BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +3 / -1

People get sick for a multitude of reasons. The game is in convincing them that their symptoms prove they have a specific virus instead of one of millions of maladies.

Death figures were inflated, hospitalization figures were inflated, and every time someone got some flu or another it got credited to the COVID-19 account. The truth was in plain sight. Almost everyone was healthy and fine during the pandemic.

It was only the statistics that convinced you millions were sick and dying.

BasedKungFuMaster 0 points ago +1 / -1

You see the problem clearly, fren!

The amazing thing isn't the size of the problem, it's the fact that the seeds planted during Trump's first years are already producing fruit. It took more than a day to build the liberal hell we're living in and it will take more than a day to make America great again.

But don't lose sight of the big victory that's is being brought into reality by each of these smaller happenings.

BasedKungFuMaster 3 points ago +4 / -1

Great post!

It's so important to remember that our anonymous efforts bear fruit and, it's equally vital to promote unity!

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +2 / -1

Protests are largely arranged by white hats in major cities. In Arizona the riots were brought together by white hats who wanted to create criminal and public exposure for abortion lovers in the area.

The FBI is currently begin forced to make choices. It is a test of the feebs in general, rather than an attack on pro-"choice" supporters. Reversing Roe was their punishment.

That being said, there are elements in the womanist movement who are currently organizing clandestinely.

I'm glad to hear that your town is experiencing the fruits of winning bigly!

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +3 / -1

Query for more details. Where did this happen? What venue is this? Names of any involved?

This is something actionable. I can't just watch this and move on with my day. I need to begin contacting local authorities immediately. Even if they won't listen, I'm not standing by while children are sexually abused and just clucking my tongue. Watching it just drives up someone's view counter. I'm here to DO things.

Help a brother out with some data.

EDIT: This took place in Ron DeSantis' backyard at

R House 2727 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33127

Please do as I have done and contact the governor, as well as Rick Scott and Marco Rubio's offices. I have also sent complaints to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Office Miami Regional Operations Center in Miami and the Bureau of Criminal Investigations and Intelligence (BCII).

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +2 / -1

Amen. How about investigating homosexual adoptions as child sex trafficking?

There are great things ahead. These small pebbles coming down the hill are signs of the avalanche above.

BasedKungFuMaster 0 points ago +1 / -1

We complain about evil, not about God's plan to destroy it.

Can't give evil a free pass, fren. Especially not now when we are WINNING!

BasedKungFuMaster -1 points ago +1 / -2

Of course I offer Independence Day salutations in the same vein I offer a hearty "Merry Christmas"--I do not tailor the greeting to the specific circumstances of the receiver. Not very politically correct of me, I agree, but I'm glad to wish a merry Christmas to a Muslim and an a happy Independence Day to a citizen of any nation! God bless! (even if you're an atheist)

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +2 / -1

Now that we have the floor in SCOTUS on abortion, it's time to outlaw in vitro fertilization and freezing embryos and anything else that destroys a human baby.

BasedKungFuMaster -3 points ago +1 / -4

If you felt "insulted" you may need to recognize that you're a bit brittle on this matter. Feelings are okay, though, and I hope getting it off your chest helps! God bless and enjoy Independence Day.

BasedKungFuMaster 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm deeply suspicious of any conception of Q and anons being related through "need". This isn't a co-dependent relationship between needy personalities.

When Q started posting I was neither a retard nor a child. I participated with Q just as any co-equal partner participates in a briefing. I was there to receive data and go about my work--not to take orders or be taught how to be an adult. So I'm not ready to embrace this post's tone that suggests I need to be reminded that I'm an important snowflake and just as good as Daddy Q.

This puts a kind of stank on the Q and anon relationship.

Q drops are comms. Q provides vital information. As long as the data can be legitimately sourced to Q and so long as the data proves true, I am doing my work. I "need" Q if Q has information or linkages I don't have. But I don't need a patronizing reminder that Q thinks I'm special.

BasedKungFuMaster 0 points ago +2 / -2

Personally, I trust Q to know whether or not we "need" Q. I didn't first learn of behind-the-scenes global deep state chicanery from Q. That data has been out there since the 18th century. Also, I didn't need Q to create a social club of anons who feel good vibes.

However, Q drops are a specific and important thing. They are comms that operate on multiple levels simultaneously and that communicate all around the globe. If Q knows it's time to return to those comms, then it is.

I think it's natural to talk a lot about Q and to discern the authenticity of the comms. When I stand at a Trump rally with a Q on my shirt, I am helping to boost the Q signal, I don't want to be simply creating noise.

I'm not too cool for Q. Q's comms have opened paths to vital information that was not being disseminated. The legitimacy of the comms is important. I'm not going to denigrate those who are excited about and concerned by the re-emergence of Q drops. I'm not going to imply that it is a sign of immaturity to dissect new drops. I'm not going to suggest that anons are not independent or self-functioning because they are intensely discoursing about Q.

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nunes confirms Q. As one of Trump's most important and closest business associations, this is powerful.

Wonder how close we are to the stage of The Plan where Trump switches to open acknowledgement?

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +3 / -1

Wonderful and concise explanations and helps to those with questions! Thank you for some excellent responses Rubieroo.

Only point of concern: I'm afraid that I must doubt than an occultist like Flynn is part of the inner circle. Anyone who quotes Elizabeth Clare Prophet chapter and verse in a holy and sanctified Christian church, has something besides The Plan on his heart. I believe he is kept close by Trump to keep him controlled. God turns evil to good. We must learn to have godly discernment.

BasedKungFuMaster -2 points ago +1 / -3

Election fraud is under control. The Daleys were once the most efficient vote riggers and fraudsters in the nation, so Illinois was corrupted and remains corrupted by that evil. Nonetheless, fraud will persist only where Trump allows it. The Deep State believes it is in control, and some of us think so, too. The truth is, election fraud has been exposed to the masses but--more importantly==has been exposed to those who serve Trump World in state governments.

For the first time in American history, Donald Trump and his allies have exposed the cheating for all to see (especially at venues like LIndell's boom-filled conference, and in the AZ recount!) and states are developing protections against it.

It would be tempting to think that we want to eradicate fraud totally, but--sadly--without some evil present and visible, people become lax. Voter fraud is over in the sense of being able to damage Trump (if it ever could). It is over in the sense of being a secret. It only exists now where it is allowed to exist.

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

See? There's the jealousy again: assuming that someone who became famous for their hard work and dedication is "here for the fame"

I, too, know the sting of working and researching from inside the dark pits of unnoticed and unheralded effort. Things I've posted to 4chan were turned into memes that gave others glory or that ended up in books written by other patriots. Like you, I made the mistake of seeing MY oppo as THE oppo..

Over time I saw the truth: Some will be known and some not. I embraced my role as an "anon", and, today, I celebrate it. I am grateful I can work anonymously in many venues while men like Jordan Sather draw the slings and the arrows of the enemy. God blesses some with riches, and elevates some to teach, but they pay a higher price for their service than we do..

I write this only to encourage you, brother. As your bitterness recedes, your joy will increase. And there is much joy to be had in the victories now!

May you leave aside division and go as ONE where go we all!

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would there not be complaints? Those who are targeted by evil are right to complain even if God turns the evil to good.

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn, man. I just popped over from writing an email to a friend of mine who is the sister of one of my closest friends. Her brother and I were in combat in the Gulf War. He committed suicide seven years ago. I write to his sister several times a year to make sure she's okay, does she need anything, and let her know Michael is never for one day forgotten.

Then I read your quote and it seems my eye plumbing has sprung a bit of a leak...

Thank you.

BasedKungFuMaster 2 points ago +3 / -1

Is that just doomer sarcasm? I'm enjoying the hell out of the Xiden Residency.

SCOTUS is fundamentally reshaping America--hell,we may be looking at rolling back gay marriage in a year or two. Trump ruled and reigned for four years, then he stepped back and is running it all from the outside. Then in 2024 he takes the presidency again and inherits a nation where only the most perverted Dems dare to vote against his financial acumen and leadership.

Whores and bitches can't kill their babies in public in my home state anymore. I LOVE how this plan is unfolding. Drop the doom and fuck the FUD, dewd. We're winning yugely.

BasedKungFuMaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure the historical Paul Revere hoped the same thing. But of course he couldn't stop the war, he could only choose whether or not to ride.

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