It still boggles my mind that a private server kept completely for the purpose of evading public FOIA oversight that was completely hacked by foreign powers, and was administered by an IT guy so incompetent he actually went on reddit to ask how to wipe hillarys name out of anything illegal was Ok'd by the department of justice. And that same DoJ went on to imply they were not going to okay anyone else doing teh same thing, so even they admit it was a crime. DoJ itself fears being arkancided.
Robin Ware is the name of Harold Ware's son. Harold had connections to Delaware, Wilmington and others in Pennsylvania. He founded the Ware Group. Look it up.
At best Biden is sending a strong message regarding his choice of email alias and at worst he could literally be a spy in the US government.
Unless charges are bring filed, and arrests, or at least subpoenas, are taking place/being issued, I don’t care what some journalist claims anymore. Even if he’s reporting something I want to be true/is true. If a police officer or a judge isn’t involved, it’s hearsay at this point. Even if it’s true, it’s nothing until it’s something.
It wasn't biden: he has no clue how to use email. It was his handlers.
Apparently not as pro as killary private server in chapaqua
It still boggles my mind that a private server kept completely for the purpose of evading public FOIA oversight that was completely hacked by foreign powers, and was administered by an IT guy so incompetent he actually went on reddit to ask how to wipe hillarys name out of anything illegal was Ok'd by the department of justice. And that same DoJ went on to imply they were not going to okay anyone else doing teh same thing, so even they admit it was a crime. DoJ itself fears being arkancided.
even when he was VP?
I'm sure he could use e- mail in his prime.
Chyna Joe! Numbah wun citzen!
din do nufin. kek
Of course he would use a private email.
He told us that he sold a lot of state secrets. Just like he told us about the biggest voter fraud organization, and that he was 30 she was 12.
Neat way to get classified stuff into Google. Run it through their gmail servers.
This has ready been proven to be legal. Classified markings only apply to the common folk.
I'm sensing a theme here.
so did Killary, yet still no arrests...
We .. have... It ... ALL!!
What documents?
they are classified so they won't tell us. kek
Robin Ware is the name of Harold Ware's son. Harold had connections to Delaware, Wilmington and others in Pennsylvania. He founded the Ware Group. Look it up.
At best Biden is sending a strong message regarding his choice of email alias and at worst he could literally be a spy in the US government.
Since , Jill was most likely running things per instruction. We can expect alot more framing of ol' FJB.
Robert L. Peters is one pseudonym I recall.
Hunter saved his phone number under the name Pedo Peter, didn't he?
FBI raid when?
Unless charges are bring filed, and arrests, or at least subpoenas, are taking place/being issued, I don’t care what some journalist claims anymore. Even if he’s reporting something I want to be true/is true. If a police officer or a judge isn’t involved, it’s hearsay at this point. Even if it’s true, it’s nothing until it’s something.