There is nothing that precedes Christ. John 1: 1-3 says, "IN THE BEGINNING was the word and the Word was with God and THE WORD WAS GOD" "And THE WORD was MADE FLESH and DWELT AMONG US and we did behold (HIS) glory, the glory of THE ONLY begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). Jesus said unto them," verly verly,I say unto you, BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS I AM" (John 8:58). "I am Alpha and Omega, THE BEGINNING and THE END which is and WHICH WAS and which is to come" (Revelation 1:8). The devil(and his people) copy God, and add their take (perversion) to it, not the other way around. Kind of like Kamala Harris copies Trump, but no tax on tips was Trump's idea before it was Kamala's. Can you see it? I hope this helps to clarify the meaning, an intent of my previous post.
Karma is the world's explanation of the SPIRITUAL LAW Jesus taught in (Matthew 7:2) "With what measure you measure to another it will be measured back to you" the world calls it karma, but it is God's justice. The sentence you approved for others when they sin, is the sentence you will receive when you sin, and how shall we argue, since we ourselves approved of it. Therefore judge not and you won't be judged. Judge and you will be judged with the judgment you used. Forgive and you will be forgiven, with the forgiveness you gave. Refuse to forgive and you will not be forgiven. If you say it's good enough for someone else, how can it not be good enough for you? If you say they can only be forgiven three times, how is it you think you should be forgiven more? This is why it is written "Do not be deceived,God is Not mocked, whatever a man sows that shall he reap"(Galatians 6:7). People think God will sentence them, but they have sentenced themselves. So if you desire mercy, be merciful. If you desire to be forgiven, forgive. If you desire to receive, give. God says, "Behold I call Heaven and Earth to witness against you, this day, that I have set before you, life and Death, blessings and cursings, you choose" (Deuteronomy 3019). How wise, how fair, how just is God, for he has made a way through Christ, that we may have life and have it more abundantly(through the blood sacrifice of Christ) "Forgive as you have been forgiven"(Ephesians 4:32) The way we treat one another, is a picture of the extent to which we have truly thrown ourself on the mercy of God through Christ.
The People's champion. A billionaire satisfied with popcorn, didn't even take his presidential salary for all four years but donated it, could be on a yacht enjoying the Twilight years of his life with his family, instead took a bullet.
Baker's Evangelical dictionary of biblical theology. "SAINTS" the word saints is derived from a Greek verb (hagiazo -aJgiazw) who's basic meaning is "TO SET APART" "SANCTIFY" "MAKE HOLY" when people think of the word saint or holy they think of perfect or sinless, but this is not biblically correct, if this was true who could be considered holy? For God has said in Romans 3:23, "There is none righteous no not one for ALL HAVE SINNED and fallen short of the glory of God" Therefore a holy person, is not someone righteous or sinless but someone who is set apart. Holiness is something that God does for us not something that we have done for ourselves. In Acts 10:15 God says, "What I have called holy, let no one call unclean" in other words (as an example) if in fact God has called Trump (set him apart) for His purpose,who are we to say Trump's not fit? In the Bible a person or a vessel is considered holy when God set's it or them apart and it does not have to be perfect to be set apart by God (and in fact no one was except for Christ). If God waited for a perfect person, to get things done on this Earth, nothing would get done until Christ returns, because there is no perfect human being. We are saints and holy because God has set us apart for himself, not because we earned it, or even deserved it. (Leviticus 20:24) Says "I am the Lord your God who SEPARATED YOU from the people's". Acts 13:2 "The Holy Spirit SEPARATES Barnabas and Saul for a special purpose SETTING THEM APART for the work to which they have been called" 2Timothy 3:5 "But you are a chosen race, a holy priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession that you may proclaim the excellencies of him WHO CALLED YOU OUT of darkness and into His marvelous light." I hope this helps. So in this light, the light of God's word, yes Donald Trump could be called A saint, in the true meaning of the word, which is someone who has been set apart by God for His purpose. (if in fact God has called Trump) Cyrus, when he was called, and set apart by God to deliver Israel was not a godly man, and Cyrus certainly was not the man whom Israel would have chosen or expected to deliver them. Footnote: God is known for picking the most unlikely, the most flawed, so that when marvelous works are done through this flawed individual there can be no doubt that it was God who has done it and the praise belongs to Him alone.
The biblical meaning of saint (is not) a perfect one, rather saint means (set apart) It does seem that Trump is set apart (by God) for God's purpose (to deliver a nation) even as God used Cyrus who was far from perfect to deliver a nation.
"REVELATIONS ENTIRELY LACKS THE LOVE OF CHRIST, AND IS OPPRESSED WITH PETTY REVENGE" (you say)...... My dear friend, you have mistaken Justice and righteousness with revenge.. Like the (law) of gravity, works whether you believe it or not, likewise God (spiritual law) that Jesus taught is as follows, "WHATEVER A MAN SOWS THAT SHALL HE REAP" this law is in effect, and works whether you believe it or not. Jesus taught this in Matthew 7:2 (whose love you IMPLY you understand) but if you did, wouldn't you know, it is not God taking revenge. If you sow tomato seeds, do you expect a crop of corn? And when you sow tomatoe seed, and get tomatoes instead of corn, is that God taking revenge? Of course not. What a man sowed he is now reaping, that is not revenge, it is just and it is right, but it is not revenge, after all it's exactly what you sowed. The book of Revelation shows what man will bring upon himself. The book of Revelations basically is twofold it reveals Christ in the glory that was always His, but was hidden in a human body from us, and now revealed to us in the book of Revelation, that's why it's called the, "Revelation of Jesus Christ" The book of Revelation is also a history lesson,as the book of Revelation reveals WHAT HAS BEEN, WHAT IS, AND WHAT WILL BE. It's remarkable that you would say that the book of Revelation lacks the love of Christ and is obsessed with Petty revenge, when in reality it contains, A) the love of the Father, for us, B) the wedding feast of the Lamb, C) the thousand year reign of Christ on Earth (with us). You said The book of Revelation does not contain the love of Christ, and yet in that very book it tells us, that in the last days, man will move so far away from God (not God away from man) and their hatred for God and each other will grow, till the war that ends all wars will begin, and in that very book it tells us, that this last war will be so bad that if God did not step in, man would totally annihilate themself, but because of God's love (which you say is lacking in this book) God will step in and save man, and set up Christ's rule as King a thousand year reign on the Earth in which no one will so much as steal a grape from you. This one thing troubles me, you say the book of Revelation lacks the love of Christ,which automatically implies, you know the love of Christ, or else how could you know it was lacking in the book of Revelation? To know the love of Christ is to know the love of the Father, how can one know the love of the Father, or know the Father at all, and think that God seeks revenge? "For God (THE FATHER) so LOVED the WORLD that HE (gave) his only begotten SON that WHOEVER believes in him should NOT perish but HAVE eternal life"(John 3:16) finally you say we are on Earth with men and are as far from God as we possibly can be, but that flies in the face of the words of Christ himself, where he said, "Behold I stand at the door(of your heart) and knock, If any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in, and sup with him and he with me"(Revelations 3:20). And for all those who have opened the door of their heart and invited Christ in, this is written "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world"(1John 4:4) "God in us, the hope of glory" "Heaven on Earth"🙏
I appreciate the comment and the concern, believe it is sincere, but I assure you, I am counting on neither trusting anyone except for God."I know in whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him on to that day" I have read the end of the book, and for all those who have put their trust in him and him alone, the ending says,"GOD WINS" and we with him.
"YOU'RE NOT IN AS BIG A GROUP AS THEY'D WANT YOU TO BELIEVE" respectfully, from what I have observed especially from MSM since 2015, whatever narrative they have pushed the opposite has turned out to be true, according to them we are a fringe minority, therefore I would say to you "WE'RE IN A MUCH BIGGER GROUP THAN THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE"
Same reason they were outside Rodger Stone's house, with a full camera crew, before the FBI even got there. Let me add it's obvious to me they are not just satisfied with assassinating Trump. OH NO! They want us to be forced to watch,Trump's head explode on live TV. Thinking Patriots would be intimidated (they are sadly mistaken). Seriously harm Trump would be their greatest mistake to date, you may as well go into a grizzly bear's den while he's sleeping and yank on his ears.
Could it be, they see the writing on the wall (when trump gets in) and figure a few Fair reporting segments will erase all the damage they've done for 8 years. Or you could say it this way, JUMPING SHIP their life jacket (a few Trump favorable reporting segments)
They're way behind the times. Jesus said in Mark 11:23 and 24 "You will say what you believe, you will have what you say" God intended that we use this spiritual principle for our good, Satan has taken this godly spiritual principle, mixed in hate and jealousy, and is using it to his advantage.
My dear friend, you are in good company, for in (Matthew 26:38) Jesus told his disciples "MY SOUL IS EXCEEDINGLY SORROWFUL, EVEN ONTO DEATH" then Jesus went ALONE and prayed to his Father in heaven, angels were sent and strengthened Christ. Do likewise, that the Father which is in heaven May strengthen you.
"And I will RESTORE to you the years the Locust has eaten the canker worm and the caterpillar and the Palmerworm my great Army which I sent among you. And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God that has dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be ashamed"(Joel 2: 25-26) my dear friend, there is Nothing you have lost or has been taken from you, that cannot be restored and will be restored if you can believe. God's word is like a treasure hidden in the field, when a man finds it he sells everything he has to get it. The way to do that is to make this scripture (I just sent you)yours speak it out loud to claim it, according to (Mark 11:23 and 24) memorize it, then add your faith to your confession, that God is restoring all that has been taken from you, and watch and see if God won't do it. God wants to do this for you(and anyone else who can believe) to fulfill another promise he has made to us which is (Job 8:7) "That your latter years will be greater than your former"
Do you agree that citizenship should be required to vote, is like asking do you agree that in order to make a life changing decision for a family you should be a member of that family? No let's let our neighbor make our family decisions. HELLO! Is it any wonder, we are at a place where these stupid questions even need to be asked seeing (our so-called leaders) can't even figure out what's a man and what's a woman.
Opps good catch, love this app you can edit. Stay tuned for an