ArcaneSlang 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes they are! The schools too!

ArcaneSlang 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a very good summation with some generalization. I recommend taking the briggs personality test. I’m not suggesting it’s gospel but it is fairly accurate and can help play your strengths. Being a parent has certainly helped! Crisis- check, outside-check, danger-check, peace time, bed time, planning, executing plans…..😂 I wouldn’t agree to craving turmoil but it’s interesting how sticking to the truth brings out turmoil in others and they associate it with the ADHD person. If I have it- which is plausible, it’s undiagnosed.

ArcaneSlang 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh I know! I’m not criticizing you. It’s unreasonable to have plow thru every issue like a stream train when we have a job and taxes to pay. Especially when few would support your fight. Been there!

ArcaneSlang 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gangster rap was created by the CIA. Weapons and drugs also provided. They pulled a lot of these homos from prison to lead the charge. Like Dr Dre- gay, Sean Combs- gay, Tupac-gay, Biggie, Easy E….gangsta rap was the death knell for the black community. At the turn of the century the black family was a strong unit. Then welfare, Pres Johnson, and Jews broke up their crew with no vaseline. Honestly, if Tupac hadn’t been killed he would have fallen off the charts for lack of material soon enough. Not sure where his halo of saintdom comes from. Tupac was mid.

ArcaneSlang 10 points ago +10 / -0

But you had to get the vaccine exemption. I resent the exemptions. We need to get an Boston/Florida exemption party and throw permission into shark/alligator infested waters!

ArcaneSlang 9 points ago +9 / -0

No!! But to be fair, Doctors get very nasty and insinuate your child will die without these ‘shots’ and you as the parent will be mocked for eternity for such stupidity of questioning the narrative. I hate how obedient our society has become. I have developed a ‘fuck you’ to everything doctors and vets say.

ArcaneSlang 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need a deal that gets Israel out of the government of the USA. Israel needs to be sanctioned for 9/11, JFK, et al.

ArcaneSlang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sane thing with John Lydon. He gave the finger to fashion and it became the fashion. But best of all, he gave the finger to the Queen!

ArcaneSlang 3 points ago +3 / -0

It can’t happen here. I’m telling you my dear, that it can’t happen here.

ArcaneSlang 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the neo colosseum! Bread and circuses in the streets! Budget riots

ArcaneSlang 1 point ago +1 / -0

myself (who happens to be gay, but certainly not by “choice”)

Do, pray tell, elaborate on how you’re gay by any other means than ‘choice’. Homosexuality is bondage. If you’re with Jesus you are free indeed. John 8:36 I suggest pondering why you are still using that specific grammar structure to explain your homosexuality. It has nothing to do with me but I take particular interest in how people use words to sometimes absolve themselves from their choices. This is your life; what you do has very little bearing on me but I would be remiss to fail to possibly point something out to you that close friends or family wouldn’t have the courage to say because of how you’ll respond. Edit: gay4jesus is a shill. They chose their handle to be an agent of chaos. It hates my Lord and Savior.

ArcaneSlang 3 points ago +3 / -0

God’s wrath is coming for them. Jesus let the Jews kill him.

ArcaneSlang 5 points ago +6 / -1

So. Assholes are willing to say the quiet part out loud. I agreed with his assessment about all those pussies who got the vaxx and then said they were forced.

Tate doesn’t have a Christian character. He lives with secular standards so he does what I would expect. It’s brainwashing to hold up celebrities as a role model or attribute unfair influence for our lives.

ArcaneSlang 3 points ago +4 / -1

Why are you supposed to trust Tate? Trust is something I reserve for people close to me. Outside of that sphere, anything goes. Putting any faith/ trust in a politician, religious figure, or celebrity is absurd.

ArcaneSlang 4 points ago +5 / -1

There is only one group determined to make a New World Order confirmed by the Bible; we know how, we know why. But especially Christians have been fleeced from opening their eyes in order to make peace which was never rightfully our job. Our job was to spread the gospel but after the 1880s we lost our way. We let technology of communication and transportation make the assumption the gospel was getting out. We were wrong.

ArcaneSlang 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, that’s what I was doing….singing the praises of those muslims. But for the record if those underage white girls had fathers in the home the story would be different. Children born out of wedlock are already under a bad sign. The muslims are tribal animals, not bankers and Marxists capable of subverting Christian nations into our own demise by injecting satan’s filth into it. Muslims are jackals and hyenas eating the scraps on the periphery.

ArcaneSlang 2 points ago +2 / -0

Michigan is run by Wayne County. Rural counties are Red. U of M and MSU are liberal hotbeds of mental illness.

ArcaneSlang 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hopefully it’s not too late. J6ers are still rotting in prison. Maybe quit golf until these innocents see daylight again.

ArcaneSlang 3 points ago +3 / -0

What did voting get you? Most people who run for office are the worst kind. School board? Fucking simps who let the woman principal destroy kids with non sensical rules then follow that model up the chain. We are being taxed at least 74%. If we miss paying property taxes what happens?? Research time is over.

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