6640 4 points ago +4 / -0

They handled that perfectly. You don’t start rolling around with someone when you have the luxury of waiting until all the good guys are in place so you can pounce on him like that.

6640 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds an awful lot like banning stuff on youtube, facebook, twitter, etc., about the clot shot dangers🤔

6640 14 points ago +14 / -0

The Nephalim were the reason for the flood. Satan’s attempt to corrupt the bloodline to prevent the eventual Messiah. Noah was “perfect in his generations” (in other words, clean bloodline/uncorrupted DNA. But we know the flood didn’t end the Nephalim forever. “There were nephalim in the land in those days, and also after that.” “As the days of Noah were, so will the coming of the Son of man be.” Also, explains Goliath. Side note, if David’s faith was so great, why did he bring five stones instead of just one when he went to fight Goliath? Answer: we learn in Samuel and Chronicles that Goliath had four brothers. David was ready for all of them😊. At any rate, even though Christ already came through the prescribed bloodline from Abraham, to Jacob, to David, etc., the Bible did clearly say the Nephalim will be around when Christ returns.

6640 3 points ago +3 / -0

A “Palestinian State” was created decades ago. It’s called Jordan. Jews and Arabs occupied that land and it was split into an Arab state (Jordan) and a Jewish state (Israel). Know your history, folks. There is no such indigenous person as a “Palestinian.” They are Arabs. The land of Israel was only called Palestine (Palaestina) because that’s what the Romans started calling it when they got tired of the Jewish rebellions against Roman occupation. In case you didn’t know, Palaestina was the Roman translation of “Philistine,” the ancient enemy of Israel. The Romans were taking a piss as our British friends might say. Not saying modern day Israeli leaders aren’t corrupt, fake, whatever- they may well be. But it’s simply not historically accurate to say there’s an indigenous Arab people known as the “Palestinians” who have a right to any land.

6640 4 points ago +4 / -0

Her ads have been running in Illinois as well 🤔. Maybe for whatever Wisconsin bleed-over there is, but seems like a waste to buy ads on Chicago channels instead of pouring all that money directly into Milwaukee. I say if the polls show a “tie,” she’s down at least 3-5% and they’re panicked.

6640 0 points ago +2 / -2

This is what Rush used to refer to as a “seminar caller.” An enemy plant trying to pose as one of the good guys while slipping in a bunch of nonsense to try to bring us down from within. Perhaps mentally unstable, or maybe just a lowlife. Some combination thereof is also a likely possibility.

6640 8 points ago +8 / -0

All true. As is the fact that Christ was likely born in September, not December 25, but it all got co-mingled with pagan Saturnalia. We “should” tie the crucifixion and resurrection with Passover, as Jesus was truly the Passover Lamb. Using historical texts to support the Bible, the crucifixion likely took place on a Wednesday that year, meaning the resurrection would have been just before sundown on Saturday. But let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water here. If we make “Easter Sunday” a dogmatic kind of thing, instead of a celebration of what God did for us, getting the exact day/date correct is the least of our concerns. The day itself isn’t the point if you don’t turn things into a ritualistic obligation.

6640 3 points ago +3 / -0

The vax is dangerous, harmful, and does nothing to stop the spread of covid or reduce the severity of it. Lockdowns, masks, etc., did nothing to slow the spread. Those are all well-established facts. But covid is a real thing. Manufactured in a chinese lab with US help and used as a weapon to rig an election and give the government more power, but very real. I think “long covid” is less it’s own thing and more a result of covid causing people’s underlying autoimmune issues to kick into high gear. Personal sample size of one in my case, but it’s exactly what happened to my unvaxxed wife.

6640 4 points ago +4 / -0

Something that hasn’t made sense to me over the last few years… if the vid shot is so harmful, and the main people lining up to take dose after dose are leftists, why would the deep state keep pushing it knowing their allies would get killed off at a much faster rate than the rest of us? Reading this finally clears that up for me. Thank you for posting.

6640 1 point ago +1 / -0

Earthquake in North Central Illinois as well. Not unheard of, one of the most dangerous faultlines in the world is down near St. Louis, but interesting timing.

6640 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was that before or after they saw Andy Williams in Branson, MO? 😂

6640 5 points ago +5 / -0

What on Earth?

6640 1 point ago +2 / -1

Seems you’re over your own head, friend. I simply posited an opinion for others to ponder and comment on as they saw fit. Kind of a Steven Crowder “here’s my stance on x issue, change my mind” type of thing.

6640 1 point ago +2 / -1

Seems you’re over your own head, friend. I simply posited an opinion for others to ponder and comment on as they saw fit. Kind of a Steven Crowder “here’s my stance on x issue, change my mind” type of thing.

6640 1 point ago +2 / -1

Amazing how easily some people get triggered. And how a post like this can bring out some crazies. Thanks for keeping your comments productive. If the OK at the end of your moniker is for the state, Boomer!

6640 9 points ago +9 / -0

Israel already had that land and gave it back. If they kept all the land they won in defensive wars, they’d not only have full control of Gaza, but also Judea and Samaria AND the Sinai Peninsula.

6640 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don’t know who is a believer and who is not; that’s between you and God. My post was more of a call for introspection and focus so as not to cloud otherwise cogent arguments.

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