Me and my immediate family of 21 are Purebloods. We will rule a nation built on faith in God, an incredible work ethic and family! Throw in in few Saturday night hoedowns, fireside chats and monthly big screen showings of old Lynyrd Skynryd concerts and you have my new world order!
I’m based as hell, my wife and three kids are based as hell! We along with my siblings and their families are Purebloods! Why are we concerned with whether MTG is real or not! Live your life! We are winning regardless! At least my family is!
GME is just the tip! Jamie Dimon and the boys, have to decide, stop the MEME stocks from destroying us, or stick with manipulating precious metals! Either the Ruble, (GME and AMC) or physical gold and silver, are getting ready to destroy the federal reserve and banks, to large big to fail! Bring it on!
Half of my vaxed friends have woken up and are flipping out! We are going to see more suicides, heart attacks and blood clot deaths! Better start covering your non pure blooded family and friends in the blood of the cross! Time to armor up!
Damn, DeSantis is an Alpha!