A lot of people have asked how Ivermectin actually works against Covid.

It makes small changes to importin a-1, a messenger protein that is the gatekeeper to the cells nucleus, or control center, which is where the virus wants to go to implant its code so the cell starts reproducing viral particles.

These small temporary and safe changes mean that when the COVID attaches to the importin a-1 to allow it access to the nucleus via the nuclear membrane, the unchanged importin b-1, which is the nuclear "bouncer" waiting for the password provided by importin a-1 and its guest, does not recognize a-1 and therefore the virus is denied entry into the nucleus. Game over.

So I made up a handy mnemonic device to help you remember: ivermectin is Importin.

So if anyone asks, now you know.

There are other ways it helps but the importin a/b disruption is one of the biggest.



I just came across this website. It was linked to by Robert Kennedy, Jr. in catsfive's recently-stickied post.

The authors of the site have compiled a huge amount of scientific data for various medications used in the treatment and prevention of Covid. These include Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin D, Remdesivir, and many others.

I strongly recommend giving it a perusal and a bookmark. It is a very useful reference should you or anyone you know get Covid, and would be effective for evidence-based argumentation, if the other side was actually willing to examine the evidence.



So here’s a new one for most people I think. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at an early age and when I turned 40 I found a doctor who turned me on to helminths (hookworm) therapy and it changed my life. My stomach issues disappeared and I had a colony of symbiotic prednisone factories living I my gut. I went many years without symptoms of any kind but as a test I stopped taking them every three months and went a whole year and a half at which time all my stomach issues slowly came back. I started to take them again and my symptoms went away again. I can’t live without these little anti inflammatory buggers. My fear is that I will develop Covid symptoms, take ivermectin and wipe out my worm protectors. I would have to start from scratch building a colony again which is annoying. I think I would rather not use my ivermectin until I was desperate. Anyone else crazy like me, using hookworms to keep their intestines happy, worrying about using ivermectin? I think I’m the only one but I know from message boards the helminth community grows every day, I’m sure there are people worrying about this and weighing the choice. This is just to let you know that people with the predicament exist. Now go ahead and say “you put willingly put worms in your body? Yechhh!” But don’t knock it till you try it.


Well actually, my husband’s. He came down with the rona overnight Monday and by dinner Tuesday was a literal hot mess of fever, body aches and headache. Tested positive Wednesday morning. Was a mess again Wednesday night. Tried to convince him to get a telehealth visit, he refused said he’d tough it out. Thursday I scheduled one for today since he didn’t seem much better. 3 minute telehealth visit and was prescribed ivermectin, zpack, and prednisone. He took it all at noon today and then slept for an hour. He’s now vacuuming the house. Definitely not 100% but much better than this morning.


I have chills, their pretty bad, 100.1 fever, legs hurt, couldn't sleep worth a shit last night. Didn't take a test and won't. I had these same symptoms a month ago.

Kids are sick too. Kids symptoms.... Runny nose, headache, gross stomach, low fever. Kids had same symptoms last month.

Thoughts? Talking about the horse paste


I’m looking for some references/links that explain the pathophysiology on how ivermectin works in lessening symptoms. Or even just a personal explanation if you don’t have links. Thanks for your time and help!


These places are in India, but now ship from Singapore in order to avoid having packages seized (as was happening w/ stuff direct from India). None of them requires an Rx (just ignore that section on the form), and shipments take about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks to arrive. All three places provide shipment tracking info / links.


NOTE ON PAYING WITH PAYPAL: Anons are posting that PayPal is now reporting payments of $600 or more to the IRS. Keep your order totals under that amount.

NOTE for doubters of meds from India: A substantial percentage of our generic meds dispensed to us here in the US are manufactured in Mexico, India and ...Chyna. Just ask your pharmacist to see the labels on the bottles from which he dispenses your next Rx.


This place seems to have the best prices and the best customer service. They also sell HCQ, DOXY, and a wide range of other generic meds. If you need something that's not listed, contact the Customer Service number below. (I ordered a 3 year supply of my heart meds for less than 1 yr costs me here in the US.)


NOTE: DO NOT ORDER FROM THE WEBSITE. It's aligned to India and shipments may be seized by the USPS. To be assured that the shipment comes via Singapore, call their Customer Service number in Florida -- 786-386-3826 -- and ask for Renold. The dude is solid and will give you price quotes, etc.

ALSO, if you need generic meds that aren't listed on the website, give him the names and he'll let you know if they can get them for you.



Others here report receiving shipments just fine, via Singapore, using just the website. (No phone call required.) But the prices seem higher, and reports are that customer service is slow.



Other anons report all shipments are via Singapore, no seizure problems. Customer service may not be as responsive as the other two places.


Which is better? Husband is on day 3 of symptoms, tested positive yesterday, trying to decide if it’s worth the effort to go get the antibodies. We have to drive 30 minutes and the there is the whole infusion process.


Actually I’ve given to four different neighbors, all healed and grateful. But the couple I’m posting about: active couple in 70’s ( I swear they looked deathly when I brought the pills to them ! They are both jabbed and boosted and were at deaths door when I saw them ! They took 2 pills first day and one for three days after 6 mil each. I gave them zinc etc as well . My friend, the wife, called me today hungry for red pills, they are so pissed that this drug is being kept from people ..they evidently told their Dr off who tried to shame them and they told their adult kids off as well . They are so excited and telling everyone who will listen , they aren’t backing down , she had me on the phone hungry for the truth and now pissed that they are jabbed , she’s asked and just texted again for Ivermectin info ..videos literature ! I’ve had so much info but gmail deletes all emails after so many weeks , I need to get this changed somehow so I can eternally save all my information ..IT challenged here ! If anyone has the time and has any saved info about Ivermectin I’d appreciate it ..these two are out for blood they realize how a simple, few dollars worth of a drug healed them and they want to be educated..thank you !


I can't tell you how many videos I've recently seen of people treating cancer with Ivermectin, fenbendazole, etc. There are even quite a number of news interviews (on MSM) from years ago about people successfully treating cancer with these generic drugs (that were -get this- ironically 'made' for animal use only). These generic 'miracle' drugs are responsible for curing many illnesses and not just used as a 'dewormer'.

I am now 100% convinced that Big Pharma, who effectively runs the FDA/USDA & the CDC, is aware of this and have placed their tentacles in nearly every facet of our lives: from the food we eat to the drugs/treatments we take. Imagine every conceivable fabric of our personal health has been artfully put in place by design so that we get sicker and weaker... and too stupid to realize it.


Big Pharma understands that carbohydrates is a MAJOR issue for our health. Cancer cells are immensely attracted to sugar/carbs. Diabetes and cardiovascular issues are also a result of a bad diet. Rather than Big Pharma treating the root causes, they treat the symptoms which also have adverse psychological / health affects, and in some cases create other problems all together.


They own a shit ton.


Big Pharma made a fuck ton of money during COVID. It should be clear to everyone Big Pharma most likely has their hand in the virus too.


Imagine Truth Social gets released in March and millions of people come to learn that these 'miracle' very cheap generic drugs have life changing results and that Big Pharma has known about this for a VERY LONG TIME. Imagine how angry people will get, especially toward those who they trusted in the medical industry. Once people learn that Big Pharma has been pulling the strings... once they realize that our government was just as complicit... Imagine how angry people will get.

Remember, Big Pharma doesn't make money when you're healthy.

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