Kash said the first thing he would do as FBI Director would be to release the Epstein evidence. Pam Bondi said the evidence was sitting on her desk. We have seen several posts recently asking us all to be patient with the release of the Epstein evidence, this is crucial, don't listen to the shills. Kash and Pam were more or less increasing the enemy's anxiety, see if they would make any stupid moves.
At the same time we have Anna Paulina Luna telling us she will release the evidence behind the JFK assassination. The National Archives announced a new webpage that will house the newly released JFK assassination evidence as it is released. Applying more tension and pain. Here is my post from earlier:
The Epstein evidence will show the Israeli Mossad used the island honey trap to lure and blackmail many members of our government and elite. Ghislane Maxwell's father was part of the Israeli Mossad.
Similarly, the JFK files will lead back to Israel as well. JFK planned on preventing Israel from obtaining nuke capabilities using international laws and 6-month inspections at its nuke sites.
Once JFK was assassinated and Johnson took control, all the concern over Israel becoming a nuclear armed state wasn't discussed any longer. Investigations of Israeli nuke sites never happened.
Would the Zionist kill our President to get their hands on nukes, I think the answer is yes. RFK Jr said the CIA was involved, I think the CIA and Mossad were working together.
We have Epstein/Maxwell evidence and JFK assassination coming into public view at the same exact time. Q told us there would be a D5 avalanche of information coming. However, I don't think the Epstein/JFK release will happen first. Perhaps in December. Israel is saved for last. The military will deal with this. (international)
Epstein evidence was being held at the SDNY. Same place the Clinton Foundation Investigation and several laptop investigations were stonewalled. We saw the article about a caravan of vehicles from the FBI entering SDNY after Patel was confirmed.
Between now and December we have Clinton Foundation investigation, Huber, Horowitz, laptops from Huma and Hunter, HRC server, DNC server, FISA, pandemic, stolen elections, Diddy, etc. This will be handled by the DOJ and FBI (domestic) You see the house cleaning taking place at the DOJ. Same will most likely happen at the FBI.
There will be many topics to keep us entertained until the Epstein / JFK stuff comes out, be patient. This domestic evidence will be rolled out leading up to the release of stuff tied to Israel. Q team will release everything, drawing connections along the way so the people understand how all of our domestic criminals are linked to the international criminals (globalists). Little dominoes lead to bigger dominoes.
9/11 is connected to Israel too.
Have you come to discover the MK-ULTRA patsy (Manchurian Candidate) who was selected and blamed for RFK's assassination SIRHAN SIRHAN was PALESTINIAN?
almost like setting up an arabs to be scapegoats and patsys is in their interest
I have believed for a long while that all of the intelligence agencies CIA, MOSSAD, MI6, all Five Eyes are controlled by the cabal, and the head of the cabal is Israel.
Israel is the keystone to their control, and the control was to come to fruit with Israel controlling the ME oil and gas. It is the reason the US was conquering countries in the ME. Trump said we got nothing, not even the oil. We were only there to bleed and die. We were never going to get that oil and gas. In fact the agenda to shut down pipelines, and fracking in the US was to make sure we were dependent on that ME oil and gas just like the rest of the developed world.
The US military has been used as the enforcement arm of the globalists, doing the bidding of international bankers.
Iraq was invaded because Sadam said he wasn't taking fiat currency for his oil, he wanted gold. This threatened the fiat petro dollar and the ponzi scheme the Federal Reserve was running.
Here is a video of Wesley Clark explaining how we were going to take out 7 countries in 5 years. Go to the 1:20 mark, listen to the countries he names. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran. We invaded all of them except Iran. What did these countries have in common at the time? None of them had a international bank within its borders.
Today, Russia, China and Iran have closed financial systems. Media likes to label the rulers of Iran and Russia as tyrants. China is the medias golden boy. Why do these countries close their financial systems to outside influence? They are protecting themselves from international bankers.
The modern nation-state of Israel was set up by the cabal to be a scapegoat for everything [they've] done since WW2
Trump knows this and won't be playing into [their] plan, even when the truth about Israeli / Mossad involvement in 9/11 and other atrocities are revealed.
No, it was created for the Greater Israel project, which is to be the center of the NWO, once the population is decreased by 95%, as per the Georgia guide stones.
Forest for the trees, fren.
Tomato/ Tomato
That is exactly what Israel was created for, and it is also why General Wesley Clark told the world the US would over throw seven countries in five years. The United States cabal used the US military as the attack dog to clear the way for Greater Israel. We got absolutely nothing out of those wars, not even the oil as Trump stated a number of times.
slippery slope as we have an awful lot of people in the admin still carrying water for Israel [at least publicly] -The way they roll this out and more importantly in the way they frame the info is what is really going to be tricky. You have entirely too many people that want to believe with all their hearts that Israel is an eternal good and anyone who goes against Israel is immediately branded as bad. It's going to take a lot to unravel this for the normies and is more than irritating so far as how much time we as anons have known certain things -patience being key and I think we've more than shown we have patience- "on her desk, ..says he will release when... says she'll do this if...." -It goes on and on. Puke inducing to say the least but as Q said, and I trust, "in the end God wins."
also, -hell of a write up and resolve on how you put your post together. Very well written and excellently explained. -many thanks Jhartz. much appreciated. 🍻
This is why Trump must maintain his fake alliance with Israel, Too many blackmailed deepstate politicians and normies who defend Israel as our greatest ally.
🎯 spot on! 🍻
That's what I think too. Trump plays a deep game.
EVERYTHING connects back to Israel! This is why they're being saved for last. Last is the absolute proof that they're responsible for every evil act in the US in the past 60 years. Now, how to deal with it.
US and worldwide.
I’m starting to think western civilization is a giant pedo ring.
It is!
The power structure certainly is
Been on this train since the first few Q posts. So much popcorn has been devoured, more than normal. I lost, i gained in many ways. Despite what may or may not happen, I will look towards the future with a stupid look on my face. LFG!!!
Israel for last
I don't think the Epstein evidence will be released because it is EVIDENCE for criminal prosecutions! Would you rather have that evidence released, and then have the criminals likely never prosecuted, or wait until there are trials, where the evidence will be presented in court? They might STILL not be convicted, but at least the criminals would be fully revealed to the public in an undeniable manner. (as it is now, people would claim "Oh, that's just fake right-wing propaganda!") JFK assassination and 9/11 info is a different matter.
I like your thinking on this. And, to add to it, if some of the investigations involved foreign countries, selling secrets and treason, then we're probably looking at military tribunals. It would be amazing if we had 17 tribunals going on at one time plus civilian trials going on too. We could clean out the swamp plus expose to the world what's been going on.
Releasing evidence to the public doesn't make it inadmissible in court. It can still be presented by prosecutors and disputed by the defense. Plus, the defense is entitled to see the evidence before trial through discovery, so they can prepare their case. Public disclosure doesn't 'taint' evidence. Basic legal concepts, folks.
Then why are big cases out there where the defense claims the jury pool is "tainted" because they have seen, heard, or read, about evidence in the case before it has gone to trial, often requiring a change in venue. This evidence would be so widespread there would be no location where people wouldn't have seen, heard, or read, about it.
X post from DJT on 8/29/2018
I think major disclosure isn't happening this year. I think we will hear about it all year cause the fact is, on here, we know what these releases will show/prove while the left has no real grasp (possibly throw some rinos into the fire first to let the fish bite you know). Jfk, 9/11, epstien, Diddy, weiner, hunter, clinton server data, they all will be used as bait to make the ppl involved panic and do stupid moves. I would guess when the time is right, possibly next year sometime related to July 4 would be the best time. This gives DOGE, DOD, FBI, DOJ to right their own sinking ships and prepare for the retaliation from the deep state which will come.
Julie Green's prophesy on Mar 6 said:
"My children the Epstein files are being blocked and hidden from the public to save the financial system and the Deep State’s complete collapse that will send not only this nation into chaos it will seem like most other nations and govts around the world will too."
At minute 29:10
IMO that is all kayfabe. The WHs/NSA/Q team have the files already.
...when the ' oblisks ' are removed and destroyed we will truely b free
I remember the jesuit's did an audit on the Clinton Foundation and found that WJC took vacations, purchased many personal items from the Foundation, and they reported it to the IRS and gave testimony in Congress under oath, nothing ever happened the teflon president.
A full hand release...
It's so silly to think that Pappa Trump and Q team 'wouldn't know this' when the NSA is literally tapped into everyone on the planet's digital information like the end of the Dark Knight.