Imagine her (?) disappointment when she learns that if archaeologists dig up her bones in 3,000 years they'll never once use the word "turtle" in their analysis.
Terrapins live in fresh water. Turtles live in salt water. Tortoises (pictured) live on land. If you're going to pretend to be an animal, you should really know the difference.
The fact that she sits on Oregons mental heath board Actually reveals as much or More about Oregon and this Board than it does about the, uuuh, Turtle… ( I’m sure she’d Appreciate me using her proper Pronoun🤔😂😂)
Is Mitch McConnell in this competition?
Top comment.
Imagine her (?) disappointment when she learns that if archaeologists dig up her bones in 3,000 years they'll never once use the word "turtle" in their analysis.
Mental illness.
Terrapins live in fresh water. Turtles live in salt water. Tortoises (pictured) live on land. If you're going to pretend to be an animal, you should really know the difference.
The fact that she sits on Oregons mental heath board Actually reveals as much or More about Oregon and this Board than it does about the, uuuh, Turtle… ( I’m sure she’d Appreciate me using her proper Pronoun🤔😂😂)
Spelled wrong.
It's not TurTle, it's TurDle....
Di she is slow in both horizontal speed and mentally.
True, but McConnell does it even better, and he doesn't even identify as one, to the best of my knowledge...
Clown world intensifies! Only at the precipice will they find the will to change!
Who wore it best. . Her or McConnell?
Do tuttles stick their heads-up their asses?
I don't recall any Republicans who are in power who dentify as another species or even as a transgender. Must just be a lib illness.