NATO membership and boots on the ground are the only way forward if - say it with me - we're going to start WW3, think the psychopathic and narcissistic elitists.
What would they do w/ this puppet? Get another puppet, of course. No better evidence than this buffoon pretending to represent Ukraine and her best interests:
He is the problem.
Most definitely!
Ya, a war mongering lil prick.
I think he will renege on any deal that is made. He just wants the money to keep flowing.
NATO membership and boots on the ground are the only way forward if - say it with me - we're going to start WW3, think the psychopathic and narcissistic elitists.
What would they do w/ this puppet? Get another puppet, of course. No better evidence than this buffoon pretending to represent Ukraine and her best interests:
He knows WW III is the only way to extend his existence.
Absent that, he will not live much longer.
Agreed. He's the perfect puppet so long as he's useful. After that, he's a liability who knows too much.
Is anyone else exhausted by this little asshole?
He's going to hold his breath, and go red in the face. Maybe throw himself on the ground, and stamp feet, to get NATO membership.
Not going to happen tho, because NATO membership means Total Hohol Death. Also NATO death.
Sending troops from Europe will cause civil war in the host countries. I had a dream about that.
The eu is the new Soviet union run out of Brussels and they consider nato their military.
Sorry Charley.
We need out of NATO like yesterday. Then let them dash themselves on the rocks of a Russia that isn’t holding back.
Who cares, not our problem. But if they let Ukraine into NATO while we’re still there, we will be obligated to assist.
good. leave him alone to fix it all. No money or arms from anyone else, especially not the US.
They need to get rid of this grifting loser.