
According to the official story, the FBI was just about to put the handcuffs on a suspect, but the suspect killed himself moments before his impending arrest.

Convenient huh?

So now the corrupt government gets to close the case, hang it on a man who can’t defend himself, and never have to disclose any of the supposed evidence of this mans guilt.

The Anthrax letters were helpful in ratcheting up fear, and pushing Congress into passing the PATRIOT act (TRAITOR ACT)

The Anthrax letters were also helpful in providing the pretext to install scanners in the US Postal system, which documents and tracks every letter sent thru the post, and they have the tech to read the contents of a letter right thru the envelope, without opening the envelope.

So they read every piece of mail you send or recieve, for your safety of course,

While they still cant figure out who did the actual crime


Ohio Conducts Statewide Simulation of Anthrax Attack

Public safety, health, and emergency management agencies across the state of Ohio came together recently to conduct a three-day anthrax attack simulation.

The simulation was conducted at the Historic Crew Stadium in Columbus, Ohio and consisted of emergency responders dressed in layers of personal protective equipment, testing anthrax in mock exercises.

Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff shared

Exercises like this allow us to evaluate our ongoing readiness and make adjustments that we may find are necessary based on that experience, and it’s all with an eye towards best protecting the people of Ohio.

Public safety, emergency management and health agencies across Ohio worked together last week to undergo a three-day biological attack simulation

At the Historic Crew Stadium near the state fairgrounds in Columbus, trained emergency responders donned layers of protective gear to make sense of white powder and a chemical smell, and from there, determined how to properly reduce the risks

Under this mock exercise the hazard was the biological agent anthrax

The test was conducted as the tension in the Middle East has increased exponentially since the Hamas-Israel war started.

Ohio isn’t the only one concerned with a possible attack

Federal agencies are on alert for a possible anthrax attack, too

Below is the witness of telegraphing their moves:

According to the CDC’s website

If a bioterrorist attack were to happen, Bacillus anthracis, the bacteria that causes anthrax would be one of the biological agents most likely to be used

Sounds like a ' Precipice ' moment eh ?!?





Cases of the dangerous bacterial disease have prompted a lockdown in a district of Russia’s Voronezh Region

A state of emergency has been declared in a district of Russia’s Voronezh Region over an outbreak of the deadly bacterial disease anthrax, local authorities have said.

Regional governor Aleksandr Gusev introduced the measures in the Paninsky municipal area on Sunday. They will remain in place until at least November 16, according to a statement released on Monday.

During this period, visits by unauthorized persons to the district will be limited. A ban has been imposed on the movement, import, and slaughter of animals unvaccinated against anthrax. The shipment of meat products and feed from the area has also been prohibited, as well as the hunting of wild animals, the statement read.

The administration added that local and regional agencies had contained the outbreak. Every home in the affected settlement has been inspected, with two mobile sanitary and veterinary stations arriving in the area, it said. The authorities did not provide information on how many cases had been discovered or the details of any infections.

Voronezh Region is located in southwest Russia and shares a border with Ukraine. Its main city, Voronezh, lies 465km from Moscow.

Two people infected with Anthrax in Russia Russia’s previous anthrax outbreak was reported in the Republic of Chuvashia in March. The spread of the infection was swiftly contained by the local authorities.

Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by the Bacillus anthracis bacteria, which is sometimes encountered in rural areas and most commonly affects livestock. Humans can catch it from animals, typically from infected carcasses, as well as from wool, hair, and hides.

The disease has several forms and can occur in the skin, lungs, and intestines. Respiratory anthrax is considered the most dangerous and has a mortality rate of between 50% and 80%, even with treatment, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, the skin form of the disease is the most common, and is lethal in less than 24% of cases without treatment.

Anthrax caused hundreds of thousands of deaths around the globe before the scientific advances of the 20th century. The number of cases has been greatly reduced thanks to the use of antibiotics to treat infected people and to the vaccination of animals.



It’s been 20 years since the Secretary of State made his UN Security Council address, fake anthrax vial in hand, which led to the Iraq war and millions of deaths.

Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of 'Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union.' He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector. @RealScottRitter


Twenty years ago, former Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered his now-infamous address before the United Nations Security Council, making the case for war against Iraq.

The presentation would later be revealed as lies. Sadly, it would also turn out that no one seemed to care.On February 5, 2003, I watched it all with a sense of boiling anger. The day before, I had made the following prediction to Japanese media:

“He’s [Powell] going to present circumstantial evidence that packaged together and presented will make a compelling case that [UN weapons] inspections don’t work, inspections can’t work, that Iraq is actively conspiring against inspections, thereby, denigrating the efficacy of inspections, while the world waits for inspectors to do their job. The purpose of Colin Powell’s presentation tomorrow is to destroy international trust and confidence in weapons inspections and that is a darn shame.”

I was 100% correct in my assessment.


I was in Japan at the invitation of Japanese activists to generate political opposition to America’s looming war on Iraq. I addressed the Japanese parliament and spoke with several major Japanese media outlets. Shortly after Powell finished speaking, I gave an interview with Kyodo News, where I dismissed Powell’s assertions that Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction as “unsubstantiated.”

“There’s nothing here that’s conclusive proof that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction,” I told Kyodo News. “Everything in here is circumstantial, everything in here mirrors the kind of allegations the US has made in the past in regard to Iraq’s weapons program,” I said. “He just hits you, hits you, hits you with circumstantial evidence, and he confuses people – and he lied, he lied to people, he misled people.”

Powell’s iconic moment was when he raised a vial of white powder – a proxy intended to simulate dry powder anthrax, a potent biological weapons agent, in an effort to link Iraq with the terrorist attacks in the US in October 2001 where dry powder anthrax was sent through the US postal system in envelopes. Ironically, the anthrax in question was actually produced by the US. Iraq is only known to have produced liquid bulk anthrax, which has a shelf life of only three years, and the last known batch of liquid bulk anthrax was produced in 1991 at a state-owned factory which was destroyed in 1996.

“Colin Powell holds up a vial of dry powder anthrax and he makes allusions to the attack in the United States through the letters. That was US government anthrax! It had nothing to do with Iraq,” I said. Powell, I explained, was engaging in “classic bait-and-switch” in his presentation. “Iraq, anthrax, vial, dry powder – what connection do they have? None!”

During my February 4 media event in Japan, I made the following prediction about the consequences of Powell’s UN presentation:

“The United States will seek to compel the Security Council into passing a new resolution, if the Security Council fails to do so the United States will go it alone with its narrow coalition and I see a massive aerial bombardment beginning by the end of February, I see ground troops in significant numbers crossing over into Iraq by early March, and I don’t see this war finishing anytime soon. While we may occupy Baghdad sometime in June, we’ll be occupying Iraq for months, if not years. It will be an occupation that will be carried out with the violent opposition of the Iraqi people, and I see an increase in the acts of anti-American terror abroad. I think an American invasion of Iraq is the best recruitment poster that Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda will ever have.”

I challenged Powell’s assertions until I was blue in the face, including at a public forum held at the University of Tokyo the day after Powell spoke, February 6.

It was to no avail.


“There can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein has biological weapons and the capability to rapidly produce more, many more,” Powell told the Security Council, “and he has the ability to dispense these lethal poisons and diseases in ways that can cause massive death and destruction.”

All lies. But the US mainstream media repeated his words as gospel, and the American people ate it up as if it were Manna from heaven. My country went to war based upon a foundation of lies told by someone who, up until that moment, was seen as one of the most credible individuals in American public service ever.

The Powell presentation set a precedent of public lies which haunts the US and the world to this day. The United States, it seems, is incapable of telling the truth about anything, especially when it deals with national security and foreign policy.

The current manifestation of this precedent is playing out before the world when it comes to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. As was the case with Iraq and Anthrax, the US leads a coalition of compliant partners in spreading similar lies about Russia, whether to ignore history when labeling the Russian decision to intervene an “unprovoked act of aggression”, backing the Ukrainian version of the Bucha massacre, or misleading the Ukrainians and the world about the ability of US-led injections of military equipment to change the tide of battle against Russia – it won’t.

It is virtually impossible for Russia to even begin to contemplate negotiations when the party sitting at the other side of the table, the United States, incorporates lies into every aspect of its argument.

The Powell Precedent is pure poison, and the world, especially Russia, would be foolish to accept any drink from a chalice offered by the United States.

Colin Powell may no longer be with us, but his legacy lives on in the bodyguard of lies he helped build around everything the US has said and done since that fateful day 20 years ago.




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