While that may sound good, it destroys the rule of law -- and we've been told that this must be done according to the law.
If Trump did this, and the Democrats ever got back into the White House, it would take less than a month before we wouldn't even recognize our own country.
If the Demonrats get back into power anytime soon, they will destroy the country anyway. It's the leftist judges who are destroying the rule of law, not the President.
In fact, President Trump swore an oath to defend the Constitution, thus ignoring radical judicial rulings that are contra to the Article II powers of the President, are his DUTY.
That certainly would be nice. Unfortunately, there are a lot of stupid people in the country (i.e. white female college graduates) and that is the X factor.
I say that and, at first, no words or thoughts came to me. When my brain got done laughing so hard, it occurred to me just how deep in the woods the Demonrat Party is.
The country’s dumbest woman at the head of the ticket and America’s oldest Bolshevik grifter on the bottom. You just make this shit up.
Yeah, that’s why I’m not really worried about them anymore. We need to remember we’re watching a movie. All has happened already, but I hate this reality lag time
Lincoln ignored Chief Justice Taney and suspended Habeas Corpus. We are in similar latitudes as then. We have Constitutional crises happening all around us. This judicial overreach is a prime example. We are faced with conspiracy and collusion by treasonous snakes riddled throughout our government. Their intent is depopulation and enslavement. Sometimes you have to break an egg.
The only way, under the Constitution, to get rid of President Trump is through impeachment. Given the current majority in the house and senate--fat chance. I say he ignores all these bizarre leftists judges, tells them to pound sand and continues making America great again.
As long as he ignores the crazy rulings, the majority of people will support him. I think it would be wise for President Trump to soon address the nation and explain why he will be ignoring the warfare decisions of leftist judges.
Formerly everyone here would likely have recoiled at the suggestion of such a shady tactic. (We're not normally the 'Screw it, let's just violate judges' orders and then get a pardon!' side. :)
Then the presidential pardon was abused insanely; and our system of justice (which would work fine if followed faithfully) was weaponized to violate the rights of Donald and Melania Trump and, by extension, ALL private American citizens. It was done in a grotesque, exaggerated, pornographic way that was so grossly disgusting and abusive, so viscerally offensive to everyone with a moral compass or even common decency, that it changed the rules of play.
Pardoning those abused by our (in)justice system is something Trump is already famous for. In both terms of office he has freed nonviolent offenders sentenced to either totally invalid or unduly harsh prison terms, most recently the J6 Hostage Heroes.
No one on earth, especially in a constitutional Republic, should be imprisoned for defending free and fair, democratically administered elections. Likewise, no one should be imprisoned for helping to remove violent alien criminals from our country.
These Judges are all compromised. Every single one of them has engaged in their own fraud and criminality and they are chosen for these cases 'randomly' because of the ease with which they can be controlled through blackmail.
While that may sound good, it destroys the rule of law -- and we've been told that this must be done according to the law.
If Trump did this, and the Democrats ever got back into the White House, it would take less than a month before we wouldn't even recognize our own country.
This has to be done right.
If the Demonrats get back into power anytime soon, they will destroy the country anyway. It's the leftist judges who are destroying the rule of law, not the President.
In fact, President Trump swore an oath to defend the Constitution, thus ignoring radical judicial rulings that are contra to the Article II powers of the President, are his DUTY.
bottom line the Democrats cannot be in power ever again..........
That certainly would be nice. Unfortunately, there are a lot of stupid people in the country (i.e. white female college graduates) and that is the X factor.
You mean unattractive dorks!
hopefully there is time to turn a bunch away from the dark side
The D party will not be a factor in the 2026 election, and I would hazard a guess that it will not even exist in any recognizable form by 2028.
Regrettably, I fear it will exist and still be stronger than it should be. Never underestimate the power of stupid people.
They're talking about running Bernie and AOC in '28.
I say that and, at first, no words or thoughts came to me. When my brain got done laughing so hard, it occurred to me just how deep in the woods the Demonrat Party is.
The country’s dumbest woman at the head of the ticket and America’s oldest Bolshevik grifter on the bottom. You just make this shit up.
Yeah, that’s why I’m not really worried about them anymore. We need to remember we’re watching a movie. All has happened already, but I hate this reality lag time
Lincoln ignored Chief Justice Taney and suspended Habeas Corpus. We are in similar latitudes as then. We have Constitutional crises happening all around us. This judicial overreach is a prime example. We are faced with conspiracy and collusion by treasonous snakes riddled throughout our government. Their intent is depopulation and enslavement. Sometimes you have to break an egg.
This is the only reason I can think of, that's holding Trump back from doing it.
Is it the rule of law that any federal judge can block any action of the president?
Asking for a friend ;p
Fight fire with fire.
True Dat.
The only way, under the Constitution, to get rid of President Trump is through impeachment. Given the current majority in the house and senate--fat chance. I say he ignores all these bizarre leftists judges, tells them to pound sand and continues making America great again.
As long as he ignores the crazy rulings, the majority of people will support him. I think it would be wise for President Trump to soon address the nation and explain why he will be ignoring the warfare decisions of leftist judges.
And CJ Roberts can suck on that really hard!
Considering District Court are not Constitutionally valid so Trump can ignore them without legitimate legal consequences.
Only the prospect of an illegitimate impeachment, the sole remedy under the Constitution.
Well ge better take them down before we go through all that impeachment crap again.
Clever OP, anon
Formerly everyone here would likely have recoiled at the suggestion of such a shady tactic. (We're not normally the 'Screw it, let's just violate judges' orders and then get a pardon!' side. :)
Then the presidential pardon was abused insanely; and our system of justice (which would work fine if followed faithfully) was weaponized to violate the rights of Donald and Melania Trump and, by extension, ALL private American citizens. It was done in a grotesque, exaggerated, pornographic way that was so grossly disgusting and abusive, so viscerally offensive to everyone with a moral compass or even common decency, that it changed the rules of play.
Pardoning those abused by our (in)justice system is something Trump is already famous for. In both terms of office he has freed nonviolent offenders sentenced to either totally invalid or unduly harsh prison terms, most recently the J6 Hostage Heroes.
No one on earth, especially in a constitutional Republic, should be imprisoned for defending free and fair, democratically administered elections. Likewise, no one should be imprisoned for helping to remove violent alien criminals from our country.
These Judges are all compromised. Every single one of them has engaged in their own fraud and criminality and they are chosen for these cases 'randomly' because of the ease with which they can be controlled through blackmail.
He won't need to.
Someone please tag our guy