BCPatriot4life 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pediatric COVID Recommendations http://getw3v.com/oai4zee0

  • I put my 6th grade son, who likely got me sick, on this regimen when he “tested” positive…he felt like he had some allergies for a 3-4 days max and fever was gone after a day. Not saying this is Bible of kid treatments, just know that it produced great results for my son.
BCPatriot4life 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wish someone had the courage to actually put that billboard up…Satanic Church put up their evil ass billboard in believe Phoenix

BCPatriot4life 2 points ago +2 / -0

FOX will only go down when 1a. our government quits funding them 1b. our intel community is no longer employed by them 2. Sean Hannity is exposed for knowingly lying to our public, along with some serious moral transgressions 3. companies pull ad space like My Pillow Guy did 4. I’m sure y’all will vomit all over this comment, but Tucker Carlson leaves to join OANN (think he’s prob 70% on point, which far exceeds everyone else in MSM, except OANN of course)

BCPatriot4life 4 points ago +4 / -0

Be calm and calculated, screaming just seems to be counter productive, though we all want to cut loose on them….good luck and good for you! Gotta protect the children!

BCPatriot4life 3 points ago +3 / -0

He will harden the hearts of the wicked and deceive the unrighteous…as Q says, it’s part of the plan. The future is not for the faint of heart…only those hearts full of Christ!

BCPatriot4life 2 points ago +2 / -0

Richard strikes again…he tends to fall on his face. He thinks asking the demons/MSM to address him as Rachel helps add credibility. So sad…

BCPatriot4life 3 points ago +3 / -0

my folks, who were vaxxed, are watching this and have completely changed their minds, def won't be getting any more covid jabs and now are starting to share with their baby boomer friends...

BCPatriot4life 10 points ago +10 / -0

i had no idea schools received that much $.....question is, why? teachers and administrators were still getting paid....you don't need that much $ for hand sanitizer stations, disposable masks and some bleach for the bathrooms. What am I missing?

BCPatriot4life 2 points ago +3 / -1

May we see the page that outlines what these parent have to do to avoid legal action being taken against them? Or just snap a pic of page 2 and 3. Thanks for sharing.

BCPatriot4life 1 point ago +2 / -1

I am a Texan, born and raised and still residing in Texas. Our gov sucks, we’ve known that down here for a long time. Good luck to you.

BCPatriot4life 3 points ago +5 / -2

This isn’t good news, this validates everyone’s gut feeling that all this was aesthetics, no one will act or pursue this to help Americans regain faith in our tax payer funded shitass government. The establishment is slow playing this so they can position themselves for the 2022 midterms. The report is done, proof is there, but these politicians who ordered this audit had always planned to use this for midterms, more importantly for their own self serving agenda. It’s not a good sign that other states are slowly starting to push audits and slowly releasing info that validated what everyone already knew. This could have been done in Feb or March and they could have reversed all this stupid shit months and months ago, but that was never the plan. I would love to be wrong! I pray that I am wrong! But, most of us on GA can read between the lines and spot bullshit a mile away.

BCPatriot4life 36 points ago +36 / -0

Looks like a false flag in the making…we all know there will be a big one coming before too long

BCPatriot4life 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just don’t let them know they are getting to you…it’s complete BS what they are doing, but you start to push back on even legal policies they’ve had in place for a long time, you will not be employed very long. Stick to refusing the covid stuff…or not, your job and your call.

BCPatriot4life 4 points ago +4 / -0

These communist people need to change the damn channel and step outside every once in a while. So stupid, so stupid. Let them keep on digging their hole.

BCPatriot4life 9 points ago +12 / -3

Unfortunately those small businesses are somewhat screwed right now, either they say everyone is welcome and no masks and then they’ll lose a bunch of customers…or they mandate masks and temp checks and they lose a bunch of folks like yourself. The divide is in full affect…so sad.

BCPatriot4life 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just strike through the “get vaccinated”, initial the change, sign and date doc, and send that bitch back to your admin….or you can just not sign it and keep going to work

by Mandown
BCPatriot4life 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very true

by Mandown
BCPatriot4life 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would you tell people Pat Benatar is your aunt….that random but pretty funny. My kiddo watched TikTok, when I’m not paying attention, but he’s actually more pro trump, anti Biden and thinks the vax is stupid…a lot info of which he got from American TikTok posts/vids. Kids are joining like crazy and now posting like crazy…so, I can see the Fauci thing.

BCPatriot4life 2 points ago +2 / -0

Been getting a fair amount of alerts, which I think is indicative of the mental health of our country. People who were teetering on the edge have for the most part fallen down the not so good path. Many divorces have happened and many parents who fear they will lose their children will go to extreme lengths to maintain contact with them or to remove the impediment keeping them from doing so. Divorce is nasty business, emotionally, spiritually and mentally…a lot don’t fare too well and take things into their own hands.

BCPatriot4life 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wise County is located just west of Fort Worth, in and around Decatur.

BCPatriot4life 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, guy in Texas shot and injured or killed a cop, wise is located just west for Fort Worth, TX. Blue is used when someone has injured or killed a law enforcement officer.

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