If this doesn't spark people to come together against our common enemy, nothing will. It is time to stand together, and drive the feds out of the region. They are just getting in the way, anyway.
It is also time for the citizens in the impacted areas to stand against the corrupt local elected government for the act of betrayal they are perpetrating on their constituents.
If there weren't established and entrenched cheating methods in place, and the polls were accurate, DJT would be ahead by a landslide in every single State.
These vermin all think they are going to get away with their crimes against Americans, and our Republic. History proves that criminals and traitors always lose in the end. Justice will prevail, even when it seems slow to come about.
The governor is just as guilty, as are many others in elected or appointed office.
Americans do not need to resort to the methods of the enemy. Evil is evil, and is not the American way.
My dads family comes from the southeastern United States. They were farmers, and lived independently in Georgia and the Carolina's since before the Revolutionary War. I also lived in both North and South Carolina. I can assure you that the majority of people from those States will not roll over in the face of government bullying, nor will they give up their land and homes because they are being ordered to do so.
Rural Americans, in general, are a very hardy bunch that do not take well to outsiders coming to take what is theirs. Southerners, in particular, are even less likely to roll over. The devastation of the Carpet Baggers is still not forgotten in the South.
There are plenty of combat vets in the Carolina's, but you don't need to be a combat veteran to step up and stand against tyrannical. If you want to know who is responsible to do so, just look in the mirror.
I am a combat veteran and I do not live anywhere near the Carolina's. I am ready to defend my own family, and community though.
Yes, the government is at war with we, The People. Our founding fathers warned us about this possibility, and gave us the steps to prevent it. However, it seems the people have forgotten, and allowed government to do what we were warned not to allow.
The solution, in my opinion?
We need to seriously start considering forming local militia's in every community around America. I am a firm believer in the fact that we all have a spiritual, moral, and personal responsibility to protect ourselves, our families, our property, and our communities. Everyone should be armed, and fully trained in the use of the weapons they choose to own and use. Everyone should have emergency plans in place for their households, and should be rehearsing these plans with their families to the point that if something were to happen, everyone knows their role, and what they are supposed to do in SHTF situation.
Taken to the next level, if you have good and dependable neighbors, is a neighborhood plan to coordinate defensive actions across larger areas of responsibility. The recent events in the Southeastern United States should make it very plain why this would be a wise course of action, not only for defense, but for coming tot he aid of our communities in times like these.
We need to relearn what it is to be neighbors and build communities of people who care about each other and protect & take care of each other. Neighbors that have each others backs.
When seconds count, the government (including police) are minutes away. In events like this last hurricane, government is either absent, or if they do show up, dictatorial in their response. When tyrannical government is involved, they will be even slower to respond or help. Just look at how Biden & Harris are handling the aftermath of the latest hurricane to devastate the southeastern United States.
I believe that we should form local community militias and form regional militia networks in each state. These militias would train together on a regular basis. They would support each other to protect their communities and citizens from government tyranny, invasions, etc.
With the threat of internal attacks in American communities, this is more important than ever. We are in more danger within our borders today than we have ever been at any other time in the history of our Republic. Not since the War of 1812, and the Revolutionary War, have we faced the threat of attacks domestically, and within our cities, suburbs, and communities.
By doing this, we no longer have to rely on government. We can help ourselves, and our communities.
There is no President of the original jurisdiction United States, but there are original jurisdiction Governors of several States. Unfortunately, the man who was organizing this passed away recently. I am not sure if anyone took this work over after his death.
If it is true that the WH's are restoring the original jurisdiction government, then I am all for it.
The local police, at least, the ones in lake Lure / Chimney rock, were going to arrest a couple of volunteers rescuing survivors in a helicopter. The Fire chief told them to cease and desist, or they would be arrested.
They threatened a father alone with his son in the helicopter. We need people to band together and stand up against this stuff. I agree with you.
Or they need to ignore him, and go on with their rescue efforts. If he continues to impede their efforts, then lock him up or remove him from the equation. He, and any other government stooge who is interfering with rescue / recovery has shown they are an enemy of the constitution and the people.
The government, especially locals, should be assisting in the rescue / recovery operations, as well as dealing with actual looters.
Thank you for volunteering to help with the relief efforts. That is admirable! Perhaps the government folks, both federal and local, have stopped being impediments to the rescue and recovery efforts?
There are plenty of locals and people who volunteered to go help that have been reporting FEMA is confiscating donations of money and goods in North Carolina. Perhaps they are taking it, and then redistributing it as though they supplied it?
Perhaps Kamala is going to use it to fund her generous $750.00 payment per affected family in the impacted area's?
Both FEMA and local government have threatening volunteers with arrest and fines if they do not cease and desist in the help they are providing. Volunteers who are flying helicopters trying to rescue people, and drop in supplies, have been threatened stop immediately and leave the area. One pilot recounted how he rescued a woman from a rooftop, but had to leave her husband when he was threatened with arrest if he went back for him.
This is not the act of a government serving the needs of its citizens. This is the actions of an enemy waging war on us.
There are plenty of locals and people who volunteered to go help that have been reporting FEMA is confiscating donations of money and goods in North Carolina. They are not using what they are taking to help the locals, it is simply being taken and disappearing.
Perhaps Kamala is going to use it to fund her generous $750.00 payment per affected family in the impacted area's?
Both FEMA and local government is threatening volunteers with arrest and fines if they do not cease and desist in the help they are providing. Volunteers who are flying helicopters trying to rescue people, and drop in supplies, have been threatened stop immediately and leave the area. One pilot recounted how he rescued a woman from a rooftop, but had to leave her husband when he was threatened with arrest if he went back for him.
This is not the act of a government serving the needs of its citizens. This is the actions of an enemy waging war on us.
It is time to eliminate the FCC. Let the States regulate their own airwaves.
I have not been able to log into my mobile app and am only able to log into my online banking intermittently with Navy Federal Credit Union. This has been going on for almost 2 weeks. First they said it was due to maintenance (a lie) and now are saying the hurricane is responsible.
Only as long as we allow them. If the Jury prevents the judge and jury from convicting, and also nullifies the unconstitutional law, the government has no recourse but to let them go free. That is what the jury is meant to do, be the last check and balance against government taking anyone's liberty.
FEMA was never a great idea, and is not authorized by the Constitution. FEMA has been corrupt from about the time they established it.
This isn't a dereliction of duty, it is more unconstitutional activities taken tot he next step in the ongoing agenda of government waging war on its masters.
Do not comply. Keep on keeping on, and rescue every single person you can. It is that simple.
Well, snipers are definitely a possible threat, but can be countered quickly with a trained and prepared force. Obviously, this would be using old school, but proven, methods. Think WW2 and Korean War tactics when air strikes or artillery were not available.
I think a lot of the news headlines involving terrorist attacks over the last couple of years will help identify some of the threats we might encounter. Knife attacks, machete attacks, firearms attacks, suicide bombers, IED's, etc.......
Combat veterans may be able to spot some of these, but they are going to be hampered with the being at home mindset vs being in an actual combat zone. That can give a sense of security from the type of threats they faced in combat zones simply due to being home and not looking for those potential threats in our home environments.
Hopefully, people will be expecting the unexpected, and have their heads on a swivel, and be aware of their surroundings. Especially since we have been invaded by plenty of enemy personnel over the last 3.5 years.
True, but patriots have found ways to do so for centuries, even when their governments or invaders were actively attempting to infiltrate their ranks. The Irish, Scottish, French, and others from history come to mind.
When there is a will, there is a way. Historically speaking.
If there is an attack, or numerous simultaneous attacks, similar to those that occurred in Israel last October, we would have a hard time responding and repelling the attackers. Yes, we have more armed citizens than any other country, but we do not have local militia's anymore. We would need to be able to muster a sizable force working collaboratively and with good communication in order to effectively respond to an attack of this nature.
We need to seriously start considering forming local militia's in every community around America. If you look in the mirror, you will see exactly who comprised the militia in the days of our Founders. Of course that is if you are a man. I am not saying we do not allow women today, but back in the founders time, it was exclusively men.
I am a firm believer in the fact that we all have a spiritual, moral, and personal responsibility to protect ourselves, our families, our property, and our communities. Everyone should be armed, and fully trained in the use of the weapons they choose to own and use. Everyone should have emergency plans in place for their households, and should be rehearsing these plans with their families to the point that if something were to happen, everyone knows their role, and what they are supposed to do in SHTF situation.
Taken to the next level, if you have good and dependable neighbors, is a neighborhood plan to coordinate defensive actions across larger areas of responsibility. The recent events in Israel should make it very plain why this would be a wise course of action for us today.
As it stands today, our suburbs and neighborhoods are all but defenseless against these type of attacks by organized illegal invaders, unless you and your neighbors do something to change that.
We need to relearn what it is to be neighbors and build communities of people who care about each other and protect each other. Neighbors that have each others backs.
When seconds count, the government (including police) are minutes away. When tyrannical government is behind the illegal invasion, they will be even slower to respond or help. Just look at how Biden is handling the aftermath of the latest hurricane to devastate the southeastern United States.
I believe that we should form local community militias and form regional militia networks in each state. These militias would train together on a regular basis. They would support each other to protect their communities and citizens from government tyranny, invasions, etc.
With the threat of internal attacks in American communities, this is more important than ever. We are in more danger within our borders today than we have ever been at any other time in the history of our Republic. Not since the War of 1812, and the Revolutionary War, have we faced the threat of attacks domestically, and within our cities, suburbs, and communities.
I would venture to guess that this violates the California Constitution, just as it does the U.S. Constitution. If so, the law is null and void.
No, she is answering her earring.
As if she has a right to make a determination like that, lol. These people need a serious education on liberty, and the penalty for infringing on unalienable rights.
Just be sure your TV, game console, cell phone, etc. are not in the same room. Most electronics have ears built in these days.