"Endangerment Finding: The Administrator finds that the current and projected concentrations of the six key well-mixed greenhouse gases—carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)—in the atmosphere threaten the public health and welfare of current and future generations.
Cause or Contribute Finding: The Administrator finds that the combined emissions of these well-mixed greenhouse gases from new motor vehicles and new motor vehicle engines contribute to the greenhouse gas pollution that threatens public health and welfare."
This was the beginning of the Greens draining the life-blood from the US economy, by declaring CO2 and methane "pollutants". Both of these are naturally occurring chemicals and indeed our bodies produce them. By declaring things that produce these chemicals "polluters", the EPA and the rest of the Gummint were able to regulate just about everything.
Just a simpleton retired U.S.Navy EOD diver's perspective here on greenhouse climate change gases...
The ball of gas that envelopes our home consists of the following:
Nitrogen: 79%,
Oxgen: 20.8%, all other known gases: 0.2%
Now the bad guy, the culprit of rising temps, ice melting, floods and other mayhem of no good, Carbon Dioxide: 0.004%. Plant life will cease to exist if CO2 drops below 0.002%. In fact, the more CO2, the healthier our plant life, the healthier our ambient air we breathe. So to keep the climate change gurus confused, keep breathing air and making CO2 and grow plants!!!
Legal disclaimer... this is just based on a dumb Navy divers point of view and no plants or animals were harmed in the writing of this common sense point of view. If you disagree, feel free to wrap a plastic bag around your head to keep your carbon footprint in check to save the planet. Good luck..... LOL
@marvinthehaggler... this was not directed towards you, but rather to augment your argument!
Yup, and they use(d) it to demonize the basic chemistry/science of how life "operates" on earth.
The formula for photosynthesis is 6CO2+6H2O->C6H12O6+6O2
6 carbon dioxide molecules and 6 water molecules produce 1 glucose molecule and 6 (LIFE-SUSTAINING) oxygen molecules.
Trees/forests, other plants and crops/farms are good. Plants (which plant-eaters consume) take in carbon dioxide and water and produce glucose (which helps them grow) and oxygen (thereby providing food and "cleansing" the air).
Planting plants is a much better approach to lessen the fake "climate crisis" than capturing and burying CO2 or blocking out the sun with chemicals and other substances that kill off plants and starve humans and animals in an endless death loop (UNLESS THAT is the goal).
Years ago, environmentalists used to say something like, "Save the planet, plant a tree." Today, it's more like, "Save the planet, pursue (expensive, deadly/toxic) 'climate technologies' and 'eliminate'(/depopulate) almost every living creature on it (except the 'elites', who will be able to pollute and live however they please, and a handful of subservient minions)."
Oil & Gas? Drill baby drill?
Drill baby drill. This.
Hopefully, this means deregulation in all facets of the federal government. This should open the floodgates for businesses.
Do ‘em like dunk tanks…quarter a throw…
Just think of the suspense when people with little or no baseball experience step up…
All Biden’s acts being null & void?
Well there's deregulation @EPA
RE: https://greatawakening.win/p/19AdzBA9px/breaking-epa--is-initiating-31-h/c/
And FCC:
Where/What else?
These ☝️ are the only things that I'm aware of and they are YUGE!
"Endangerment Finding: The Administrator finds that the current and projected concentrations of the six key well-mixed greenhouse gases—carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)—in the atmosphere threaten the public health and welfare of current and future generations. Cause or Contribute Finding: The Administrator finds that the combined emissions of these well-mixed greenhouse gases from new motor vehicles and new motor vehicle engines contribute to the greenhouse gas pollution that threatens public health and welfare."
This was the beginning of the Greens draining the life-blood from the US economy, by declaring CO2 and methane "pollutants". Both of these are naturally occurring chemicals and indeed our bodies produce them. By declaring things that produce these chemicals "polluters", the EPA and the rest of the Gummint were able to regulate just about everything.
Just a simpleton retired U.S.Navy EOD diver's perspective here on greenhouse climate change gases... The ball of gas that envelopes our home consists of the following: Nitrogen: 79%, Oxgen: 20.8%, all other known gases: 0.2%
Now the bad guy, the culprit of rising temps, ice melting, floods and other mayhem of no good, Carbon Dioxide: 0.004%. Plant life will cease to exist if CO2 drops below 0.002%. In fact, the more CO2, the healthier our plant life, the healthier our ambient air we breathe. So to keep the climate change gurus confused, keep breathing air and making CO2 and grow plants!!!
Legal disclaimer... this is just based on a dumb Navy divers point of view and no plants or animals were harmed in the writing of this common sense point of view. If you disagree, feel free to wrap a plastic bag around your head to keep your carbon footprint in check to save the planet. Good luck..... LOL
@marvinthehaggler... this was not directed towards you, but rather to augment your argument!
Based upon our understanding of the historical records, we are currently at a historic-ish low for CO2. These Green Ghouls can go fuck themselves.
Yeah.. the noise of reducing CO2 is being pushed will spell doom for the planet, but that's what they want..
Yup, and they use(d) it to demonize the basic chemistry/science of how life "operates" on earth.
The formula for photosynthesis is 6CO2+6H2O->C6H12O6+6O2
6 carbon dioxide molecules and 6 water molecules produce 1 glucose molecule and 6 (LIFE-SUSTAINING) oxygen molecules.
Trees/forests, other plants and crops/farms are good. Plants (which plant-eaters consume) take in carbon dioxide and water and produce glucose (which helps them grow) and oxygen (thereby providing food and "cleansing" the air).
Planting plants is a much better approach to lessen the fake "climate crisis" than capturing and burying CO2 or blocking out the sun with chemicals and other substances that kill off plants and starve humans and animals in an endless death loop (UNLESS THAT is the goal).
Years ago, environmentalists used to say something like, "Save the planet, plant a tree." Today, it's more like, "Save the planet, pursue (expensive, deadly/toxic) 'climate technologies' and 'eliminate'(/depopulate) almost every living creature on it (except the 'elites', who will be able to pollute and live however they please, and a handful of subservient minions)."
I do think that most/all of these Green Ghouls are anti-human.
giving us back our own electricity?
The workday is over. Looks like two more weeks.
Good tje economy can run again.
Well? Any updates?
Hmmmm.....wonder what Lee thinks is "most consequential"? Should be good. ☺️