Tell me why anyone who cares about the safety of children and morality, would work for. CNN? There are now ar least 3 high profile workers at CNN connected with unwanted sexual advances and/or pedophilia. That is one to many.
These teachers should be fired immediately. They are interfering in the parent-child relationship and parenting/custodial relationship. It is unprofessional and they have overstepped their bounds. How much are they being paid to do this and by whom?
Pfizer was fined before, but what happened to the money? Was the fine paid and to whom? Or was the money funneled right back to Pfizer? Did they even pay the fine? These fines must be substantial-not millions, but billions. Pfizer did not follow usual study protocols. So unless the Trump administration gave them a free pass (which I would like to see proof of), they must be fined billions, placed ina special fund and this money paid out to those irreparably harmed. Why, they have immunity from liability, granted by Congress back during the Reagan administration? Yes but Pfizer knew of the deaths before all of the unlawful mandates by businesses and Congress. They chose not to pull the shot. So fine them $25 billion and prohibit any further drug development, and distribution. They obviously learned nothing from their last fine. Also prosecute all Pfizer scientists and heads of the company involved in research, development, marketing, pay outs to the AMA, AAP, hospitals and administrators, doctors and nurse practitioners. Prosecute all of the above people for accepting bribes to coerce patients to get the shot. Perhaps even revoke medical and nursing licenses permanently.
These police officers, who don’t stand for the Constitution, need to be fired. There always are dirty cops, on the take. I don’t know anything about this group, but I assume they feel it is safer to go after vax papers then real criminals (drug and human traffickers, those peeing and defy sting in public, thefts, assault, robberies).
Sue the governor and the state. This is invasive. This shot is still EUA. Not one Chile without a comorbidity has died from Covid. No one addresses the deaths and adverse reactions from this shot which negate the need for healthy children to submit to the dictates of an overbearing, non-medically licensed, controlling governor. Look at his bank account and see who is buying him.
My sister is not “vaccinated”, but her 2 children, both in their 40’s, are. My sister is a kind soul and seems oblivious of the real dangers of the Covid shot or what it can do to her children. She is 72. I pray she does not have her children precede her in death. (We lost our younger sister suddenly in 2017 at age 55-no known history of illness. Coroner ruled it death from hypertension, but the coroner told me her heart, brain and lungs looked fine. No signs of stroke or heart attack. I decided that God knew it was time to call her to him, d/t her sadness over our parents death and her dogs death. Some things we have no other answer for.)
I pray that happens. But the people involved in crimes of treason, money laundering, trafficking, voter fraud, etc. need to be arrested, held without bail and prosecuted: long prison terms or execution, large fines or wealth confiscation (root out those overseas bank accounts too).
People need to do their research. We all at one time trusted government and the health care industry. Everyone is at a different point. If those who took the two shots and now a booster still trust, they are probably lost forever, both mentally and physically.
Do not vote for this loser for senate. He has connections to Maxwell and Epstein.