Some sauce showing HSBC failure to deliver notice from DTCC on 2-3-2023 of interest payments due on what looks like an Institutional Money Market fund: https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2023/2/3/Issuer-Failure-MMB6.pdf

This sort of notice was last seen in August 2008, approximately one month before Lehman Brothers collapse on September 15, 2008.

Crux of the theory is that the infinite money printing by the Federal Reserve was being used to keep zombie banks alive and keep the stock market manipulation going, but since January 19, 2023 all of this financial manipulation has been massively constrained and the cracks are starting to show.

The Deep State may be trying to make it to March 15, 2023 (business taxes due) OR April 18, 2023 (individual taxes due, likely more important). There are typically large revenue boosts around these two dates (presumably into Deep State coffers).


Yet another reason to correct your W-2 with form 4852 and change W-4 to "EXEMPT": https://greatawakening.win/p/16aA4T1R4C/success-constitutional-action-ag/c/ ; ADD more liquidity pressure on the system while Debt Ceiling is in place.

"Typical" TAX MONEY FLOWS: IRS->Treasury->Federal Reserve->BigBanks->Stockmarket

W-2 Correction/W-4 Fix - TAX MONEY FLOWS: IRS->'The People'->BigBanks->Credit Union System or Bitcoin or Silver/Gold

$ PRINTING MONEY FLOWS?: Federal Reserve->Treasury->Federal Reserve->BigBanks->Stockmarket

Possible countermeasure to protect yourself is move your money into Credit Union checking account out of FDIC system (possibly out of Federal Reserve system as well). CU system appears to be a separate system with its own FDIC-type of insurance. Savings accounts appear to be top of list in the case of a "bail-in" where bank takes deposits above a certain dollar level (usually above insurance limit, but subject to be lowered in an "EMERGENCY").


I previously shared info from Clif High about a highly probable set of events based on a data cluster captured from his software algorithms (see: https://greatawakening.win/p/15HbpdJqkA/clif-high-predictions-tied-to-a-/). The 3rd event may be imminent now - a simulated, holographic UFO/alien invasion (Project Bluebeam). Here's a brief overview of it: https://patriots4truth.com/project-blue-beam/

The Fake News has been pushing UFO fear porn hard all year & the U.S. House Intelligence Committee just held that "UAP Disclosure" meeting on 5/17 - which just so HAPPENED to coincide w/ Special Prosecutor (Killary hunter) John Durham's opening day of the trial against Perkins Coie/Killary's lawyer involved in launching the "Russia Collusion" hoax against our beloved POTUS Trump.

As Q says, "How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?" https://qagg.news/?q=mathematically+impossible

There are several big event predictions clumped together in this linked data cluster. The first event from this data cluster happened in Aug. 2021, which was an archetype event described as (I'm paraphrasing) "American soldiers being left behind in a foreign country that causes ordinary citizens to raise money to bring our troops home." That archetype event was obviously the American surrender and withdrawal from Afghanistan debacle. CHECK ONE.

Two other big events are tied into this very unique data cluster, and the second one is happening NOW - a smallpox outbreak. What's being called "Smallpox-like Monkeypox" cases are being reported in several European countries including UK, Spain, Portugal, and now there's been a case reported in the USA.

They're already using this 'outbreak' to push Smallpox vaccine shots. And with Squatter Biden handing over America's sovereignty to the World Health Organization, this sitch could get outta control quite rapidly with potential global lockdowns and forced vaccination shots. Plan-demic round two could very well be kicking off. CHECK TWO.

5/19/22 Sources:




Sooooo, that brings us to High's 3rd predicted event from this data cluster... a fake alien/UFO attack ("Project Bluebeam"). Links to lots of articles from recent several months pushing fear porn about UFOs and alien invasions are provided in my original write-up (appended below). Adding to that, we also just had the big whoopdeedoo 5/17 U.S. House Intelligence Committee hearing on "UFO disclosure", which hadn't been done since 50 years ago.

Unfortunately, this 5/17 Congressional hearing dog-and-pony show turned out to be nothing more than a 'cover-up continuation operation' with no big new reveals, and key witnesses from well-documented (even military) sightings weren't even allowed to speak, and the attendees couldn't ask questions.

But this conveniently timed hearing was still probably successful for the evil-doers since the media hype about it aided in further conditioning the public for the possibility of a (cabal-planned & simulated) UFO attack/invasion.

Plus, that Congressional UFO/UAP hearing on 5/17 served as a handy distraction to overtake the news cycle on the 1st day of the trial for Special Prosecutor John Durham's case against Perkins Coie attorney Michael Sussman.

But still, the alien/UFO invasion push continues. Event #3 seems quite likely to be imminent. So folks, keep your eyes to the skies, and be the 'calm in the storm' for your loved ones since YOU know this could be incoming.


For those who aren't familiar with Clif High and his expertise...

Clif High has a patent on computer-assisted reading technology that enables reading computer screens at up to 2,000 words per minute. Reaching into other areas of hidden potential within language used by humans, he has developed a system of software internet agents (like search engines use) and other proprietary processing methods to predict future events.

His software project, begun in 1997, captures near-real-time changes in language patterns within internet discussions. Then, employing radical linguistic techniques of his own devising, he develops a model which anticipates future events with some seeming accuracy. The data processing has, at its core, a method of assigning 'emotional values' to complex content and time carry-values to predict changes in future behavior based on how people are using language.

Unfortunately, due to the mass censorship and silencing of any opinions that counter the cabal's chosen narrative, the accuracy of capturing all sides of any given topic have become far more difficult using this 'data scraping' type of method, since the volume of opposing points of view are largely unable to express their thoughts/sentiments online across the major social media platforms.

In a nutshell, Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who uses “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs/algorithms that he built to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events. Clif High has made many freakishly correct predictions months and even years in advance.

NOTE: This summary was compiled from bits and pieces of articles and Clif High video descriptions from across the web. I didn't compile 'sauce' links for every single thing stated here, so please do your own research to validate.


One of High's recent predictions is that there would be increased vehicular accidents that he refers to as “vaxxidents,” and vehicle accidents are reportedly up more than 20% since the so-called 'COVID vaccinations' became widely available in early 2021.

In Sept. 2021, High predicted mass deaths worldwide coming over the next several years as a result of the COVID 'vax' (he estimates 1.24 billion vax-caused deaths) see: https://usawatchdog.com/vax-die-off-for-next-three-years-clif-high-1-22-22/

His most famous prediction was in June 2001, where he predicted an archetype event described as “a major ‘tipping point’, that is a ‘life-changing event’ with aspects of ‘military and accident’ that would forever change the way we live to occur inside of 90 days” (the 9/11/01 attacks), which raised Clif High's profile amongst government officials, alternative media, researchers and scholars.

Since 2001, High's web bot project has provided 'archetype descriptors' of future events, such as:

•Mid-Sept. 2001 Anthrax attack on DC

•Nov. 2001 crash of AA flight #587 out of NY's JFK airport (killing all 251 passengers onboard)

•2003 NASA space shuttle Columbia disaster (killing all 7 astronauts onboard upon re-entry)

•Nov. 2003 USA northeast massive blackout/power outage

•2004 Indonesia 9.0 earthquake and 100-foot tsunami in Banda Aceh that killed over 100K people and wiped out a whole city

4/26/22 previous post at https://greatawakening.win/p/15HbpdJqkA/clif-high-predictions-tied-to-a-/

Subject: Clif High's predictions re: smallpox plan-demic & faked UFO/alien invasion/attack ("Project Bluebeam") more likely due to marker event already happened

Clif High predictions tied to a key trigger event that already happened increases the probability of predicted 'weaponized smallpox' outbreak & "Project Bluebeam" faked alien/UFO invasion...

Clif High (who's a data analyst genius and former govt. contractor who predicted many major world events such as 9/11) was talking back in late Nov. 2021 about big 'marker' events predicted from his long-term data analysis of captured insights from language and sentiment posted across the internet, based on social linguistics algorithms that he developed.

And it looks like some big upcoming event predictions (the data of which began being documented by him as far back as 2003) seem to be increasing in probability of becoming a reality because a trigger marker event in that specific, high probability data cluster already occurred last year.

These predicted key events per Clif's long-term data include another plan-demic (an intentional 'weaponized smallpox' outbreak) and a faked alien invasion mass UFO (holographic) event to terrorize people worldwide, which are all closely tied to the 'data cluster' that already came true - it kicked off with the predicted Afghanistan withdrawal leaving U.S. soldiers behind.

Cliff High called out a specific 'marker cluster' of events that are all tied together going all the way back to 2003 (with "long accumulation value parameters"), which just kicked off in Aug. 2021 when the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle occurred. The prediction in this data cluster of key markers was that (paraphrasing) "U.S. troops would be abandoned overseas and rescue missions would be crowd-source funded by individual donors from the public vs. our own military not leaving any soldiers behind."

This pivotal marker was about 'U.S. soldiers being left behind and only being brought home through private funding' was in a unique 'marker cluster' group "with high temporal value" as a leading indicator of other subsequent events. One of the key predictions in this unique data cluster with "high temporal value" is a major smallpox outbreak, and another biggie is a big alien/UFO event - likely the anticipated "Project Bluebeam" simulated alien invasion cooked up by the cabal (see time stamp 18:00).

A major uptick in UFO-related stories being pumped out by the Fake News this year is also supporting evidence that "Project Bluebeam" may very well come to fruition, since the media and even the Pentagon are involved in planting seeds about an alien/UFO invasion pretty heavy of late.

The Pentagon 'X-File' type UFO report cites "radiation burns, brain problems and neurological damage" resulting from people who reportedly encountered UFOs, as well as a reported alien abduction and even an "unaccounted-for pregnancy" and "spontaneous human combustion." See sauce on that topic at the bottom of this info, if you're interested.

Clif High was talking about the antioxidant (ORAC - oxygen radical absorption capacity) value of Siberian Chaga mushrooms being at 3,655,000 (per the stats I looked up) vs. other good antioxidants like blueberries at 2.5K-36K ORAC value. So this Siberian Chaga stuff is the antioxidant superfood of the world apparently. Clif calls it the "mushroom of immortality."

This is the (21 minute) podcast episode (entitled "Frothy Woo" from 11-28-21) where he was talking about the predicted big events, as well as the benefits of Chaga mushrooms combating viruses: (skip to time stamp 12:30 re: the supplements and Chaga mushrooms if you're only interested in that subject): https://www.bitchute.com/video/DsUCVPd5vxMD/

Alt link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wi4buRAgOEU

Clif High also dived into "weaponized smallpox" as a cabal/globalist plan and how Chaga can combat smallpox / HIV / flu / COVID in his 11-26-21 podcast entitled "Tides of Woo" at https://www.bitchute.com/video/A6opY2V1q6tc/ (see time stamp 18:00). He also explained viral bioweapons and how they work (based on his intensive research from reading his father's military bioweapon literature growing up on military bases). He also talks about UFO appearances/engagement too (see time stamp around 49:40).

Clif shared that if the Black Hats try to launch a 'weaponized smallpox' attack, it's not going to be as successful as the bad guys want because viruses can be made more lethal, but they can't actually be made more "contagious" - which is great news. :-) He says that in order for viruses to invade cells, the cells must be "receptive" (a structurally and electrically) and "permissive" (so weak that its internal controlling mechanism allows the virus in).

Clif High said that Chaga is great at nuking viruses such as HIV and smallpox in particular, which would also come in handy since COVID was reportedly spliced with HIV, there's HIV possibly in the vax that the jabbed people are shedding all over us, and if the cabal's next plan-demic move is a smallpox outbreak, then Chaga can kick that one's ass too. =-)

It turns out that Chaga mushroom has the highest recorded ORAC value of any natural food! Who knew?? The most potent Chaga mushroom of all is from Siberia (Russia - who's a little busy right now in Ukraine cleaning out the Asov Batallion Nazis and Russia's exports are being banned all over the place) and it's 3-4 times the price of Chaga cultivated in the USA or Canada. I'd say chances are REALLY good that Siberian Chaga will be impossible to get in the very near future at any price.

Here are a couple articles on Chaga mushrooms...



Here are some charts of common foods with high ORAC values:




Here's some sauce on UFO mania lately...

Here's a convenient compilation of reported UFO sightings info: https://www.ufosnw.com/newsite/category/ufo-sightings-2022/

6-25-21: Here's a link to the DNI's "Preliminary Assessment UAP-Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon" report: https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf

11-23-21: Pentagon establishes new division called AOIMSG - "Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group": https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2853121/dod-announces-the-establishment-of-the-airborne-object-identification-and-manag/

4-4-22: Here's a link to the redacted/de-classified Pentagon UAP Report that kicked off a flurry of UFO fear porn: https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/nro/F-2021-00164.pdf

And here's a sampling of news articles seemingly pushing UFO hysteria recently:

4-5-22: Pentagon releases 1,574-page "X-Files Report" on UFO sightings after fighting against FOIA requests for 4 years: https://www.the-sun.com/news/5053632/us-government-releases-1500-pages-secret-documents-ufo-programme/

4-6-22: Pentagon cites radiation burns etc. in UFO witnesses: https://www.cbs17.com/news/national-news/were-closing-in-on-them-ufo-expert-on-new-pentagon-findings/

4-5-22: Space invaders - UFO injuries - radiation burns: https://www.the-sun.com/news/5053647/ufos-injuries-radiation-burns-pentagon-docs/

posted ago by MAGULQ ago by MAGULQ

Clif High (who's a data analyst genius and former govt. contractor who predicted many major world events such as 9/11) was talking in late Nov. 2021 about big 'marker' events predicted from his long-term data analysis of captured insights from language and sentiment posted across the internet, based on social linguistics algorithms that he developed.

And it looks like some big upcoming event predictions (the data of which began being documented by him as far back as 2003) seem to be increasing in probability of becoming a reality because a trigger marker event in that specific, high probability data cluster already occurred last year.

These predicted key events per Clif's long-term data include another plan-demic (an intentional 'weaponized smallpox' outbreak) and a faked alien invasion mass UFO (holographic) event to terrorize people worldwide, which are all closely tied to the 'data cluster' that already came true - it kicked off with the predicted Afghanistan withdrawal leaving U.S. soldiers behind.

Cliff High called out a specific 'marker cluster' of events that are all tied together going all the way back to 2003 (with "long accumulation value parameters"), which just kicked off in Aug. 2021 when the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle occurred. The prediction in this data cluster of key markers was that (paraphrasing) "U.S. troops would be abandoned overseas and rescue missions would be crowd-source funded by individual donors from the public vs. our own military not leaving any soldiers behind."

This pivotal marker was about 'U.S. soldiers being left behind and only being brought home through private funding' was in a unique 'marker cluster' group "with high temporal value" as a leading indicator of other subsequent events. One of the key predictions in this unique data cluster with "high temporal value" is a major smallpox outbreak, and another biggie is a big alien/UFO event - likely the anticipated "Project Bluebeam" simulated alien invasion cooked up by the cabal (see time stamp 18:00).

A major uptick in UFO-related stories being pumped out by the Fake News this year is also supporting evidence that "Project Bluebeam" may very well come to fruition, since the media and even the Pentagon are involved in planting seeds about an alien/UFO invasion pretty heavy of late.

The Pentagon 'X-File' type UFO report cites "radiation burns, brain problems and neurological damage" resulting from people who reportedly encountered UFOs, as well as a reported alien abduction and even an "unaccounted-for pregnancy" and "spontaneous human combustion." See sauce on that topic at the bottom of this info, if you're interested.

Clif High was talking about the antioxidant (ORAC - oxygen radical absorption capacity) value of Siberian Chaga mushrooms being at 3,655,000 (per the stats I looked up) vs. other good antioxidants like blueberries at 2.5K-36K ORAC value. So this Siberian Chaga stuff is the antioxidant superfood of the world apparently. Clif calls it the "mushroom of immortality."

This is the (21 minute) podcast episode (entitled "Frothy Woo" from 11-28-21) where he was talking about the predicted big events, as well as the benefits of Chaga mushrooms combating viruses: (skip to time stamp 12:30 re: the supplements and Chaga mushrooms if you're only interested in that subject): https://www.bitchute.com/video/DsUCVPd5vxMD/

Alt link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wi4buRAgOEU

Clif High also dived into "weaponized smallpox" as a cabal/globalist plan and how Chaga can combat smallpox / HIV / flu / COVID in his 11-26-21 podcast entitled "Tides of Woo" at https://www.bitchute.com/video/A6opY2V1q6tc/ (see time stamp 18:00).

He also explained viral bioweapons and how they work (based on his intensive research from reading his father's military bioweapon literature growing up on military bases). He also talks about predicted UFO appearances/engagement too (see time stamp around 49:40).

Clif shared that if the Black Hats try to launch a 'weaponized smallpox' attack, it's not going to be as successful as the bad guys want because viruses can be made more lethal, but they can't actually be made more "contagious" - which is great news. :-) He says that in order for viruses to invade cells, the cells must be "receptive" (structurally and electrically weakened) and "permissive" (so weak that its internal controlling mechanism allows the virus in).

Clif High said that Chaga is great at nuking viruses such as HIV and smallpox in particular, which would also come in handy since COVID was reportedly spliced with HIV, there's HIV possibly in the vax that the jabbed people are shedding all over us, and if the cabal's next plan-demic move is a smallpox outbreak, then Chaga can kick that one's ass too. =-)

It turns out that Chaga mushroom has the highest recorded ORAC value of any natural food! Who knew?? The most potent Chaga mushroom of all is from Siberia (Russia - who's a little busy right now in Ukraine cleaning out the Asov Batallion Nazis and Russia's exports are being banned all over the place) and it's 3-4 times the price of Chaga cultivated in the USA or Canada. I'd say chances are REALLY good that Siberian Chaga will be impossible to get in the very near future at any price.

Here are a couple articles on Chaga mushrooms...



Here are some charts of common foods with high ORAC values:




Here's some sauce on UFO mania lately...

Here's a convenient compilation of reported UFO sightings info: https://www.ufosnw.com/newsite/category/ufo-sightings-2022/

6-25-21: Here's a link to the DNI's "Preliminary Assessment UAP-Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon" report: https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf

11-23-21: Pentagon establishes new division called AOIMSG - "Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group": https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2853121/dod-announces-the-establishment-of-the-airborne-object-identification-and-manag/

4-4-22: Here's a link to the redacted/de-classified Pentagon UAP Report that kicked off a flurry of UFO fear porn: https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/nro/F-2021-00164.pdf

And here's a sampling of news articles seemingly pushing UFO hysteria just within the past few weeks:

4-5-22: Pentagon releases 1,574-page "X-Files Report" on UFO sightings after fighting against FOIA requests for 4 years: https://www.the-sun.com/news/5053632/us-government-releases-1500-pages-secret-documents-ufo-programme/

4-6-22: Pentagon cites radiation burns etc. in UFO witnesses: https://www.cbs17.com/news/national-news/were-closing-in-on-them-ufo-expert-on-new-pentagon-findings/

4-5-22: Space invaders - UFO injuries - radiation burns: https://www.the-sun.com/news/5053647/ufos-injuries-radiation-burns-pentagon-docs/

4-6-22: Pentagon UFO report findings - alien phenomena: https://www.newsweek.com/pentagon-ufo-report-alien-nick-pope-alien-phenomena-united-states-1695531

4-6-22: Advanced technology cause injuries from UFO encounters: https://www.foxnews.com/media/injuries-ufo-encounters-contact-advanced-technology-former-pentagon-director

4-6-22: "We're closing in on them" says UFO expert on Pentagon findings: https://fox5sandiego.com/news/national-news/were-closing-in-on-them-says-ufo-expert-on-pentagon-findings/

4-6-22: Pentagon report claims "radiation burns and unaccounted for pregnancies": https://www.livescience.com/ufo-report-human-biological-injuries

4-7-22: UFO witnesses left with burns & nerve damage per Pentagon report: https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/pentagon-report-ufo-sightings-left-witnesses-burns-nerve-damage/509-be603200-f6ba-4947-9799-e09eba7b0a72

4-8-22: Newly released documents reveal extent of UAP involvement: https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/newly-released-nro-documents-reveal-extent-of-uap-involvement-and-contributions-to-uap-task-force-report/

4-21-22: Killer space lasers, crowd-control heat among weapons US gov’s UFO program proposed: https://nypost.com/2022/04/21/us-proposes-ufo-program-with-space-lasers-invisibility-cloaks-heat-rays/

4-26-22: Pentagon report does not rule out aliens: https://min.news/en/military/d7c9eca095f2bcb9429a4816425f7086.html

() 👀 EYES ON! 👀
posted ago by ghost_of_aswartz ago by ghost_of_aswartz

Ok so I have noticed that much of the project bluebeam stuff has been wiped or re written on the net. Behold a pale horse was a great source but it didnt have everything. It used UFO threat. (We saw the pentagon release docs) Or the second coming of Jesus (this is the play they are taking as it seems to have garnered support) Now i mention project bluebeam once and im being attacked as a shill. You tell me frens. Am I a shill?


I am increasingly worried that seeing that the Great Awakening is now beginning and accelerating, the Deep State might choose to not stop at just disclosing random UFO videos and abduction files.

We all know that BlueBeam was potentially already planned to commence in the 80s or 90s and was postponed multiple times for some reason, or alternatively seems as a "disposable plan" to be enacted whenever the time comes. A lot of alien invasion movies from that era (and from the 2000s and 2010s) have predictive programming character.

The time might be now.

MSM are slowly but surely beginning to push asteroids. I recall a predictive programming asteroid movie called Greenland (worth watching not just because of conspiracy references but also just because it's a nice movie) a couple months ago.


I know that asteroids per se have nothing to do with BlueBeam. But in respect to the movies, perhaps an asteroid might be used as an intro to the aliens?

Asteroid impact kills millions -> we find out that the aliens sent it -> aliens send more asteroids to conveniently kill/depopulate more millions

What do you think, do you see the same connections I do?


What is project bluebeam? Can someone send anything on it? I’ve been following Q for about 2 years and never even heard of it. Thanks.

I know its weird but tbh it would be in line with 2020/2021. Pentagon and CIA were also in charge of leaking UFO documents.

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