AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is no difference in nature between finding information and a baseball batting average. It’s not humanly possible to swing at pitches all day and not miss a few. It’s going to happen.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ew, no thanks. The mask factories, or whatever, just seem to be turning a really nice profit these days is all!

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

The farther this goes, the closer the odds get to 100% that Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, and a few others who are constantly behind announcements like this, were executed years ago and all these announcements are just a big scare event disclosure op of things that were either planned and scheduled or already done

Imo we are over 99% certainty already.

In the same way that if Trump left office like no election fraud happened, if he knew these things were planned (and he surely did) and just left them all alone to act on their plans unhindered, that probably would have been a dereliction of duty as well.

There is no way he just left them alone.

AmateurExpert 8 points ago +8 / -0

Interesting how many LGBT started or tried to start as a child actor in Hollywood.

Almost like they got GUUUUHROOOOOOMED.

AmateurExpert 4 points ago +4 / -0

“See you at the White Party.”

Suddenly, ”White Men” being “the greatest threat to the country” and “domestic terrorists” takes on a whole new meaning!!

AmateurExpert 8 points ago +8 / -0

Instagram, Twitter, or both?

Edit: HA @TheObamaOffice

Stupid pixelated crap graphics.


AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0


I shoulda shared this one sometime in the last few weeks. Whoops.


Made it in 2022 for some reason. Don’t actually remember why. Wasn’t the last shooting before Trump at the softball game?

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Oh no! This is clearly just one more step to FASCISM and a grave danger to ‘Our Democracy’ .”

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone had some digs on if Dolly was a tranny here before.

I have a hard time buying it, but there’s some dang good evidence, and she loved plastic surgery and basically dressing like a drag queen, and wide shouldered jackets, and always had odd hips (not entirely unusual for endowed women a lot of the time, though) and a very square jawline, her movie credits include playing a prostitute and a feminist trapped by the glass ceiling, and a movie about “don’t have a baby or you’ll die”, and lots of other odd things going on.

She also calls herself “Dolly” “Part[ing]”.

Who knows, things are stupid.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

No knocking on Charlie Pride!

Funny how when QUEEN BEE went country, she never mentioned him, only Lil Nas.

So country. Much values.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many LGBT “came out” of 90’s Christian music?

Who owned their labels, was it the same people who owned secular labels, through shell companies?

What happened to the children that occasionally popped up in CM? (Unlike the other two, I don’t know this answer)

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was going to be my guess, but Blake Shelton is a better one.

Boxcar Willie stings but there’s something there.

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apparently, at 30 years old, Ritesh Agarwal owns 120,000 hotels.

Somehow he seems like a front man for someone else.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, their standard is a 72 hour work week??

No wonder Foxconn has suicide nets all around their compound.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those who know about portals also know about entities leaving not arriving and about portals here that go to the moon and Mars etc. Villainous beings escape Earth when driven out by those seeking to protect humanity.

REALLY puts “Men In Black” into a whole new perspective.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder when the lowest value of the gold/wages ratio was.

It’s super cheap right now in terms of relative price, but wages didn’t go up to help that, and the “relative” part doesn’t necessarily make purchases all that easy.

AmateurExpert 6 points ago +6 / -0

Gold and silver are the “Dollar”, specifically silver, which makes it a perfectly fine sign for the “Dollar”.

Bad sign for the “Federal Reserve Note”, and the people who created it can go to hell.

Funny how the “pound sterling” has nothing to do with a pound, and nothing to do with sterling silver. I wonder how it got it’s name!

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