650Thunderbolt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Retired now but, this is why I stopped working as much overtime as I used to when I was working. At a certain point you aren't making any money, just paying tax.

650Thunderbolt 8 points ago +8 / -0

We used to call a guy at work a "Halfrican" all the time. White Mom and black dad.

On slightly different note, it's more likely that Obama is half Indonesian than he is half African. https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=72280

650Thunderbolt 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's the problem with most companies these days. Financial people running companies where they know absolutely nothing about the product and have no connection to it. All they know is business and how to get as much money from whatever company they are running/ruining before they resign and move on to the next one. I would love to see the golden parachute these Boeing guys are getting.

650Thunderbolt 3 points ago +3 / -0

That depends on where in the US you are talking about. My point was that your claim of Canadians paying $8.00/gallon is misleading. Not all Canadians are paying that. Again, it depends on where you are talking about. And, it's set to go up again in a week when Castreau's carbon tax gets hiked up again. I don't disagree that we are being taxed to death.

650Thunderbolt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where I live the cheapest gas is $1.359/liter, which comes to $5.175 US/gal. Nearly 8.00 per gallon has to be from the Hongcouver area, where it's averaging about $2.00 per liter. There are 3.78 liters in a US gallon.

650Thunderbolt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget about eminent domain. They can take your property for the "greater good".

650Thunderbolt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks, Jackie. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad but, glad you got through to your Mom. My experience is anecdotal, as well, but, it's hard to ignore the fact that the decline of those 3 people in my life coincides with getting vaxxed. I originally thought my Dad's decline was age catching up with him, even before the cancer diagnosis, but, in hindsight, I don't think so.

Now, my focus is on my youngest Son who got the first two shots in order to work. He had a bad reaction to the second shot and I'm starting to wonder about a possible cognitive decline with him. He's made some questionable decisions lately and his usual common sense approach to things seems to be lacking. After hearing rumors about younger people exhibiting dementia-like traits, I'm starting to wonder.

650Thunderbolt 5 points ago +5 / -0

My Dad died of turbo colon cancer. He had just turned 92. Blood clots put him in the hospital and he never went home after that. My Father in Law died of turbo pancreatic cancer. He was a long distance runner before that. He was 83. My Mother in law died of a fast acting dememntia. She was an active volunteer. She was 82. All 3 had 4 shots, maybe more. There was no talking them out of it. The propaganda scared the hell out of them and they fell for it, hook, line and sinker. Older people die all the time from a variety of things but, I find it curious that so many older, previously healthy folks started dropping like flies. IMO, this is not a coincidence. The psycopaths that engineered this scamdemic and the bio-weapon vax knew exactly what would happen. They knew that the vax would cause myocarditis in perfectly healthy younger individuals, they knew it would cause infertility and miscarriages. They knew what it would do to older folks but, they also knew that they could write-off the illnesses and deaths in older people as age related. It's almost the perfect crime, in that respect.

650Thunderbolt 9 points ago +9 / -0

There is a level of toxic hatred and gloating online that condemns the vxd to silence in regards to seeking help....l see it in the forums..... how they are abused by total strangers......so we stay silent and die alone and unforgiven for our naivety and fear.>

Part of me feels sorry for people like this. They were duped. Yet, this same person had to be aware of the toxic campaign against people who didn't want the C19 vax. Where was her voice then? People lost jobs, lost friends and family, relationships ruined. I don't condone shaming the people that took the vax but, they have to realize that we who didn't take the vax were shamed, ridiculed and shunned for something that, in the end, we were right about. There are a lot of people still very bitter about all of that. To expect total compassion out of all that's happened and to not expect a few, "I told you so's" along the way is pure ignorance of the situation, as a whole.

650Thunderbolt 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Canada really is a country of laws, as Castreau says, then he should have been convicted and incarcerated a long time ago. What a fucking clown.

650Thunderbolt 5 points ago +5 / -0

As someone who fucked crazy, had a child with crazy, left crazy for crazy and almost married that crazy, I concur.

650Thunderbolt 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a Canadian, I would think this is an act of war by our WEF/globalist government, in conjunction with the traitorous U.S. government. Knowing how corrupt the current Canadian government is, I am pretty certain that Turdoo is in on it.

650Thunderbolt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Canadian here. Unless you've been on welfare, never worked and never paid taxes it hasn't cost you anything. It's cost me plenty.

I've had good and bad experiences with our healthcare but, the thing is, it's getting worse.

650Thunderbolt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ivermectin in tablet form may be difficult to get in Canada but, it can be had in paste form from many sources. I get mine from an online equestrian supply. It's easy to take, just bury the correct dosage in a tablespoon of apple sauce or yogurt and slug it back. Not ideal, I know but, better than nothing.

650Thunderbolt 7 points ago +7 / -0

Someone on here recently refered to it as "The Homeless Industrial Complex". Watching it happen to all Western countries, it's hard to disagree with that statement.

650Thunderbolt 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember the controversy when they first came out but, didn't get around to watching them until a few years ago. Like you, it changed my perspective and I now look forward to hearing what he has to say. Whether he's telling the whole truth, or not, is debatable but, he makes more sense than any Western politician.

650Thunderbolt 7 points ago +7 / -0

She's not very good looking but, she's not butt-ugly either. Rather plain,IMO. And, she doesn't have a great body. Again, not bad but, not great. I have heard that without autotune she isn't a very good singer, either. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that her concerts are lip-synced.

I was out shopping this weekend and almost everywhere I went was playing her music. It was sickening but, at the same time, I know it's just another part of the psy-op. IMO, there is nothing organic about her success.

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