Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I graduated high school in a navy blue robe. My wife graduated in a green one. Many schools use school colors for the robes. In the high court of Scotland, judges wear white robes with red crosses. Before 1534, judges in England wore three different colors depending on time of year. After 1534, they went to just violet robes and black robes.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Glad you caught that. Cab Calloway had a long career from the 30s and big bands to the 70s and disco, a lot of it with just a few songs.

Aspie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Almost all games today are filled with hate. You must hate someone to shoot them. I don't play games like that. I liked Tetris, and I play Bubble Totem a lot. Card games are good, as well as chess and checkers.

Anti Defamation League is merely a group that says everyone is supposed to kiss the butt of one small group of white people with names that end mostly in "ein."

Aspie 3 points ago +4 / -1

It wasn't exactly a great economy when I finished school and started life on my own. Yes, these people are really wrong when they cry about not being able to own a home. I started out at a minimum wage job, but then I moved to another job that paid me more. I repeated this a couple more times until I was making pretty good money. I started out renting a shack for $50 a month, then renting a mobile home for a little over $100 a month. Soon after that, I bought the mobile home. When I finished paying for it, I sold it for almost as much as I paid and got a house. Then years later I sold that house for about five times the purchase price and got the house I'm living in now. BTW, I was already retired when I did that last upgrade.

These young people want everything instantly. Older people had to work their way up to things. My parents, born in the 1920s, had to rent cheap houses and even rented apartments in a project until my father found a very cheap tiny old house that he bought for about $2,500 in the early 1960s. He paid double payments, and when he'd gotten the principal down low, he refinanced to get enough money to buy the materials to double the size of the house. That's the house I grew up in, and both my parents died in that house.

But you can't tell these young people anything. I wish I could get a message through the thick skulls of kids just starting high school. I would tell them that college is not for everyone. It didn't used to be. Only go to college for a profession that pays well, and only if you're smart enough and dedicated enough to get through it. Otherwise, look into trades. Some of my relatives who went into trades did very well. If you can't do trades or don't like that type of work, find what you really like to do and make a business out of it. I only work on the side now, and I can make as much as I want to work for. I'd also tell them to be patient. A big house will probably have to be worked up to gradually over the course of a few years. It will be more satisfying when you get it. Another thing is to move if your town has no opportunities. That's what people did years ago.

So I don't care much for these young people. Most will learn things, if at all, the hard way. If anyone talks to me about this stuff, I will give them the best advice I can.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

For example, there's the "theory of evolution." But "scientists" act like it's absolutely proven fact. Untrue. Even Darwin wrote that if anything in life was shown to be impossible to develop over time, then his "theory" would be blown out of the water. And things like that have been found that have what is called "irreducible complexity," such as the single cell organisms that have tiny motors and propellers for locomotion. It's a complete assembly that wouldn't work without all those part simultaneously.

The "theory of relativity" is just a theory, but I think it has more going for it in the way of experiments.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

They would literally catch some shit if they tried to swab my butt. If I knew ahead of time, I would make sure I ate something that would give me diarrhea.

Aspie 2 points ago +2 / -0

It used to be illegal to hire illegals. I was at my last job, mostly during the 90s, when employers were required to get photocopies of drivers licenses or other proof of citizenship for their files just in case the government came in to check.

Aspie 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't been online much lately, so I'm late answering. My book was a genealogy on my family, starting with the first of my last name entering the country in the early 1700s and containing all the descendants I could find. The book listed is the first of three editions, each larger than the previous. I'm now working on the 4th edition, and the rough draft is over twice the size of the 3rd edition. And the rough draft doesn't have all the photos, documents, maps, news clippings, etc., as well as an index of every name. The completed book will be at least three times the size of the previous edition. People all over the place are finding out I'm the genealogist of the family and are contacting me. Also, I am finding new DNA matches that help me with information.

It's a never ending project, but I think I will stop with this edition, as I'm old and have other projects that have been on hold for years.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had been in a courthouse in another state doing research and stepped out for lunch. When I tried to return, the place was locked down because of one of those white powder envelopes that was popular at the time (possible anthrax). My rental car was blocked in, so I had to get a city official to chauffeur me to another research spot and then back to my car later. It helps to know the richest man in town.

Aspie 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wrote a book in the 80s that is listed on Amazon today, even though I've never sold a single copy online. Even as late as a week or two ago, I was getting emails from people who were referred to me, as I am the top expert in that little field of study.

BTW, Amazon used to advertise about how many books were listed in their database. What they failed to mention is that they couldn't possibly sell you most of them. They are merely database entries. I think my book entry is probably from a library listing somewhere in the US. Oddly, subsequent editions aren't listed at all.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

What plan? I will do well with zero Bitcoin, but a stock of commodities, including silver and gold.

Aspie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Silver and gold are the threats to the fiat system, not made up computer digits.

Inflation changes the value of the stock market and Bitcoin. But it doesn't change the value of silver and gold. They are mostly unchanged in real value. An ounce of gold will still buy a nice suit of clothes, just as it did 100 years ago. These are facts.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Inflation is running up Bitcoin just like it is the stock market. It's all fake.

Silver, gold, and other metals and commodities are real as can be and always valued.

I don't know many people who could actually buy any Bitcoin, but almost everyone I know can buy silver.

I seriously doubt "all" stores will ever switch to Bitcoin. They can barely handle debit card transactions without putting all their "minds" together.

Here's a tip. If paper money gets replaced by a new currency, perhaps at 100 to 1, then all your regular coinage suddenly becomes 100 times more valuable.

If Trump gets in, then we won't have to worry about those things. But I'll still keep my various hard assets. The wealthy hold hard assets, and they should know how to stay rich.

Aspie 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only subway I've ever ridden was in Washington, DC years ago. It was very clean, and I felt safe. I got on in Maryland and came out of the ground in front of the Smithsonian. I remember back when the streets were dug up in the 70s to build the subway system.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

What does it mean then? The Bible gives dates. There weren't any rulers back then, so the year wasn't given as the ___ year of so-and-so. It was given in comparison to the ages of the men from Noah down to the time of kings in various lands. Synchronisms in chronologies that are fixed by history or astronomy allows the year to be fixed.

It's not a made-up story. There are proofs of everything. I can't write a huge book in this little box. You'd ignore it anyway and write TLDR, which is one of the biggest non answers. There is so much people choose to ignore so they can think that they are their own ultimate authority.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

3170 BC is the year. The date is the 17 day of the 2nd month, Jewish calendar.

The dates are in Genesis, in case you've never bothered to read it.

The year has been carefully calculated based on the timeline in the Bible compared with reigns of rulers in various countries confirmed by astronomy.

Aspie 7 points ago +7 / -0

Old Bush was documented to have called in to the CIA from near Dallas in 1963 and seems to have been photographed near the JFK assassination site.

Aspie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well the guy next to him looks toothless, and the next guy doesn't need any. :)

Perhaps he did have enough after all.

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