and his nieces AKA his dead brothers underage kids.
I hope so, but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm wondering if this is really Socratic method or actually asking for croud-sourced answers.
yes, thats the point.
I think you are diluted. Please look up Occam's razor. Biden cheated and got in. There isn't an honest person in a position of power left in all of DC.
fake. Q does feel like a rick roll now.
agreed. the election was stolen. No one wanted to do anything about it. and the media successfully ignored it away.
plane landing in palm beach now
False Flags right on cue. This is unbelievable!
no one can predict the future to a level of precision this Q is claiming.
don't believe it anymore. Laws are only for us, not the elite.
They manufactured all the votes needed for Biden to "win".
Occam's razor everyone, look it up.
scytyl servers?
Especially that the launch is today as well.
WTF good is this 24 hrs prior to the inauguration? What can they do in this short time?
Agreed, he should be arrested and prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law, that is all.
yeah, this has been my concern all along. Living in an echo chamber. Someone posts something, then multiple others post that information without citing the original source, giving the appearance of corroboration. Just like what the FBI did during the whole russia distraction, by leaking info to the press about the steel dossier and then referencing their own leaks as further corroboration
I don't know what to believe anymore. Black is white, up is down....
War drums?
doesn't pass the smell test.
So are you saying there is 4 year offset now? I thought it was 3 year delay? why not 5 year delay, or 9 year delay?