you think sonic booms have somehow stopped happening? like they are so powerful that they changed physics? Could it be that laws have been made that keep sonic booms from occurring around populated areas because of a shitload of reasons? Which sounds more plausable?
I drove from east Oklahoma to the Denver area today and called a friend about the chem trails I saw in southwest Kansas along US 50. They were numerous, evenly spaced and unusually wider than normal. The edges were crisp, straight and didn't move. Very unnatural looking. Strep throat has been going around eastern Oklahoma, an antibiotic resistance strain
Couldn't upvote this fast enough! Personel sacred cows can stunt our awakening. One of those is refusing to see the "golden age" of hollywood was rife with trans. Thank God the veil is lifting on so much of the anti-God evil gaslighting.
I didn't down vote your comment, but to follow-up anti-God Baphomet worship isn't a new thing. I don't know if it would be helpful or not to name names. Evil has been around a long time.
It's true. Shitty people have been doing shitty things to other people for a dang ol long time. And not just here or there. But everywhere. Before the golden age of hollywood in the 1920's, after the golden age of hollywood ended in the 1950'a, and outside of hollywood altogether. I'm just glad there's been mostly good people all along to counter it. Lets be good people, I say.
I love how Trump appointed Stallone and Gibson as his Special Ambassadors to Hollywood!
Just to go down the rabbit hole a bit, pause this video around the 0:32 and 0:33 marks. We need to let our brain see what our eyes are telling us and not let our gaslit heart get in the way.
I didnt see anything out of the ordinary. Of course looking closer at your quotation marks I can see what you are suggesting. I just dont see it.
Wait, you were suggesting Ball was actually a man? Hard disagree.
TN lawmakers voted to ban geoengineering - that went into effect (supposedly) July 1st 2024. They’re still at it. I called Blackburn‘s office last week. I left a message, heard nothing back.
I live in Tennessee, too, and was thinking, "wow, they banned chemtrails and now we're back to our regular rain pattern!"and then I started seeing them again. I don't trust them.
Some days are clear other days there’re trails everywhere - my theory is that the powers that be are overriding the states on a need to know basis because they’re trying to mitigate the effects of either the sun or other space weather that is having an effect on our planet. This they’re keeping on the down low. I’ve been listening to Ben Davidson. His channel was Suspicious Observers, but now it’s changed to Space Weather News, and he talks of this disaster cycle of which we are over the cusp, and nearing the next disaster - for this reason we are seeing crazy weather earthquakes and volcano activity, not because of anything that Man is doing.
I have a lot to say about this apparently taboo subject. But, after reading the comments, I'll keep my thoughts on this subject matter to myself. I just joined and don't want to be banned or worse.
Powerful testimony delivered today by Judge Bradford L. Thomas in support of Florida's Weather Modification Bill SB56 sponsored by
This bill will prohibit and criminalize weather modification activities in Florida. Bradford L. Thomas was a former Judge and criminal justice prosecutor who also previously served for the Bush Administration as a Policy Safety Coordinator for Criminal Justice and also previously served as an Environmental Lawyer for Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection. He gave a very compelling testimony and was highly received by the Committee because of his credentials. In his opinion, $100,000 fines for each incidence of weather modification isn’t enough—he believes it should be a felony and those who do this and are behind these activities should serve a minimum of 5 years in state prison.
The Weather Modification Bill passed through Committee on Agriculture, Environment and General Government with a 10-2 Vote. 3/18/25
Florida Sky Watchers Powerful testimony delivered today by Judge Bradford L. Thomas in support of Florida's Weather Modification Bill SB56 sponsored by
This bill will prohibit and criminalize weather modification activities in Florida. Bradford L. Thomas was a former Judge and criminal justice prosecutor who also previously served for the Bush Administration as a Policy Safety Coordinator for Criminal Justice and also previously served as an Environmental Lawyer for Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection. He gave a very compelling testimony and was highly received by the Committee because of his credentials. In his opinion, $100,000 fines for each incidence of weather modification isn’t enough—he believes it should be a felony and those who do this and are behind these activities should serve a minimum of 5 years in state prison.
The Weather Modification Bill passed through Committee on Agriculture, Environment and General Government with a 10-2 Vote. 3/18/25
Looks like a bunch of comments were deleted from here. It's absurd to lump this topic in with the likes of Flat Earth, Bigfoot, moon landings and such because this directly affects our world, our health and wellness, and our sovereignty.
If you notice, even if the contrails were nefarious, the percentage of sky coverage is so small (in most cases where you see them) that it seems it would be minimally significant in doing anything. And the reports of people on the ground smelling something doesn't make sense at all since it would take several days for particles of the size the contrails are made of to settle, if they even ever do.
CS is essentially just the word for what is coming out of those bioengineering cloud seeding planes. They are pumping the sky with chemicals in attempts to manipulate the weather to make it rain. The trails of these chemicals being shot into the sky is visible. What else would you call it?
gotta keep yo head on a swivel. everybody is trying to kill us at all times! so it doesnt really matter when you're trying to stay full on lit. In my day they called it paranoia.
Speaking of SoCal…. Remember the Malathion helicopter spraying? Late ‘80s early ‘90s. The great Medfly panic. KPFK (the openly communist radio station) were a lonely voice against it.
Yeah makes no sense. For that matter Q is fringe to most of the world. Hell this is far from fringe, we've been spraying/seeding to change the weather since at least 1967 in 'Nam. Operation Popeye (Make Mud Not War) used to flood the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
Did you also trust POTUS when he made the mRNA clot shot available? Thankfully many of us stood our ground and knew better. We must retain our critics thinking skills and not fall back into the herd of sheep. While I agree and hope there could be a plan we still need to continue to speak out on issues and people we do not agree with. POTUS is not God and as any human is capable of making mistakes. Whether this was a mistake or a planned move only time will tell but speaking up and against it NOW is important IMO.
We didn’t have lingering “contrails” when I was young. We would watch watch planes and make a game of how long the contrail would last.
They told us we’ve always had lingering contrails but I’m not gonna be gaslit over this.
Their new BS is that the “newer engines” emit contrails that last.
I’m happy to call it geoengineering or whatever because I don’t know what is causing it. I just know that it exists and it didn’t in the past.
We also had sonic booms that would make you poop your pants.
you think sonic booms have somehow stopped happening? like they are so powerful that they changed physics? Could it be that laws have been made that keep sonic booms from occurring around populated areas because of a shitload of reasons? Which sounds more plausable?
Praise God and Hallelujah!!!
I drove from east Oklahoma to the Denver area today and called a friend about the chem trails I saw in southwest Kansas along US 50. They were numerous, evenly spaced and unusually wider than normal. The edges were crisp, straight and didn't move. Very unnatural looking. Strep throat has been going around eastern Oklahoma, an antibiotic resistance strain
you must be terrified
Not a bit.
To anyone who questions the reality of chemtrails, all you have to do is look up. You can literally watch them. Stop being a gullible idiot.
NOT Ohio
My own experience. Not anecdotal. Right over my head. Deeply disturbing. Deep State evil at its finest.
I came to you, my friends, and was disrespected, again.
Now I see dozens of important articles go right on by that I no longer post.
Censorship is censorship. Trust is broken.
Either everything is okay, or nothing is.
I hope Texas is in there.
Couldn't upvote this fast enough! Personel sacred cows can stunt our awakening. One of those is refusing to see the "golden age" of hollywood was rife with trans. Thank God the veil is lifting on so much of the anti-God evil gaslighting.
The 1920's to the 1950's in Hollywood were rife with transgenderism?
I didn't down vote your comment, but to follow-up anti-God Baphomet worship isn't a new thing. I don't know if it would be helpful or not to name names. Evil has been around a long time.
It's true. Shitty people have been doing shitty things to other people for a dang ol long time. And not just here or there. But everywhere. Before the golden age of hollywood in the 1920's, after the golden age of hollywood ended in the 1950'a, and outside of hollywood altogether. I'm just glad there's been mostly good people all along to counter it. Lets be good people, I say.
I love how Trump appointed Stallone and Gibson as his Special Ambassadors to Hollywood!
Just to go down the rabbit hole a bit, pause this video around the 0:32 and 0:33 marks. We need to let our brain see what our eyes are telling us and not let our gaslit heart get in the way.
i paused it. what am i supposed to be seeing? I see 3 women doing the charleston. Lucielle starts at 32 sec.
Okay, I'll try just one more. At the 2:23 mark what do you see as "she" spreads "her" lovin' arms across the land?
I didnt see anything out of the ordinary. Of course looking closer at your quotation marks I can see what you are suggesting. I just dont see it. Wait, you were suggesting Ball was actually a man? Hard disagree.
TN lawmakers voted to ban geoengineering - that went into effect (supposedly) July 1st 2024. They’re still at it. I called Blackburn‘s office last week. I left a message, heard nothing back.
I live in Tennessee, too, and was thinking, "wow, they banned chemtrails and now we're back to our regular rain pattern!"and then I started seeing them again. I don't trust them.
Hello! Some days are clear other days there’re trails everywhere - my theory is that the powers that be are overriding the states on a need to know basis because they’re trying to mitigate the effects of either the sun or other space weather that is having an effect on our planet. This they’re keeping on the down low. I’ve been listening to Ben Davidson. His channel was Suspicious Observers, but now it’s changed to Space Weather News, and he talks of this disaster cycle of which we are over the cusp, and nearing the next disaster - for this reason we are seeing crazy weather earthquakes and volcano activity, not because of anything that Man is doing. 🙏🏻
Excactly. What's that tell you? SIRBUDLIGHT.
I have a lot to say about this apparently taboo subject. But, after reading the comments, I'll keep my thoughts on this subject matter to myself. I just joined and don't want to be banned or worse.
Rocky mountain high, Colorado
John Denver is spinning in his grave
I hope Vermont bans chemtrails. Chemtrails are gay. I don't think my kids need anything they're dispensing in their chemtrails. Fuck chemtrails.
Remember when this was a banned topic on great awakening because a mod thought it wasn't real?
I remember. Glad it's stopping.
Powerful testimony delivered today by Judge Bradford L. Thomas in support of Florida's Weather Modification Bill SB56 sponsored by @IleanaGarciaUSA
This bill will prohibit and criminalize weather modification activities in Florida. Bradford L. Thomas was a former Judge and criminal justice prosecutor who also previously served for the Bush Administration as a Policy Safety Coordinator for Criminal Justice and also previously served as an Environmental Lawyer for Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection. He gave a very compelling testimony and was highly received by the Committee because of his credentials. In his opinion, $100,000 fines for each incidence of weather modification isn’t enough—he believes it should be a felony and those who do this and are behind these activities should serve a minimum of 5 years in state prison.
The Weather Modification Bill passed through Committee on Agriculture, Environment and General Government with a 10-2 Vote. 3/18/25
This bill will prohibit and criminalize weather modification activities in Florida. Bradford L. Thomas was a former Judge and criminal justice prosecutor who also previously served for the Bush Administration as a Policy Safety Coordinator for Criminal Justice and also previously served as an Environmental Lawyer for Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection. He gave a very compelling testimony and was highly received by the Committee because of his credentials. In his opinion, $100,000 fines for each incidence of weather modification isn’t enough—he believes it should be a felony and those who do this and are behind these activities should serve a minimum of 5 years in state prison.
The Weather Modification Bill passed through Committee on Agriculture, Environment and General Government with a 10-2 Vote. 3/18/25
Looks like a bunch of comments were deleted from here. It's absurd to lump this topic in with the likes of Flat Earth, Bigfoot, moon landings and such because this directly affects our world, our health and wellness, and our sovereignty.
If you notice, even if the contrails were nefarious, the percentage of sky coverage is so small (in most cases where you see them) that it seems it would be minimally significant in doing anything. And the reports of people on the ground smelling something doesn't make sense at all since it would take several days for particles of the size the contrails are made of to settle, if they even ever do.
On this subject, I believe we should wait until we get an all clear from the mods. This is for good reason.
Geoengineering is real, we know they do weather modification flights.
Chemtrails are still stupid bs for mouth breathers to worry about.
The two are not the same thing.
CS is essentially just the word for what is coming out of those bioengineering cloud seeding planes. They are pumping the sky with chemicals in attempts to manipulate the weather to make it rain. The trails of these chemicals being shot into the sky is visible. What else would you call it?
gotta keep yo head on a swivel. everybody is trying to kill us at all times! so it doesnt really matter when you're trying to stay full on lit. In my day they called it paranoia.
I'm still here. I can't remember what account # this is since we left 4chan lol
I'm in until a court orders BO to do the dangly dance. Then I'm probably still in, because I don't really have any other hobbies.
Thanks for the smile.
so NOT fringe here in Commifornia, Bay Area near S.F.
it's almost a daily REALITY.
Come, sweet RFK Jr., help us please!!
Ditto in SoCal !!!
Speaking of SoCal…. Remember the Malathion helicopter spraying? Late ‘80s early ‘90s. The great Medfly panic. KPFK (the openly communist radio station) were a lonely voice against it.
I remember some kind of spraying in OC in the summer of ‘69 or ‘70. Cars had to be covered with a sheet,
So "people" mentioning it no good. But Elites mention it...... good?
Sounds lame and libtardish. Is this site actually safe for free speech? Am I hearing that MAGA is self cennsoring?
Honestly, trust no one. Not even me.
Yeah makes no sense. For that matter Q is fringe to most of the world. Hell this is far from fringe, we've been spraying/seeding to change the weather since at least 1967 in 'Nam. Operation Popeye (Make Mud Not War) used to flood the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
Did you also trust POTUS when he made the mRNA clot shot available? Thankfully many of us stood our ground and knew better. We must retain our critics thinking skills and not fall back into the herd of sheep. While I agree and hope there could be a plan we still need to continue to speak out on issues and people we do not agree with. POTUS is not God and as any human is capable of making mistakes. Whether this was a mistake or a planned move only time will tell but speaking up and against it NOW is important IMO.
Now just waiting on a "trusted" talking head to talk about lies coming out of another FRINGE agency
Yes- I have been Banned - as well