AFChiefRet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just sayin'

soon [so͞on] ADVERB in or after a short time. "everyone will soon know the truth" · [more] synonyms: in a short time · shortly · presently · in the near future · before long · [more] early. "it's a pity you have to leave so soon" · [more] synonyms: earlier · before · beforehand · in advance · in readiness · ahead of time · already · early · quickly · promptly · speedily · punctually · by when

AFChiefRet 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yet NJ was allowed to implement the steal.

AFChiefRet 9 points ago +9 / -0

You may think you rejected God but He won’t let you reject Him. Jesus will leave the 99 to bring back the one. God has gifted you with salvation because of your faith fren.

AFChiefRet 3 points ago +3 / -0

Phuck Pelosi, Schumer, the Clintons and the rest. Their time will come. Fauci must be the first MFer to hang.

AFChiefRet 3 points ago +3 / -0

So this is the point in which I start to call into question the plan. Moves/countermoves sure. But if Patriots are truly in control at what point do we reach the end of the "you can't tell them, you must show them stage? If they haven't figured it out by now, they are either too stupid or too brainwashed to be helped. This thing with the military and police is, at least in my feeble mind, probably the greatest risk to our national security right now. If Patriots are truly in control then we have to assume that includes loyal factions of the military. Time to right the course of the Country. I ain't dooming but I am trying to be realistic. Yea, I see that there are "some" things happening. Time to kick it up a few notches. Time to dump the tea.

AFChiefRet 5 points ago +5 / -0

After further investigation it was determined that this was just a helicopter.

by Quelle
AFChiefRet 4 points ago +4 / -0

When I see it I don't feel any part of me wanting to dish out ridicule. I was sitting in one lane at the pharmacy waiting my turn. In the other lane next to me was an older lady in her vehicle by herself....wearing a mask. I didn't feel anything but heartfelt thoughts for her because she lives in fear. What I did feel was an unmitigated contempt for those responsible for instilling that fear. A rage so strong towards the traitors that perpetrated this, yet I feel so fucking helpless. I can tell you right now with 100% confidence that if Jesus crossed paths with someone wearing a mask, he sure as hell wouldn't shame them, he would embrace them. Who is your neighbor that Christ commanded we love?

AFChiefRet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, lets just for a moment pretend I'm three and you have to force this down my throat like strained peas. Someone please clarify this for me because I'm lost. According to the inter thing, Hawaii sounded the missile alert on Jan 13th, 2018. The Q post above was initially dropped on 7/27/2018. This is where I get confused. The Skunkbay weather info banner below the dropped pic is dated 6/10/2018 at 0356. How does a 6/10/2018 pic correlate to the missile alert in Hawaii on Jan 13, 2018? Be kind, I'm old. I'm sure its simple and I should figure it out but it's been bugging me for a while now. TIA

by BQnita
AFChiefRet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Vote for Pedero

AFChiefRet 4 points ago +4 / -0

Her ability to fund raise and bring in money for the dems is unmatched. If you're a dem running for office you must worship at the alter of pelosi or kiss any chance you had of being elected goodbye. This is her hold over them. .

AFChiefRet 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it's safe to say that if todays AZ election results turns out to be a bust, it will likely cripple the election audit movement biggly.

AFChiefRet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks fren. I'll check it out.

AFChiefRet 42 points ago +43 / -1

One thing to remember regarding Milley. As one of the military "Chief's" (Chairman), none of them are in the operational chain of command. Combatant commanders give the orders to those under their command. Trump installed 10 of the 11 current combatant commanders. Now to fully believe that the military is the only way, you at least have to believe in part the devolution theory which relies on the military carrying out certain CoG (Continuity of Government actions) once the actual coup that took place is proven beyond a doubt. The devolution theory also relies on the premise that there is a parallel shadow government in control of certain areas of government that would immediately take control if and when it is proven the current administration is illegitimate...scratch that...FRAUDULENT. After I read the entire devolution series a whole lotta Q stuff started making more sense. Who knows for sure at this point. Hope and Pray.

AFChiefRet 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pic on left. Take a look at the guy on the left turned around looking into the camera. Pic on right. Zoom in on guy in back center of pic. Same guy?? I can't tell for sure.

AFChiefRet 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tend to agree. Not sure anymore will wake up. I'm still on fakebook, I know, I know, stone me but other than here, it's the only other platform I'm on and I only stay on it because Flynn and Q said don't retreat from the digital battlefield. Anyway, once Trump is back in office, I'm gone from zuckbook. But I do have a few lib fb friends and at this point Biden could eat a baby right in front of them and it wouldn't matter. It would still be Trump lies and mean tweets. They will never wake up but I do get a kick out of posting shit I come across here because it triggers the hell out of them. Point is, I'm sure I'm not the only one seeing this. I would think any semi-rational thinking person would see this for what it really is by now. Not dooming but...any...time...now.

by BQnita
AFChiefRet 7 points ago +7 / -0

True, my wife says the same but even though a 15 year old may know what they are doing, they are still impressionable at that age. Doesn't take much for someone to manipulate that, especially when you add the essence of fame and money to the mix. These pedos know exactly what they are doing. I sure as hell can't speak for those it's happened to and why some take so long to come out with it but as we've seen over the last several years it's pretty easy to distinguish between the Blasey-Fords and the Morrisettes and McGowans.

AFChiefRet 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amen fren. None of us deserve it but God gives it to us freely. None of us can do anything to earn it. We are saved by Grace. Christ finished that work on the Cross. God gifts us salvation based on Our faith in Christ alone.

AFChiefRet 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m VA as well. I can’t say what our numbers are but it’s a big uptick in departures for sure.

AFChiefRet 1 point ago +1 / -0

By that thinking, any medical intervention we receive would violate our relationship with Christ, would it not? Look, I'm not saying the vax is good, quite the opposite. But when the mark of the beast is pushed upon us, we'll know for sure. There won't be any question. Those who won't know are those that never truly knew Christ. And what about our immune system? There are plenty of people in this world with compromised immune systems. We're born into a broken, sinful, evil world and sickness is just one result of that. You can't expect a 90 year old person to have the same immune system as a healthy 20 year old. 3 1/2 years into the tribulation when the man of lawlessness (anti-christ) becomes known, then whoever is left will have to make a decision...take the mark or not. That will be the last chance for those who are left to make themselves right with God. We're not there yet. That's my argument against the vax being the mark. This vax bullshit is just that, vile, oppressive bullshit, but it's not the mark of the beast. Blessings fren.

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