti Christ folk. We need more Holy Ghost Christians instead of greedy selfish folk. Those greedy folk aren't going to leave SA. They want to get America involved in some concocted Foreign Affairs Bs. They haven't drop the Epstien files so they distract with this mess.
That's why I am telling you to GO LOOK AT THE FUCKING STATISTICS AND FACTS...
I don't give a shit what you FEEL is happening, the facts and statistics show that you are dead wrong
Trump building a foreign nazi division reeee
Fking hilarious username 🤣
It's NOT just the white farmers. White people in nearly every profession are being persecuted in South Africa.
Perhaps expand that definition to White Farmers or any other White or Mixed Race persons in South Africa who can show that they are being persecuted due to their race... and who have skills useful to the American economy if they are relocated here.
NO welfare. You come here, we help you get established, you find a job and work for a living like everyone else.
Yeah, even white tourists have been getting attacked recently. The more that flee also makes those remaining into an even more vulnerable minority
Exactly We have enough victims of victimhood
Give those farmers some of the land belonging to crooked Bill gates!
Yep and China's land too.
It sucks that white South Africans need to flee the country they've lived in for generations, but they are welcome in the US with open arms. White genocide is very real and as much as I'm tired of taking in refugees, we should be taking in white ones before the white race goes extinct. I also would be in favor of taking in Christians from Syria who are currently facing genocide from Islamists. Or maybe we take over Gaza and turn it in to the middle east's first Christian nation that can serve as refuge for all of the Christians in the region.
Democrat leaders screaming RACISM!!!!!! in 3..2..1
Because it is. Fast Track citizens just Because they're White?
He didn't do it for Christian Nigerians being killed by Muslims. Or other Christians either.
There ya go Purkiss80. Get packing!
Now watch the enemies of whites world wide scream and cry racism. There is one race on the earth that is being systematically genocided, and it isn't any of the ones crying racism.
Dude white man will marry a brown woman or Asian woman. quicker than a white white woman.
quicker than a fat women, thats for sure.
They marry fat ones too. Don't believe the Television. See it all the time in America. They pay for that Latina and Asian goodness but their precious white skin is diluted tho. Their Children are nice looking.
Yes, these are the truly repressed!
Where you at, u/purkiss
they need to go somewhere else it's not safe for them here
Not sure where you live but this country has been safe for all the christians i know. Thats why they are able to do all of the things they do with their church community. All kinds of outreach and public service often done in the most depressed parts of town. Never heard anyone from my church talk about being afraid for their safety. lol. Get out more, you!!
MAWA. ;0)
I'm for it. Bring in all the whites from South Africa and deport every illegal in the country. Every single one of them have to go. All no if ands or but's.
First they have to figure out somehow how to transfer their money and wealth here.
Trump should send a 'diplomatic' group to South Africa and say this....'All whites are invited to move to the US, and if anyone gets in the way the penalty will be something deep'....I know I have to watch what I say because 'optics'.
Now can we do the same for Nigerian Christians or other Christians being persecuted. Be sure to fast track them.
No. Next question?
Do it for one group gotta do it for all Christians. Affirmative Action is over. That's the law baby. Don't forget the Palestinian Christians under attack by Israel forces.
Why do you hate Jesus people? We need more battle tested Christians in America. Not more Catholics and Jews.
We getting rid of talented immigrants to bring in more foolish people that we have nothing in common with other than skin tone.
There is no "We," I don't want any of them here.
I can dig it.
you already know.
It crossed my mind. We have Christians all over the world being tormented nothing is done for them. This is a good time to expose people's hearts.
you already know that this isnt that. maybe next time around..
Fast tracking productive people who will open farms and contribute to our society? Crazy right? The left will go crazy and I love it.
American people do farming just fine when you get the government out the way. Did you forget that we feed the World? The last thing American farmers need is more competition for farmland. People need to think with their brain instead of their skin tone.
Let me know how many farms were lost over the past 4 years. Then tell me about how we don't need more farmers.
You are making u/1baldeagle 's point
Farms were lost due to Government interference and allowing big businesses to invade farmers and buy up land. Practically every one in America can grow a garden or farm if they have property.
Obviously they will arrive to new farms. Thats just the way things work for immigrants. Farmers from Africa.
There's something amiss about this, on the level of the deed undone. We are standing by for racial tyranny, and all we can offer is an escape route? It's like watching Robert Mugabe all over again. I don't know what the right answer is.
I saw a map recently that showed the racial density of blacks in South Africa. It was mainly in the eastern half of the country. One might imagine a partition with the whites in the western third. This is an idle thought. I suppose nothing good will happen unless the better element in the black population wakes up and realize this is Zimbabwe all over again, and they cannot go in that direction. The EFF must be curbed by the blacks themselves. It is maybe a sad blessing that Alan Paton does not have to live through this.
It's not as simple as Blacks v. Whites
There are several black races (mostly immigrants) who don't get along with each other. The English Whites are not exactly best buddies with the Dutch Whites either. Not so simple as draw a line on a map.
Oh, I'm aware of that. There are multiple tribes in South Africa alone. But they have taken a lynch-mob attitude toward (e.g.) Zambians and Ugandans working in SA, under the umbrage that they are "stealing" jobs from the layabout locals.
It would be surprising if there was much good blood between the Boers and their oppressors. I am mindful of the Irish and the British.
Blacks don't have any guns or money to fight anything. They wouldn't last 3 weeks. The demons use loud mouth negros to talk foolishness to forment a skirmish that's meant to enable them to steal everything thing. 300 years and that nation can't solve their problems? That makes no sense.
Man, you need to read up on the battle of Isandlwana, where 20,000 Zulu warriors defeated (killed) 18,000 armed British troops. They had only assigai spears and ox-hide shields. Present-day brigands can break into armories and steal weapons, overpower local forces and take their weapons, and traffic with black-market troublemakers (no shortage in Africa) to obtain weapons from Angola and Mozambique. They attack unarmed civilians and "necklace" them. Tires and petrol...and a match. Even otherwise peace-loving Zambia had roving gangs of armed factions up to the last election. You sound like Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer: "These natives will be a pushover." History is against you.
All this didn't stop Robert Mugabe from imposing a reign of terror and driving out the white farmers from Zimbabwe, plunging the nation into starvation and penury.
What gives you the idea that any passage of time will solve a nation's problems? We've been around for ~250 years and, boy, do we have problems!
I get ya.
First the US shouldn't be involved in anything to do with any money going to any nation or group within a nation that did what they did in Congo or Zimbabwe.
Second: once any whites in South Africa leave that nation should be cut off completely. No trade, no nothing.
It seems to me that a demonic influence has taken over their leaders.
That's cool and all, but they've been there fighting since before the US was a country. They don't want to be Americans, they just want America amd Europe to quit forcing them to be ruled by genocidal communists.