don't shoot the messenger i'm just puttin this out there,guess it's no different than a thousand others out there making claims,take with a shot of tequila and a lot of salt.


👉 'Cutting off the head of the Snake'

*Video by Pascal Najadi & Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger.

*Vaccine injuries and deaths, WHO, WEF, GAVI, Bill Gates, Big Tech, it's all here. This is a MOVEMENT to uninstall the world's nefarious organizations that set out to kill off a majority of the world's population.

*It's no longer a 'conspiracy theory', they have been exposed and are no longer operating in the darkness of manipulative psyops, and are openly moving their chess pieces. Become educated. There are counter moves being played.

*Read about these counter moves here: https://huffmag.com/pascal-najadi-global-us-military-operation-storm-reality-in-2024/

Video here. https://rumble.com/v3swaba-cutting-off-the-head-of-the-snake-pascal-najadi-and-dr.-astrid-stuckelberge.html


Pascal Najadi...

Burst on the Scene in late 2023, reportedly "son of WEF co-founder", "former Swiss Airforce Commander" and "investment Banker", Najadi has been saying a lot of things about certain people and making some big pronouncements and "disclosures".

Let's take a look at him from the angle of his own actions.

From his truth social account, he links to various stories quoting or publishing himself.

For example:



But who wrote' the article Under who's name is it published)?

Author: https://hindustanherald.com/author/heralddesk/

No name, no variable information or data. Curious.

Who is the Hindustan Herald? Part of the Mavilach Group, apparently.

https://hindustanherald.com/ (Bottom of page)

Who are the Mavilach Group?

Mavilach Group (https://mavilach.org/)

Let’s see. Who are they? Let's check out the About Us page.


Hmmm…. OK.

See All divisions >> https://mavilach.org/service/ >> https://mavilach.org/about-us/

Uh? Ok.

Mavilach Press (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service/ >> https://mavilach.org/about-us/


Mavilach Experience (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

Mavilach Connect (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

Mavilach Media (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

Mavilach Engage (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

In other words, nothing. All image, no substance. Every link on About us Leads to the same Service page, which leads back to the About Us page.

Keep this in mind.

But surely Najadi is legit. He's published in lots of different places. Like the New Jersey Times, as Najadi tells us:



New Jersey Times, a generic interest and news publication that suddenly promotes the most important, Breaking News!!! Disclosure by Najadi!!

Note: Popular “this week”: (Najadi article, Dec 11 aka 3 months old, but popular “This week”)


Author? “Little Mavilach”. https://newjerseytimes.us/author/little/

Profile? No data, no verifiable information. And… Mavilach Group.

Contact? Manage your subscription?

The best way to manage your New York Times subscription is online, by visiting newjerseytimes.us/myaccount.

Did Mavilach simply copy then forget to edit the NYT template?

What’s the bet that Mavilach runs a service that lets people pay him money to publish their thing in a seemingly legitimate publication?


Marketing Sales digital media

note: same articles on Hinidustan Herald and New Jersey Times

On his Rumble ABOUT page, Najadi links “The Prenuer Magazine”



An online magazine dealing with generic interest topics etc, all of a sudden posts the SAME article from Najadi but under someone else’s name….

Who are they?


No information, really. Except “We’re dedicated to providing you with…. “ and “I will keep posting more important posts on my Website for all of you” but not even a name. Also, no address, no information whatsoever.

Let’s domain search:


Registrant: Swagger Deevs

Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address: Uttar Pradesh, India.

Hmmm…. Who/what is Swagger deevs? https://therealpreneur.com/business/introducing-swagger-deevs-elevating-your-digital-presence/

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead requires more than just a strategy — it demands a unique blend of creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking. This is where SWAGGER DEEVS steps in, a pioneering digital marketing agency founded by Divyam Agarwal

So, a digital marketing company. Do you think perhaps they post articles for money on their general interests and news publications website?

Do you think its possible that Najadi and Johnson have decided to pay marketing companies operating pseudo-news and general interest websites to generate the impression that they are legit and going viral? Is it possible? What other explanation could there be for these websites to publish that content and for Najadi to promote them via his Truth Social and Rumble Accounts? Do you really think that Q, DJT and the White Hats are going to ‘disclose’ all the top secret operations information in this manner? Really?

Let’s go on.

The Real Prenuer article:

Pascal Najadi, a former Swiss Air Force commander and investment banker, began with his disclosures, which include verified proof gathered from official United States Government and Military websites.

So, the Law of War Manual (dug into and investigated by MagicEyes) and Devolution Theory (dug into and investigated by Jon Herold, aka Patel Patriot) etc, etc, are all Najadi’s disclosures? Hmmmm…

The well-known American Military Veteran Derek Johnson, who is also a trusted ally of the current President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, as well as General Michael Flynn and other prominent US Military Commanders, has established an unhackable Disclosure www.thedocuments.info enabling the public the world over to check and verify that Donald J. Trump is not only the current Wartime President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States, These are the unmistakable components of Disclosure that will provide you with the clarity you deserve.

How many anons can verify or provide tangible evidence that Johnson is "well-known" & “a trusted ally of the current President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, as well as General Michael Flynn & other prominent US Military Commanders”? Trusted by who?

Who else is promoting Najadi’s narrative?

AMG (Feb 5, 2024)


Essentially a copy/paste of Najadi’s ‘statement of disclosure’

Who ‘wrote’ this? https://amg-news.com/author/medeea/

Blurb, zero concrete or verifiable details. Avatar from Gravata.com (https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d7521495d3fea0c6bd5178d6adb0cd17?s=95&d=mm&r=g) AMG is another clickbait fake site.

“Med beds” “QFS” All the executions!!!


Apparently its all been done folks! Hey, nothing like news that is real and raw (<ahem> Real Raw News!!!!)

UPDATE 30.12.2023

All Royalties Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World All Prime Ministers Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World Start Looking For An Honest Conservative To Elect Prime Minister In Your Country



Najadi also promoted this:


Apparently, “Jon s. Wilson” on Medium.com was happy to republish Najadi’s article in his own name…


Who is he?


Jon S. Wilson is an American Author working with more than 100+ News Organizations

15 followers, but he works with 100+ news orgs. Wow.

Najadi promotes his own article at Los Angeles Business on his Truth Social account


The article is now deleted but… archived:


So, an online general interests and news publication suddenly publishes BREAKING Najadi disclosures!

Author: Morgan Skyler. Who is he?

Morgan Snyder is a highly respected senior correspondent for Los Angeles Magazine. With over 20 years of experience in the field of journalism, Morgan is known for his insightful reporting blah blah….

So, no verifiable details or information. But his avatar?

See also Allen Keen on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/stores/Allan-Keen/author/B09MGDK5KY); Sam Fitz on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/thedude5823912/).

Tineye reveals its a stock photo:


E.g. https://bespokeunit.com/grooming/hair/short-styles/

So what sort of magazine uses fake accounts to post generic interest news, and then a BREAKING! Big story like Pascal Najadi?

And why did Pascal Najadi link to it? Doesn’t HE know that it’s a bogus website? But, he’s the one who is disclosing all the top secret information, right?!?

Thanks to Najadi, we find another ‘article’ about him.




An online general interests and news publication (focused on music, entertainment, etc) suddenly posts BAM!!! Big Disclosure by ally of Commander In Chief Donald Trump!!!!

Who are they?


Vents Magazine is the premier online publication for music news, entertainment, movies....

But no address, not contact details, no verifiable information.

Who ‘wrote’ the article (always using the same photos that Najadi posts on his Truth Social account)?

Author: TEDFUEL.


No information, not a blurb, not even an avatar!

Najadi is even a member of General Flynn’s Locals!!! Yes! If that isn’t clear evidence that he is legitimate and is buddies with Gen Flynn, what is?



Huff mag also published Najadi’s big article:


Huffmag, an online general interests and news publication suddenly publishing BREAKING news that is top secret!!!!! The ONE Opinion article they have and it’s THIS one. How about that?

Author: Jeff Curry


Mr Curry: Previous stories all fashion, models, artists, general affairs and BAM! Big Military Operation disclosure!!!

Avatar: https://huffmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/istockphoto-1286810719-170667a-96x96.jpg

istockphoto. They didn’t even bother to rename the file….

https://stock.adobe.com/images/Smiling-cheerful-young-adult-african-american-ethnicity-man-looking-at-camera-st/391347204 Huffmag. No address, not even an “About” tab. Oh, but

© 2024 Huffmag. Advertising Agency .

Hmmmm…. See a pattern here?

Najadi also linked to what is clearly a bogus fake news website, touting it as evidence that his stories are all true and now going global, because the news organization is a massive, mainstream news organization, namely CNBCUSA.com.

I personally checked this. Looks like now Najadi has removed the Truth Social post, but here is the link that he provided, archived:


Author: David Stevens.


So, previous articles are Arts, Talents, models, then BAM! Big Disclosure of Global Top Secret Operations!

Avatar: Stock photo. (courtesty of Tineyecom)


So, how is it that supposedly Super Intel knowing ‘Former Swiss Airforce Officer’ now ‘working with Space Force’ (Semper Supra, don’t you know?) is posting links to his information, articles, and photos on what are obviously fake and/or paid-for media online publications?

The CNBCUSA.com one is particularly interesting, as it is obviously an out and out fake website. (It was taken down sometime last month, possibly prompted by the actual CNBC.com folks found out about it when one of our own anons (u/winn) contacted them to let them know that their fake news was being faked by another fake, fake news website.)

But all the other sites are dodgy as heck. And yet, Najadi unabashedly uses them, or promotes them. How is that possible?

Some pedes will say “yes, its all a disclosure operation by the White Hats and Najadi is 100% legitimate (despite taking all the credit for the work of anons over the past 7 years) and these places are being used to disclose the real truth”. The same argument came out when Real Raw News operation started up. How did that one turn out?

The other explanation is that these websites were paid by Najadi (and his backers) to publish the content and make it appear something that it isn’t. To give it power and generate apparent legitimacy.

Look how many posts there have been at GAW on Najadi and his big disclosures!


Najadi has gotten himself invited onto a lot of Alt-media influencers, and has been retweeted and promoted by quite a few who I would consider legitimate anons and researchers. But have any of them really investigated into Najadi? Or do they simply take him at face value? Or are they happy themselves to promote clickable stuff?

What do you think, anon?

Here is a video Najadi posted on his Rumbel account, 3 months ago.


Apparently Derek Johnson is not only US Military veteran (the only one to have a hit billboard song in 2020! Which is obviously a really big deal (sarc)) , but he is also a “friend of US Wartime President and CIC Donald Trump”

Najadi uses a picture of Johnson standing next to Trump as the thumbnail for the video, obviously giving the impression that somehow a photo of Johnson with Trump shows he is a great friend of Trump and his ally, too!

The articles all use the same pictures. Big on Noise...

Grandiose claims, cut and paste content from OTHER anons passed off as his own? Or Super important secret disclosure operation by Q team using Najadi and Derek Johnson?

Think about it.


The Current Wartime President Trump is our Retribution for High Treason and Democide by corrupt rogue government element, WHO — This is the total Obliteration of the globalist Deep State.

In the year 2023, it has become evident that the Covid PsyOp was meticulously planned and executed long before its implementation. From 2020 until the present day, influential Traitors and Demociders such as Fauci, Biden, the WHO, the WEF, Gavi, Bill Gates, Swiss Health Minister and President Alain Berset, Emmanuel Macron, Lula of Brasil, Von der Leyen, Lauterbach, Drosten, Trudeau, and numerous other individuals in positions of power within governments, supranational organizations, NGOs, military factions, and the medical field, have actively worked against the welfare of humanity. They have committed a Democide and High Treason of unprecedented proportions, surpassing even the most devastating events described in biblical texts.

The motive behind their actions becomes clear when we examine their unified support for the injection of a Bioweapon disguised as an experimental mRNA Gene-altering substance into over 5.7 billion individuals worldwide. This coordinated effort, known as Lockstep or Gleichschritt, draws disturbing parallels to Nazi terminology.

To further their agenda, these malevolent actors have colluded with pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna, who have profited immensely from unconstitutional and discriminatory apartheid-like regimes. These regimes were established under the guise of Covid laws, which were based on a fraudulent and ineffective PCR test. The government and mass media, acting as accomplices, have manipulated public opinion by disseminating false narratives and discrediting esteemed institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, and MIT, along with the top scientists who had warned against the dangers of these lethal and harmful shots.

In a shocking display of authoritarianism, the unvaccinated have been labeled as enemies of the “Collective,” a term reminiscent of the Nazi regime’s rhetoric. This demonization has coerced innocent families and their children into succumbing to unconstitutional restrictions and public shaming, ultimately leading them to flock to vaccination centers in large numbers.

The year 2023 has brought to light the sinister machinations of those in power, who have callously disregarded the well-being of their own people and violated the very constitutions they were entrusted to uphold. The consequences of their actions will forever be etched in history as a dark chapter of betrayal and deception.

Humanity was compelled to receive an injection of a state-sponsored substance that was marketed as safe, tested, and effective against the Corona PsyOp Virus, which has never been isolated in any laboratory on Earth. My mother and I, along with countless others, were coerced into getting the jabs, which is when force is used to make someone do something they do not want to do. The same rogue executors who subjected us to this are now claiming, with the support of unreliable Federal and Civil Justice Judges, that they did not use force. However, coercion is a form of psychological force and is considered the use of force under the law. All of this was done under unconstitutional circumstances, including the Swiss Constitution, which sounded not too bad until the Covid Injection Democide occurred.

Art 8.

Every person is equal before the law. No person may be discriminated against, in particular on grounds of origin, race, gender, age, language, social position, way of life, religious, ideological, or political convictions, or because of a physical, mental or psychological disability.

The Swiss Government’s violation of Article 8 has resulted in the establishment of a QR Code separated society. This has been followed by the implementation of illegal lockdowns and mask mandates, even affecting children. These actions have personally affected me and my beloved mother, Heidi, who is a descendant of Rudolf Minger, a renowned farmer and former President of the Swiss Federal Council. Minger dedicated himself to the well-being of his people, particularly during the horrific times of World War II, a devastating conflict that caused immense loss of life and injuries to millions of individuals.

Regrettably, we, along with 5.7 billion other individuals, have been deceived into receiving vaccinations. The majority of the Divine Human Species, including ourselves, fell victim to the lies and manipulation orchestrated by our respective governments. These governments, entrusted with upholding and defending our Constitution, as well as safeguarding our interests as We The People, have failed us. It is now scientifically evident that Pfizer and Moderna were fully aware of the involvement of rogue US Military elements in engineering this Bioweapon, with the assistance of Dr. Fauci and his colleagues in Wuhan, during the Bioweapons embargo on the USA and Canada from 2012 to 2014.

These malevolent entities not only deceived and manipulated the then-President and Commander in Chief, Donald J. Trump, during his first term, but also colluded with the World Health Organization (WHO), which enjoys Diplomatic Immunity in Geneva, Switzerland. Their objective was to orchestrate the first-ever Democide in the history of mankind, targeting the divine Human species. Shockingly, they even exploited Pope Francis, using the name of Jesus Christ and God Almighty to promote the injections into humans, all in the name of faith. The extent of these events is beyond imagination, yet they have all occurred and are well-documented.

And they all had a much more sinister plan for us Humans. It involved a prolonged and unrelenting lockdown that would span over two consecutive years. This diabolical scheme was set in motion with the alleged outbreak of the Wuhan surprise, a novel and highly contagious virus known as CoronaVirus. Dr. Fauci and his cohorts, including Tedros, Gates, Schwab, and others, deceived President Trump into signing emergency documents, which were carefully crafted to support their web of lies.

However, their carefully constructed house of cards began to crumble when President Putin unveiled the non-harmful Sputnik V vaccine, claiming it to be the first effective solution against this orchestrated PsyOp orchestrated by Fauci and his associates. To everyone’s astonishment, President Trump unexpectedly disrupted the Deep State’s plans by announcing the availability of a viable vaccine. This unexpected move was the first card he played, causing the Cabal’s house of cards to slowly collapse, thwarting their intentions to confine us for an extended period.

Their objective was not only to decimate the global middle class and commerce through these draconian measures but also to manipulate the human psyche into accepting any injected substance as a means to regain freedom of movement. Can you imagine spending two years confined indoors? Most of us would have become mere automatons, desperately in need of financial assistance. This is where the Federal Reserve (FED), the European Central Bank (ECB), and other insolvent central banks would step in, offering a universal state salary of USD 3,000 to every individual worldwide. However, this financial aid would come at a price — the acceptance of a world health pass combined with a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) wallet, which would grant mobility.

Under this dystopian regime, private property and personal vehicles would become obsolete, replaced by the concept of 15 Minute Cities, where everything one needed would be within a short distance. The control mechanisms were meticulously designed, with the CBDC having an expiration date, ensuring compliance and dependence on the system.

This was a feature emphasizing the importance of collective care and economic recovery following a prolonged two-year lockdown enforced by the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO, unopposed by any of the 194 rogue government entities, some of which were influenced by neo-fascist and communist ideologies propagated by Klaus Schwab and the Globalist WEF club, sought to establish a Pandemic Treaty. This treaty aimed to grant the WHO unrestricted authority over our respective Constitutions, including all legislative, executive, and military branches, enabling them to utilize force in administering vaccinations to 70% of the population and detaining unwilling or allegedly infected individuals in re-education camps fortified with barbed wire.

However, the patriot protector, not only of the US Constitution but also of global interests, recognized the need to take action in the spirit of the 1776 Constitution and humanity. A decision was made to dismantle the global deep state through a strategic alliance known as the War Generals Alliance, consisting of 33 nations’ militaries operating under the leadership of the US Space Force, commanded by CIC and Wartime President Donald J. Trump. This operation was initiated following a well-coordinated Helsinki Summit in the summer of 2018, where President Trump and President Putin of the Russian Federation jointly agreed to proceed. The memorable Helsinki Summit Press Conference witnessed President Putin presenting a football as a gift to President Trump, exchanging meaningful glances and smiles, symbolizing their shared understanding. In a paraphrased statement, President Putin handed the ball to President Trump, stating, “Dear Mr. President, I present this football to you,” as he passed it over. President Trump accepted the ball, signifying his acceptance of the challenge, while Putin concluded by saying, “…and now the ball is in your court.”

This marks the undeniable commencement of the Deep State’s decline, with President Trump assuming the role of the unwavering WarTime President and Commander in Chief of the United States Military since 2020. The US Space Force, as the central command and control of the largest global military operation in history, surpasses any previous military endeavor. More than 200 esteemed war time Generals from over 33 nations tirelessly dedicate themselves to active duty under the operation commonly referred to as Operation Storm. President Trump’s resolute declaration, “The Storm is now upon us,” remains etched in our collective memory.

As a victim of three Pfizer Bioweapon mRNA shots, which unleashed an overwhelming number of toxic Nano Lipids into my body, resulting in the destruction of billions of Mitochondria, I took decisive action. Seeking justice, I approached the Swiss Police and filed Criminal Charges against a Health Minister whom I believed to be acting outside the bounds of the law. Granting Swiss Justice the benefit of doubt, I also filed criminal charges against the two doctors responsible for administering the shots without obtaining the legally required informed consent, which necessitated my signed approval before the injection. Regrettably, the responses from the courts in all three cases echoed a similar miscarriage of justice, asserting that force was not employed and that I should have educated myself about the potential dangers. Consequently, they deemed the injections non-poisonous, thereby negating the need for informed consent procedures.

This firsthand experience unequivocally confirms that our current Government, the majority of medical professionals, the prosecution, the courts, and their judges have converged into a single entity, one that is unreliable. They have forsaken their duty to safeguard and uphold the Swiss Constitution, as well as to serve and protect the very citizens who finance their livelihoods, nourish their families, and provide education for their children.

They all demonstrated a lack of reliability in relation to the Constitution and us, Humans. However, they diligently fulfilled their respective duties in an attempt to safeguard the unreliable elements within our government. This was particularly evident in my cases, as ruling in accordance with the written laws would have undoubtedly sparked a massive outcry from approximately 5 million Swiss individuals who had been injected into the country, demanding immediate retribution. Such a scenario had the potential to destabilize the rogue government elements, leading to a mass exodus of officials resigning from their positions. Naturally, this outcome could not be permitted, prompting them to resort to attempts to make me disappear.

Unfortunately for them, this proved to be a grave error, as they all fell into the trap of my deception, our deception. I now rightfully align myself with my fellow Human Guardian, President Trump, and assert that our justice system and judges are entirely unreliable.

In instances where the Federal Civil Courts and their judges prove to be unreliable in upholding the constitution due to a series of failures, alternative measures must be taken to rectify such catastrophic circumstances in the best interest of the Humans, the Sovereign, and the countless victims who have suffered injury or loss of life.

What makes this situation even more remarkable is that on the opposing side, they are fully aware that I am aware of their awareness, thus confirming that the era of contradictory court proceedings and civil arguments has come to an end. There is no longer a phase of warning in this process. No, the time for dialogue has concluded. The Light, in its entirety, is now taking charge. The exact moment of this Shock remains a tightly protected Military Secret, as I am not involved in this unstoppable military operation, and any individual who possesses such knowledge, including those key figures I am acquainted with, would never commit the act of high treason by divulging even the slightest detail to me.

All Humans reading this disclosure should be prepared for an unprecedented shock period. It is crucial to trust our military, as they are now the Guardians tasked with restoring law and order and protecting our respective Constitutions. The aftermath of this Democide will bring about a completely new way of life, for which words fail to adequately describe the magnitude. However, the film produced and released on October 19th, in collaboration with Dr. Astrid Stückelberger, a loyal compatriot and friend from Switzerland, has become one of the fastest-growing Documentary shorts in terms of view count. Since its release, it has garnered over 500 million views, a testament to its impact.

The professional production team, separate from us, made the decision to dedicate this masterpiece, with a runtime of 4 minutes and 44 seconds, to be freely shared without any copyright or credits. This allows billions of people worldwide to join in and shed light on the souls lost to this tragedy.

Together, this united force of light serves as a precursor to the impending Military Justice, which will relentlessly pursue and bring to justice all those responsible for this unimaginable Democide.


Pascal Najadi, the son of WEF co-founder Hussain Najadi, is calling for the arrests of Bill Gates, WHO leadership, the WEF, Klaus Schwab, Big Tech and Pfizer.

He says he and his mother are now dying from the vaccine, which he calls “poison”. Video 4 mins 45 secs.
