Wow amazing story fren. Thank you for sharing.
Watch the water could simply mean that they are going to shut it off. Klaus Schwab had talked about creating water shortages. They have been draining reservoirs across the country. They are “fixing a dam” by me right now and there is zero construction equipment near it. They are going to let the lake fill back up “naturally” by rainfall. All lies.
Wow, amazing find.
I’ve joined my local republican committee, I’ll will be poll watching this fall. I donate to candidates that are America first, I spread the news by word of mouth, i go to church, i vote. Until I hear it’s time to take up arms I'm doing what I can. The scare tactics are for those who haven’t gotten off their ass yet. Get up and fight!
Complacency is a sin. Part of the plan Is to motivate Americans to make up bond like never before. Get active! Canvas door to door for elections, poll watch, join your local Republican Party.
Like I said, he was in the Air Force. He worked communications so who knows what he’s seen and heard.
He lives in Ohio and I live in Florida now. We don’t get to talk much. He was my fathers generation and was like a second father to me growing up. I should give him a call, haven’t spoken to him in a long time. I’ll have to reserve an evening as I’m sure the conversation will get deep.
Every country had some dirty shit going on. The United Nations isn’t a country. It’s a severely corrupt organization that basically told Putin to blow himself even scooter he showed them proof of bio weapons labs in Ukraine.
Yeah I keep remembering things he told me when i was young that i thought he was paranoid about. He used to tell me about how all the rock stars were satanists, he wouldn’t let his kids go certain places he thought they would be kidnapped and sold into human trafficking. Now I can’t stop thinking about how much he was right. I got saved and accepted Jesus at his house. Amazing dude.
Yeah my cousin Dan wouldn’t let his kids watch Disney. We all thought he was crazy but turns out it was the biggest I told you so. He also knew about the human trafficking and indoctrination in the nineties when I was growing up. Again we thought he was crazy. He was right. He learned about it some how in the military.
I don’t trust the UN. I certainly don’t want them interfering with the operation we have underway.
I want the UN to stay out of this. All they will do is kidnap our kids.
Another one wow
This is so good lmao
I hope this triggers more releases. This has gone on way too long.
Preach on brother
I meditate on this sll the time and still can’t fathom the scenario. I’ll be so excited when it all goes down I’ll be rejoicing and I hope my excitement is reassuring to them. But in all honesty i just hope the Lord blesses me with the proper tongue. He has guided me this far through. I have no reason to think he wouldn’t.
I checked those out, they look really cool I’m buying one for sure.
Awesome, I’m going to look into that for sure.
I got the still idea down. I used to make whiskey. But energy is going to be a bitch. I was looking into solar ovens. Palm trees and mangrove don’t burn well.
Noice noice. Thanks for the ideas.
Wow, what a way to try and kill yourself. The whole story gives off an uncomfortable vibe. That guy was afraid of what would happen to him if he got busted.
Disney: “We are not using Disney to push a political agenda at all!”
Also Disney: Hires ex Obama political aide.
I love how much cockier he’s getting
I love Grady! He is a treasure here in central Florida.