Azill 21 points ago +22 / -1

Based on what though? Anybody could make an account like that lol.

Azill 23 points ago +25 / -2

Do people really think this is trump or something? I don't understand

Azill -1 points ago +1 / -2

He's not announcing because there are laws for that type of thing. He already stated this once before. He is not going to be "installed", we would have to wait for 2024 for him to run again.

Azill 3 points ago +3 / -0

For those wondering, yes you can grow lots of food indoors over winter and for free. You would be surprised at how easy it is to grow some of these vegetables, like potatoes, leafy greens etc indoors. Just plant them in a large pot, put it infront of a sunny south facing window, and water them when the first inch of soil becomes dry. If you don't have a lot of sun, you can buy grow lights, and they are not expensive, about 40 dollars for a very nice clip on grow light. You can even grow citrus indoors believe it or not. All you need is lots of sun and proper watering and minor fertilizer (depending on what you grow) and you get free food year round thats not contaminated with pesticides and other chemicals. Trust me, nothing beats the feeling of growing your own food and harvesting it!

Azill 13 points ago +13 / -0

They tried to rig it, but there was some tougher voter laws passed and it wasn't as easy. It also wasn't nearly as close as they were thinking.

Azill 19 points ago +22 / -3

Because dogs are innocent beautiful creatures and we fucking torture them and abuse them when all they do is love and want families. Humans are absolutely atrocious creatures.

Azill 5 points ago +6 / -1

Flat earthers are literal poison to every type of actual problem that needs to be discussed. Just because you're too fucking stupid to realize that the earth is not flat doesn't mean you have to shit your retarded opinion all over every other topic that has validity in being debunked. The vaccine causing real problems and having the side-effects covered up by big tech, big govt and big pharma? Real. The earth being a fucking pizza? Go away.

Azill -5 points ago +4 / -9

This is some schizo shit man, this is why nobody takes us seriously.

Azill 8 points ago +15 / -7

ALL censorship is bad. Don't like somebodies speech? Block them, shame them, ect. Once the censorship starts it's only a matter of time until it accelerates. This has been proven time and time again. This mods gotta go, especially for being such a fucking powertripping asshole.