This even extends to your church's world outreach donations. I discovered that some of the money that my church was collecting for missions was ending up in the pockets of rebel fighters.
We've all heard it time and time again how only like 5% of our donations go to the actual victims, regardless of cause ...
This is unfortunate because greed seems to be the focus instead of doing the right thing and less are apt to donate anything ever to anyone as a result.
It's a pretty shitty situation.
The ONLY charitable thing I've found is caring for people directly. Buying them a meal, giving out toiletries etc directly. Cash here and there, but you know how that usually goes...
Of course it is. I am 68 and all my life I have heard about starving people in Africa or starving people in other countries. Yet billions and billions and billions have been donated did it improve any ones life? No it did not. These people got zero help.
It pretty much is. Before the 2016 election I was friends with a guy from an arab country on a social networking site on his page he had please USA vote for Trump or something like that.
I can't remember everything he told me but he said all that money the US sends over to feed the hungry in Pakistan goes to train their military.
If people need truly need help like food or clothing or whatever then we need to send them the items they need.
If someone wants a theatre for plays lets send them props and costumes and scripts.
Want ten million to buy condoms lets send 10 million dollars worth of condoms and so on.
Caught this short yesterday it kind of speaks to the situation. They don't want food they don't items, they want money. I'm not saying this is how all homeless are. The people in the video aren't even homeless.
I remember after the Earthquake in Haiti, Bush Sr., and Bill Clinton teamed up for an appeal to send MONEY to Haiti. They actually said not to send food, blankets or anything like that, just money.
I was involved in the Command and Control of the Haiti earthquake search and rescue, at a very low level. One of my duties was to find the details of the international teams that had self-mobilised (and were causing great chaos in the administration). Not a single team answered any of my letters asking for details of their command structures and contact details. A couple of teams coincidently pulled out of the country in a hurry within days of my finding who they were.
Yep It's the same almost every time you see a natural disaster, send money... How much is actually helping anybody and how much is going to admin costs same with homeless situation in places like California people come up with solutions like tiny house communities but this or that stops it and people stay homeless meanwhile those in charge get tons of money from it. You don't make money off the well you make it off the sick.
Yes both foreign and domestic.
Mainstream, yes. Red Cross, UNICEF etc are fronts for supplying children en masse to the elites to rape and eat.
This even extends to your church's world outreach donations. I discovered that some of the money that my church was collecting for missions was ending up in the pockets of rebel fighters.
Given what we know... Yes it is
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!!!! Yes, it is! At this point in my life, I believe it is all a scam!!!!
If you want to help people in need, you really need to do it yourself
Remember the shithole country freak out? Methinks this is why.
Absolutely a lie. It's all that these satanic pedos do.
Yes, yes it is.......
Bigger question. Has any population, other than politicians and their employees, ever benefited from humanitarian aid?
All of it. Nobody has ever helped anybody.
We've all heard it time and time again how only like 5% of our donations go to the actual victims, regardless of cause ...
This is unfortunate because greed seems to be the focus instead of doing the right thing and less are apt to donate anything ever to anyone as a result.
It's a pretty shitty situation.
The ONLY charitable thing I've found is caring for people directly. Buying them a meal, giving out toiletries etc directly. Cash here and there, but you know how that usually goes...
No, but government run is substantially a lie.
Private charities aren't a lie. The church does good around the world still.
Not so sure - did you see the lutheran churches listed with USAID?
Not every church is good, but many are, and overall churches are the largest source of charity.
Only Christians are called to show love to all, even the nonbelievers
spiritual bypass
Of course it is. I am 68 and all my life I have heard about starving people in Africa or starving people in other countries. Yet billions and billions and billions have been donated did it improve any ones life? No it did not. These people got zero help.
It improved A LOT of people's lives.
So many yachts & mansions have been built based on this 'aid'.
It pretty much is. Before the 2016 election I was friends with a guy from an arab country on a social networking site on his page he had please USA vote for Trump or something like that. I can't remember everything he told me but he said all that money the US sends over to feed the hungry in Pakistan goes to train their military. If people need truly need help like food or clothing or whatever then we need to send them the items they need. If someone wants a theatre for plays lets send them props and costumes and scripts. Want ten million to buy condoms lets send 10 million dollars worth of condoms and so on.
Caught this short yesterday it kind of speaks to the situation. They don't want food they don't items, they want money. I'm not saying this is how all homeless are. The people in the video aren't even homeless.
I remember after the Earthquake in Haiti, Bush Sr., and Bill Clinton teamed up for an appeal to send MONEY to Haiti. They actually said not to send food, blankets or anything like that, just money.
I was involved in the Command and Control of the Haiti earthquake search and rescue, at a very low level. One of my duties was to find the details of the international teams that had self-mobilised (and were causing great chaos in the administration). Not a single team answered any of my letters asking for details of their command structures and contact details. A couple of teams coincidently pulled out of the country in a hurry within days of my finding who they were.
Yep It's the same almost every time you see a natural disaster, send money... How much is actually helping anybody and how much is going to admin costs same with homeless situation in places like California people come up with solutions like tiny house communities but this or that stops it and people stay homeless meanwhile those in charge get tons of money from it. You don't make money off the well you make it off the sick.
Hang them ALL!
Can a honky get a meme of an astronaut in a space suit pointing a gun sayin' always wuz or somethin'