ApeAnon33 1 point ago +2 / -1

Or.. he was just one of the thousands of crowd funders that bet money on sound of freedom. He probably had no real connection to the directors or anyone, other than him giving some money to the project (like anyone of us could have done by the way).

ApeAnon33 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stonk bro probably.. thinking of making money at others misfortune by shorting the stock market by buying “PUT” options.

ApeAnon33 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not everyone was born attractive.. and just because someone is not “hot”, does not mean they are satanic. This is mean and disingenuous.

ApeAnon33 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Still waiting to see the great meme mooning.. so far AMC, and BBBY are nearing bankruptcy defeat.. plenty of anons and apes here have pushed those two stocks as if it’s part of “the plan”.. when they’ve done nothing factually to prove that, the only thing they’ve proven is that they will lose money and the share price drop majorly. Both are nearly 90% and 99% down from their peaks.. tell me what is wrong with that picture and not truthful? (Note: you can’t use tinfoil “DD” or wild assumptions/connections that are not proveavable).. I already know you own bags of meme stocks..

ApeAnon33 -2 points ago +4 / -6

Useful tool for deciphering Q drops and finding more connections.. but the ape theory and Elon is a big no no from me. Apes here will see this and updoot out of pure financial bias because their bags are fully loaded and need to get more apes to buy in too for the “phone numbers in accounts” theory to come true. Don’t lose money apes, trust no billionaires..

ApeAnon33 2 points ago +3 / -1

Creepy as in ugly? When women call men creepy, it’s almost always men who are not chad (ladies men / panty droppers).. lookism is real, especially in normie world

ApeAnon33 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes because we anons will brute force connections to fit our own bias. Don’t trust Elon.. he’s the worlds richest man for a reason.. what do anons always say about receiving “the whole world” and who do you think gives them that power..? Think anon think! Let every man be a liar and only God be truth

ApeAnon33 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is due to the court decision on Friday, Anon. NOT because of SOF. Let’s be accurate on our own reporting, less we be no better than fake news.

ApeAnon33 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s a good cope.. not fooling me though. That’s like telling a criminal to “just change your name bro! People will forget about your past then!”

ApeAnon33 1 point ago +1 / -0

OP, you need to go to the producers actual website. They tell you the actual ticket number sold (including pay it forward). The revenue is over $150M

ApeAnon33 2 points ago +2 / -0

I doubt it is that.. I think it’s more or less word of mouth and the social media buzz that has spread it

ApeAnon33 6 points ago +6 / -0

Actually, I think it was because someone killed themself while the show was filming and producing another episode, they then were getting sued etc.. but now Chris Hansen has his own independent group going after these scumbags.. it’s on YouTube.

ApeAnon33 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was 2017 though, and the OP pic is from Truth, not Twitter?

ApeAnon33 1 point ago +1 / -0

Simmer down anon! Trump already said he likes Truth and isn’t going back to twitter haha.. less he be a liar

ApeAnon33 2 points ago +4 / -2

Occam’s razor dude. Simplest answer is that it was a data “glitch”.. those theories are huge leaps of faith lol

deleted 0 points ago +4 / -4
ApeAnon33 38 points ago +41 / -3

Yep. I was cringing hard at anons on here yesterday running their mouth about Tim and him in favor of chipping kids.. literally no proof, just going off feeling like libtards lol.

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