1PhantomStranger 2 points ago +2 / -0

There goes hope that Space Force not being cucked.

1PhantomStranger 1 point ago +1 / -0

time to re-declare independence!

1PhantomStranger 37 points ago +37 / -0

yet another reason why they want us "socially distanced". We are the majority and seeing this swells me with some relief and confidence that no, we are not in this alone.

1PhantomStranger 1 point ago +1 / -0

ha agreed. Word would need to go out and self-policing would need to be in full force. I don't care if they're wearing MAGA, punches to the face for anyone breaking shit.

1PhantomStranger -1 points ago +4 / -5

classic self fulfilling prophecy. Constitutionalists speculate that this is the date of the real inauguration, a bunch buy rooms, inflating demand, that demand in-turn increases the price, people take note and use it as some kind of data point to reinforce their theories. The cavalry isn't coming to save us people. WE need to rise up and make certain our voices are heard!

1PhantomStranger 2 points ago +3 / -1

Cashing out? We saw another exodus just prior to covid hitting and crashing the market. Is there another crash on the horizon?

1PhantomStranger 4 points ago +4 / -0

what are the dates of these images. The one on the left appears to be a few "faces" ago. He has had work done. Politics is Hollywood for ugly people.

1PhantomStranger -3 points ago +1 / -4

why does any of this matter? They're resigning after long careers, they made it as hard as possible for Trump to lead and be effective, and they have piles of money to boot. If anything this signals "mission accomplished" to me.

1PhantomStranger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm starting to warm to the idea of removing all the patriots from the military and backfilling their vacancies with trannies.

1PhantomStranger 6 points ago +6 / -0

I see where you are coming from and feel similar. This feeling is beyond frustrated. We are all being gaslit, know it, voted for the change we wanted, know he won in a landslide in our hear of hearts, we see all the evidence to show it was stolen from him, and are now living in a country we do not recognize, when we have done nothing wrong, but an elite cadre of criminals have screwed us all to transform this country/ the world into their ideal vision. Next stop the great reset! See you all at the gulags!

1PhantomStranger 36 points ago +36 / -0

...Eric Swallwell while married, slept with a CCP spy and remains on the Intelligence committee, Ayana Pressley, AOC, Pelosi, Waters all called for violence during the 'TIFA/BLM Riots....Yet they have suffered NO consequences. They are protected elites who can do no wrong.

1PhantomStranger 3 points ago +3 / -0

These busts are a direct result of the Trump WH placing the right people in the right positions to actually do good. I am afraid that these busts will begin fading away once Biden minions remove the people who actually want to bust criminals and or the DOJ just doesn't prosecute. The entire federal apparatus will become focused on us, free thinking freedom loving people.

1PhantomStranger 0 points ago +1 / -1

I agree with you that prosecution should be the correct course of action, but who will prosecute and when? Answer: it hasn't and wont happen. All DC institutions are corrupted beyond repair. The last line of non-violent defense if for honest state legislatures to force corrections onto the federal government for election integrity and to root out the corrupt actors in congress via term limits. The longer they stay in power, the further they are corrupted and represent special interest and not the people. Representing the people was never meant to be a career, it was meant to be a duty, a calling to serve the people, and then go back to their lives being a productive member of society, not a permanent fixture of the establishment. Once they force DC and PR to statehood, we will be further away from having the state legislatures to accomplish any meaningful change on the federal government.

1PhantomStranger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wondering if this guy was a patriot and the "child porn" label is to throw everyone off the scent. Further proof is why would the FBI prosecute this child abuser and not Hunter's incest/child porn/torture computer?

1PhantomStranger 3 points ago +4 / -1

its come down some, but it gapped up. This is international market, when US market opens, thats when the real fireworks should occur.

1PhantomStranger 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love how these elites always, always, tell us how it is going to be because it will be better for us, higher taxes, this great reset to rid us of our possessions, but never, NEVER do they write a check to the IRS to donate more of their money for the "cause", nor do they shed themselves of possessions. They do quite the opposite, use every loophole to pay as little taxes as possible and have very opulent possessions. They are out to screw us!

1PhantomStranger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some Autist out there should take this and make it look "official" and start posting it places. You know there are morons out there that will do this!

1PhantomStranger 15 points ago +15 / -0

They are now in maximum-ludicrous fucking with us mode.... wear 3 masks, anal swabs are next. They are laughing at us. No more!

1PhantomStranger 1 point ago +1 / -0

You would think, but no. They are protected. Probably will be India or Russia.

1PhantomStranger 1 point ago +1 / -0

more and more parallels to the matrix. Teh elites are trying to mimic hollywood movies. Terminator, matrix. etc.

1PhantomStranger 0 points ago +1 / -1

gave him the ol' bernie sanders treatment. new house?

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