Thank you for asking! One can only speculate, but I can't help but feel that the recent Q drops re: DNA and Ascension point directly to the disclosure of RD's information- we have been genetically modified and exploited throughout extended human history for the benefit of aliens, we must ascend into galactic society/government to achieve our God-given destiny.
I've been telling people this for years, I'll say it again
Read r/Reptiliandude.
It is absolutely true, directly Q-adjacent with CodeMonkeyZ "OP Q RD", and indirectly Q-adjacent with the most recent Q drops re: DNA and "Ascension"
This is where The Storm is upon us. Markets are primed for the crash of the century, Trump is President-elect for months, they will manufacture a civil political crisis with an attempt at preventing him from taking office that will simultaneously crash markets and leave him to quickly recover.
Have been watching this since seeing it posted here. I recall u/JohnTitor17 saying that 9/16 was a day for the Sky Event on the Q Clock. Food for thought!
I just feel that this briefly explains the message, the operation, and that it touches on the specific environment we will be in when it all goes down.
Knowing what we know now, and from what has transpired over the last 7 years- the President now has the authority to criminally charge a past President.
The early posts suggest POTUS taking swift and harsh action against all of his enemies, particularly on "day one" of his office. What if these early posts are really about what will happen next, when Trump gets reelected?
I have kept this in mind since reading it in 2019, the year I started trading stock options. I've done well here and there for myself, but never quite popped off the way many have online. I'm writing this as I can't sleep - but last week I quadrupled my money and I sent it all into short options against the market this week. Looking at the pre market numbers, it's scary for the economy, but I stand personally to reap maybe $10,000+ when the market opens.
You have to SHOW people before they find the will to change. I believe this is a scare, a flash, not necessarily just one day but I believe by November we will be okay.
Think Q's most recent posts
Humanity must ascend against our oppressors
Historically speaking, we've only ever been oppressed by an off world force that has shepherded power amongst those greedy enough to sell out their fellow man for wealth.
Once one reconciles our history with the reality of our existence on Earth (think DNA), then the entire picture comes into view.
Read Reptiliandude, he is connected to our work here.
Yes. And we are also all livestock.
We are systematically exposed to these contaminants and later "harvested" as livestock so that our immunities to these contaminants can be sold across the universe.
Think of Q's most recent post. You reading this, you can connect the dots.
What is coded in your DNA? Who put it there? Why? Mankind is repressed. We will be repressed no more. Information is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Information is power. How do you protect your DNA? There is a war for your DNA. Protect your DNA. Ascension.
The Great Awakening is truly Biblical. Mankind, the "amnesia apes", will awaken to the horrors of the past and present.
Reptiliandude helped humanity greatly.
Interesting how the central tenet here is private industry now, not politics.
PV under James was, please correct me if I'm wrong, almost always targeting political actors in one way or another. Pfizer was notable, yet is also uniquely entangled with government, moreso optically than Siemens or even any energy firms I can think of.
Interesting to me because this is the first PV I'm really noticing at least since they fucked James O'Keefe
Contrary to the whole Bluebeam tale (notice that EVERY account in this thread bringing up Bluebeam is a handshake account), which I do consider a possibility for the general public's first introduction to extraterrestrials, I consider the Alien situation far more complex and unconsidered.
There are, of course, many different species of Alien.
If you'll consider the following, I'd encourage you to read the rest on r/reptiliandude.
For all of human history, we have been genetically modified by a reptilian species called the Kayeen (pronounced Cah-yeen). We have been modified to be more genetically similar to them so that our immunities to contagions could be harvested for profit for other species and so that we could be overwriteable by them. Mark of the beast is the final step in that row of ducks. There's too much to summarize, but if you consider this interesting, plausible, or possible I'd highly encourage reading through reptiliandude.
It turns red in a petri dish, almost like War of the Worlds.
If it were really in the fog, wouldn't all the surfaces where it was foggy start to turn red?