I would like an explanation as to how, exactly, is Elon Musk violating the Canadian Human Rights Act? IMO, the federal and provincial governments are likely the worst violators of said act. They sure as hell were during covid and the trucker protest. If they try to put restrctions on Starlink they will piss off a lot of people, incuding me, as it is the only source for internet in many rural places. Hopefully, Elon will tell Eby to go fuck himself.
Meeting his handlers.
This fat fuck is eating the same amount of cheesecake as Doug Ford.
I find it curious that this hoax gets defunded at the same time Castreau is stepping down.
$48,000 plus untold thousands of $$$ they make by selling the harvested organs.
cuz the muslim invaders won't be sent to the front lines.>
Exactly! They won't be conscripted, only native, white Europeans will be. All part of the plan.
A pencil necked geek, if I ever saw one.
He's still a Member of Parliament. In fact, he's the Member representing the riding that I live in.
Andrew Sheer?
Exclude the Greater Vancouver Area and Vancouver Island and add the rest of B.C. to the Alberta/Sask deal. Pretty much everything east of the Sask/Manitoba border should be excluded, as well. The last thing anybody should want to add to the U.S. is a gifting, whining Quebec.
This is a good article by David Krayden. However, Krayden thinks that Pierre Poilievre is the answer. He is not. He's another WEF plant. He is basically Castreau Lite. And Carney is the worst of the worst candidates. A total globalist that wants to completely push Canada into the arms of the IMF, the U.N. and China as soon as possible, finishing what Castreau, and others before him, started. As a Canadian, I see my country as completely fucked, with becoming the 51st state, or several individual states, as the only way out of China totally controlling Canada, if they don't already. You are correct about the liberals, although there are more conservatives here that you think, especially out west. The biggest problem in Canada is the same as the U.S., the media. If the MSM wasn't bought and paid for, and told the truth instead of propaganda, there would be far less liberals to worry about. At the very least, make Alberta, Saskatchewan and norther B.C. the 51st state. That would eliminate most of the lefties neither you, nor us, really want.
I'm in Sask and I'm ok with this.
I'm Canadian and this comment tells it like it is.
Now, that's funny, right there........
That's what I have, a finely tuned BS meter. It took a lifetime to get it to where it is and it is sometimes a bit slow but, it is accurate, in the end.
She also says the whole media corporate government structure has been lying to us for at least two decades to make us think that we are blue when we are actually all red.>
This has/had been happening world-wide. A year, or so, ago I had a conversation with an aquaintance where he told me that the world is trending left. I had to tell him that the same cunts that are rigging elections to get leftist politicians into positions of power are the same ones controlling the media and the message and that all he was doing by stating that was parroting the message, that he had bought into the propaganda.
He has since started to see the light but, is still influenced way too easily by the media, new and old.
Add to that an educational system and MSM that encourage people, mostly women, to not have babies.
Saskatchewan is large in territory but small in population. 50% in cities and 50% in Rural, not much happens here without we all know via the 'jungle drums'>
Fellow SK resident here, born and raised. I call Saskatchewan the "Biggest Small Town in Canada". Everybody knows somebody that knows somebody.
Many believe he's Indonesian, not Black.
I think it looks like one of those CPR dummies they have when you take a first aid course.
I'm a member of Angusreid and once they know your political leanings you are segregated to only getting certain polls. I see lots of polls by Angusreid that I was never asked to participate in. It's my belief that the polls are weighted to get a desired conclusion. That's the reason i don't trust any polls, even ones that conform to my outlook on things.
If I were in that area, I would buy pickles and green beans from that guy.