
US federal agents arrested a California man on Friday for allegedly threatening to detonate a “dirty bomb” at an agency field office in Los Angeles. In a series of letters to the agency, the man compared himself to the notorious ‘Unabomber’, Ted Kaczynski.

Mark William Anten, 52, was arrested at his home and charged with making threats by interstate communication, a felony offense that carries a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison, the US Department of Justice announced in a press release.

Beginning in July, Anten “sent numerous threatening communications to the FBI,” the press release claimed. After supposedly telling agents that he was voted most likely in high school to become the next ‘Unabomber’, he allegedly sent them an email in November stating that he was working on a “manifesto.”

The FBI said its agents told Anten to stop contacting them, but he continued. In a series of messages on December 5, Anten allegedly threatened to “unabomb” the FBI field office in Los Angeles, attaching an image depicting the results of a Google internet search for “how to make a dirty bomb.”

“I can go on a mass murder spree. In fact, it would be very explainable by your actions,” he allegedly wrote, signing his email “supermax or death,” an apparent reference to the kind of super-maximum security prison where Kaczynski was locked up from 1998 until his death by suicide earlier this year.

A child prodigy and mathematical genius, Ted Kaczynski became the youngest-ever professor at the University of California, Berkeley in 1967. After leaving his position and withdrawing from society in the early 1970s, Kaczynski committed a string of bombings between 1978 and 1995. Mailing explosives to academics, businessmen, and others he considered leaders of industrial society, the recluse killed three people and maimed 23 more. He was arrested in 1998 and sentenced to life in prison.

Kaczynski’s manifesto, ‘Industrial Society and its Future’, was published by the Washington Post and New York Times in 1995. The document railed against the alienating effects of technology and called for a revolution that would return humanity to a state of harmony with nature. It has since become something of a cult classic, celebrated by radical environmentalists, anarchists, and more recently, the anti-big tech right.

Following Kaczynski’s death, tech billionaire Elon Musk tweeted that the ‘Unabomber’ “might not be wrong” in his assessment that “the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.”





Luke 8:16-18

The Lesson of the Lamp

16 No one lights a lamp and covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he sets it on a stand, so those who enter can see the light.

17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light.

18 Pay attention, therefore, to how you listen. Whoever has, will be given more, but whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has, will be taken away from him.



The Unabomber was another Psy-op

by Miles Mathis


First published September 13th, 2014

So, The Unabomber Was Simply Another PsyOp .

I myself came to this startling (to me) conclusion independently, back in 2013-14.

How? I went down the Boston Marathon Bombing (BMB) rabbit hole on the day it happened, which was April 15, 2013

April 15, 2013 was a holiday for the State of Massachusetts called "Patriots Day"

I think April 15 should be a National holiday called "TaxRiots Day" but i digress...

FEMA Deputy Director Richard Serino (RS) was AT the Finish Line of the Boston Marathon when the fake bombs went off.

RS has long history of being incident commander at mass casualty incidents, and specifically at the Boston Marathon


Boston Marathon Bombing Red Pill



Anyway, the BMB really blew the lid off of fake news, and we saw so many things get exposed.

This is where i first heard about "Crisis Actors" (CA)... from someone who was talking about Sandy Hook School Shooting (SHSS), which i hadn't even realized was a hoax until after the BMB hoax got exposed.

It seems to me that there was just a handful of people at the time who really understood SHSS was a hoax, and what CA were,

And Thank God for those people, because unless they had told me about CA, i might never have figured it out on my own.

So the BMB CA's actually blew the cover for SHSS CA's

CA Adriana Victoria Munoz (AVM) was at the scene of both events.

at SHSS, she was the supposed friend of a kindergarten teacher who had allegedly died in the shooting.

When the SHSS script changed for whatever reasons, that kindergarten teacher was no longer going die, AVM became a center of suspicion.

AVM showed up a few days after the BMB, during the police chase scene, as a "witness".

AVM has gone on to do many more fake news stories, and you can find them if you go looking for them,

But for the purposes of this post, I'm just using AVM as the example of how ONE little screw-up in one PsyOp, can blow the lid off of another PsyOp.

So the BMB suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got himself a suspiciously-good lawyer, named Judy Clarke

However by this time, the lid had already been blown off of the BMB, and so we all knew that any court proceedings that came out of it would also be PsyOps,

Which widely opened up the door to our understanding that the court system will entertain fake cases like BMB, to help further an official psyop narrative.

For example, recently we also learned that Roe v Wade was a FAKE court case, that was tried for the sole purpose of circumventing the US Congress on abortion law, and opening the gate to killing 63,000,000 unborn babies

So before i even knew who Tsarnaev's lawyer was, i knew that they would have to basically be a CA lawyer, and there would be CA judge, and an entire CA system...

And i was blown away when i found Judy Clarke's wikipedia page, where it had a list of all her high profile clients,

And the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski was her client...

and so because of Judy Clarke, i knew right away the Unabomber was a hoax too.




Also, There was another (FAKE) witness to the BMB, named Frank Shorter.

Turns out, Frank Shorter also just happened to (FAKE) witness another high profile terror event.

The so-called "Munich Massacre" (MM)

Where "Palestinians" killed "Israeli" athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics

On the terrorist attack at the 1972 Olympics

“I was sleeping on the balcony. It was like 4 in the morning. I said, ‘I've been out here several days. It's the first time I've heard this. This is not a door slamming. This is a gun.’ And as we went through the day, we just stood out there on the balcony and looked across, and at one point — if people can remember there's a famous photograph of one of the terrorists in a balaclava with a submachine gun on the balcony — well, we saw that person, and that shows you how naive we were. It had never happened before, and all he had to do was just sort of spray bullets at us if he wanted to, because we were that close. But we were, in a sense, all in shock.”



So, because we know the BMB is false flag fake news hoax,

and that Frank Shorter is aiding and abetting BMB terrorism,

we can safely assume that the MM is a false flag fake news hoax too.

And i hope Frank Shorter lives long enough to know, that he got BUSTED,

Like Buzz Aldrin, lived long enough to know he got caught faking the moon landings.





If you are new to the Apollo Moon Landing Hoax, start here ...



Also, there is the so-called "Pay Czar" Kenneth Feinberg (KF)

KF's career seems to have been controlling all of the donations in and out of a boat-load of false flag psyops.

If KF is affiliated with it, you can assume its a false flag hoax.




Just found this now, by searching GAW for Unabomber...

Maxwell’s Defense is Calling the Unabomber Psychiatrist as an Expert Witness...?


And perhaps the most amazing of all,

the BMB blew the lid off of VACCINES and AUTISM,


Because Seth Mnookin (SM) tweeted a photo of the so-called "Boston Naked Man", (BNM)




BNM, who we all know was actually Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the other BMB suspect.

Maret Tsarnaeva the aunt of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the suspected Boston marathon bombers has revealed to me that she can positively identify the oldest nephew Tamerlan Tsarnaev as the man who was stripped naked and placed into a police cruiser during the manhunt for the suspects.

So SM aids and abets the BMB terror hoax, by fabricating a narrative about the BMB, and he gets caught lying.

This leads us to take a closer look, and we discover that SM has a wikipedia page.



And on that Wikipedia page, it says SM authored a book entitled "The Panic Virus", which was basically a "debunking" of the "myth" that vaccines cause autism.

And on August 27, 2014, because of Seth Mnookin's LIE about the BMB,

i googled "vaccines autism"

and i made that google search 8 hours after the CDC Whistleblower story broke.

"I regret my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant info in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. Omitted data suggest African American males who received MMR vaccine before age 36 mo were at increased risk for Autism"

~ Dr William Thompson CDC Whistleblower


CDC Vaccine Autism Fraud - Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta - Journal Of Pediatrics, 2004 Feb Frank DeStefano, Coleen Boyle, William Thompson


CDC Whistleblower Discloses Deception


The CDC whistleblower Dr William Thompson wanted activists to start an awareness campaign to bring attention to the fact that Vaccines Cause Tics, and that Tics are highly associated with Autism

He explains that Autism is a highly polarized subject, where people have entrenched beliefs one way or another,

but with tics, its not a controversial topic, so people are willing to listen if you say "vaccines cause tics"

that is the tip of the wedge

the follow up is the fact that tics are highly associated with autism

. #VaccinesCause #VaccinesCauseTics

And so, because of SM writing a book about vaccines and autism, that caused me to google it to find the current state of the debate, and i accidentally fell down the CDC whistleblower rabbit hole, which caused me to become an anti-vaccine activist, which i have been ever since.

and because i was tweeting anti-vaccine stuff,

Donald J Trump quote-tweeted me TWICE!

And it was at that moment, that i jumped on the TRUMP TRAIN!

" imagine how mad you'd be to watch your healthy child crash hard after vaccine then doctors mock you"


"Vaccines Shills insist Autism starts in utero or genetic, but parents insist sudden onset after Vaccine"


Trump Debates Vaccines and Autism During 2016 GOP Presidential Debate


Vaccines Cause SIDS - These Vaccine Shills accidentally admitted that vaccines cause SIDS, and brought it further attention. What is done in the dark will be brought to the light


It was because of Kathy LYING that i leaned that vaccines cause SIDS,

And it was because of their suspicious behavior around SIDS and vaccines,

that convinced me that the entire concept of SIDS was invented for the sole purpose of covering up the fact that vaccines kill a lot of infants.

And thats where i get my username,

Because i want to ping that idea off of peoples mind every time they read my comments.

and because of SM and CDC, i also knew right away i would never take any COVID shots,

and i was also a very loud and clear voice during he entirely of the pandemic, creating counter-narratives to everything the FAKE NEWS media was throwing at is

please follow me on twitter. my new account after being banned for years.




The Roots Of Modern Eco-Terrorism: From MK Ultra And The Unabomber To Maurice Strong And Yuval Harari


The philosophy driving the Great Reset has to be understood in order to be opposed effectively. It is based on a Malthusian zero-sum misconception which underlies the eco-religion of "environmentalism" (as opposed to simple "conservationism" which is entirely compatible with conservative thought).

... In this essay, I would like to take some time to look at several intellectual stars who have risen to prominence justifying the need to declare war on civilization while at the same time tracing their influence to an infamous character named Theodor Kaczynski and the CIA’s MK Ultra project which ran the largest human guinea pig experiment in human history operating officially between 1953-1974. I will end by contrasting this diseased misanthropic self-mutilation with a healthier paradigm of technology, science, and government. ...

It certainly does seem that there is a coordinated, worldwide, attack aimed at death. Amongst other things:

... Over the past two years a vast array of explosions of food processing facilities, granaries, and train derailments have rained down across North America and Europe. Is this destruction caused by “underground” eco-terror campaigns? ...

And there has been a rise in eco-whackers that make Greenpeace of the 1970s look very tame:

... In tandem with Deep Green Resistance, another outfit has grown out of the cynical cesspool of disenfranchised youth energy and billionaire patronage in England named Extinction Rebellion. ... It also hasn’t stopped them from including a non-negotiable Net Zero by all governments by… 2025 (ie: an 85% elimination of all carbon dioxide emissions within the next two years). This irrational goal is actually considered a demand that, if satisfied, would result in massive death of people worldwide. ...

It ties in with the promotion of legalized drugs to keep people stoned and happy, and unwilling to rebel against the coordinators of this global destruction of population.

... Describing his interaction with Huxley as the two planned this final revolution, [Timothy] Leary wrote in 1983: “We had run up against the Judeo-Christian commitment to one God, one religion, one reality, that has cursed Europe for centuries and America since our founding days. Drugs that open the mind to multiple realities inevitably lead to a polytheistic view of the universe. We sensed that the time for a new humanist religion based on intelligence, good natured pluralism and scientific paganism had arrived.” For this new scientific paganism to wash away the pollution of 2000 years of Judeo-Christian civilization, some things must burn down of course. ...

Emphasis mine:

...The only way to break the bind, is to change one’s fundamental axioms and recognize that it isn’t technology which is intrinsically good or evil, nor is overpopulation a genuine problem, but rather it is our willingness to tolerate evil ideas shaping the behaviour of technology and political systems that results in those systems turning fascist and collapsing into dark ages.


Ted Kaczynski audiobook. (Check out the chapters in the description to get an overview of what it's all about.). His analysis on modern leftism at the beginning is unparalleled. Ted was introduced to some very high level elite while attending Harvard and was tapped to be involved in a human psychology experiment. After Harvard, he became a professor save up money to escape civilization. He knew too much.


posted ago by ghost_of_aswartz ago by ghost_of_aswartz
Unabomber Praised Ecoterrorist Group Linked to Biden BLM Nominee (www.breitbart.com) 🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸
posted ago by Suckmedry ago by Suckmedry

Sunday, March 07, 2021 Blind Items Revealed #5 - Reader Blind February 23, 2021 The authorities have intercepted correspondence between two people - A young foreign woman who has been in the news a lot the last few years for speaking her mind on a particular problem and an infamous individual whose time in the public eye was before she was born.

The infamous individual wrote something a long time ago that became public that the young woman agrees with. She has been discussing both theory and implementation with him in the letters.

Greta Thunberg/Ted Kaczynski Posted by ent lawyer at 11:00 AM 155 Comments


From Wikipedia: In his second year at Harvard, Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a "purposely brutalizing psychological experiment" led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray. Subjects were told they would debate personal philosophy with a fellow student and were asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. The essays were turned over to an anonymous individual who would confront and belittle the subject in what Murray himself called "vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive" attacks, using the content of the essays as ammunition.[23] Electrodes monitored the subject's physiological reactions. These encounters were filmed, and subjects' expressions of anger and rage were later played back to them repeatedly.[24] The experiment lasted three years, with someone verbally abusing and humiliating Kaczynski each week.[25][26] Kaczynski spent 200 hours as part of the study.[27]

Kaczynski's lawyers later attributed his hostility towards mind control techniques to his participation in Murray's study.[24] Some sources have suggested that Murray's experiments were part of Project MKUltra, the Central Intelligence Agency's research into mind control.[28][29] Chase[30][24] and others[31][32] have also suggested that this experience may have motivated Kaczynski's criminal activities. Kaczynski stated he resented Murray and his co-workers, primarily because of the invasion of his privacy he perceived as a result of their experiments. He also said he was "quite confident that my experiences with Professor Murray had no significant effect on the course of my life"

Doesn’t his Manifesto make clear he acted to stop the cabal? Asking for a Fren....