BigMikesDingALing 4 points ago +4 / -0

One of the last things Rush said on air was that MAGA is bigger than Trump and would continue on until we won. Trump is just the current representative for the people. The people and the movement will not go away.

BigMikesDingALing 10 points ago +10 / -0

The difference is the first three, it wasn’t advertised that we supplied them with weapons. It wasn’t a total secret, just not widely known by the average citizen. Even for those paying attention, there was a long demonization process in the media before “we” killed them. Just google “Zelensky hero” and look at what comes up. Such praise was never bestowed on the other three men. One of these things is not like the other.

BigMikesDingALing 3 points ago +3 / -0

He wasn’t convicted. He settled the case because he had to. Kinda like Trump and that liar Stormy Daniels

BigMikesDingALing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kobe was never convicted and the victim of a bullshit narrative driven by the media. He did cheat on his wife, he is far from perfect, but the girl was young, didn’t want to be painted as a cheater because she had a boyfriend, and had a very connected father in Colorado. He was not a rapist

BigMikesDingALing -1 points ago +2 / -3

That’s my point. He has a massive reach and is a poor choice to deliver the message. It doesn’t mean I think he had bad intentions or lacks importance. I personally think his large following is detrimental because of the way he “declares” things. It reminds me of the BOMBSHELL!!! BREAKING NEWS!!! BS that waters down and discredits the message. I fully acknowledge I am in the minority here with this opinion.

BigMikesDingALing -1 points ago +1 / -2

Maybe I should restate it. I’m not against him. He most likely is genuine. However, he seems to attract followers who aren’t the sharpest tools in the drawer and when they circulate his stuff, along with how he presents it in the first place, it’s not terribly effective, in my humble opinion.

BigMikesDingALing -1 points ago +1 / -2

That’s my point though. He is doing the opposite of getting the ball rolling. His stuff gets circulated by people who also can’t articulate why pizzagate is real and then laughed at outside of his echo chamber.

BigMikesDingALing -2 points ago +2 / -4

I wonder about Vigano. It’s good that he is talking about it, but I wonder how effective it is. He is just repeating things that were discovered back in 2015, with no new information or proof. It’s a poorly done cliff notes version of what was actually uncovered on r/pizzagate, cbts, cbtsstream, voat/pizzagate and other places at the time.

He doesn’t even do a good job of explaining how pizzagate was never actually debunked. He makes old claims, doesn’t really present the evidence when there actually is evidence to present and just declares his claims as true. If I were a normie looking at this, I would be unconvinced and wonder why he is not substantiating his claims. Sometimes I think Vigano could be controlled opposition. His rhetoric appeals to many on our side, but appears laughable and flimsy to the average person.

BigMikesDingALing 2 points ago +2 / -0

This looks like a bad AI generated image where there is something off about it where you feel like you are gazing into hell.

BigMikesDingALing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unpopular opinion probably, but I think it will be Biden, they won’t rig it (as much) and Trump will win. That way they can blame a weak Biden for the loss and have four years pumping Trump hate to all the TDS junkies. Then, they will attempt to serve us either Newsome or Big Mike in 2028

BigMikesDingALing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mattis, Milley, McMaster and Kelly can all suck a fat D. All traitors who have disgraced their uniform. Let them band together against Trump as is suggested. We see who you are, assholes.

BigMikesDingALing 15 points ago +15 / -0

Steroids never left professional sports. They became more refined and harder to detect. The "Steroid Era" in baseball was when the players were taking steroids that produced a massively muscled look and allowed for maximum power, hence the explosion in home runs. Today's steroids allow the pro athlete to achieve a more lean and strong look and are harder to detect. They are also better for sports like basketball, where longer, leaner muscles make for better play. Baseball never got rid of its steroid problem. The sport just learned to hide it better and players now have more 30-40 home run seasons to avoid suspicion. The NBA has also increased its steroid usage because the steroids developed are now beneficial. The old school steroids that made an athlete built like a body builder worked against most players games. All this to say LeBron for sure has done steroids during most of his career.

BigMikesDingALing 1 point ago +1 / -0

You just have to be an unmarried male catholic. You don’t need to be a bishop. That is not a requirement

BigMikesDingALing 2 points ago +2 / -0

You could be right about what we disagree about. It's speculation. I completely agree with you though that Trump was copy and pasted into the story of what Biden actually did. It's too exact to just be a coincidence.

BigMikesDingALing 3 points ago +3 / -0

I disagree. The Crossfire Hurricane investigation began on July 31, 2016, over three months before Trump was elected. They never thought she would lose, initially. However, the actions of the Obamas, Clintons and the FBI definitely suggest they viewed a Trump victory as a real possibility and real threat at least by July, but more likely long before that. I also think you vastly underestimate the amount of foresight they had at the time. The way everything played out in the following years points to a carefully orchestrated plan for Obama, Clinton, Biden and the FBI to have all their bases covered, given various different scenarios. Sometimes, people here take "These people are stupid" far too literally. It is a taunt. They aren't actually stupid.

edit: Now that I think about it, the texts between Page and Strzok actually prove the deep state viewed Trump winning as a real scenario prior to the election and were creating safeguards should it actually happen. They specifically discuss the possibility in their messages prior to the 2016 election.

BigMikesDingALing 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree that they cut and pasted Trump into Biden's corruption narrative, but I think Biden may have volunteered this idea, rather than being the original target. It would protect Biden in the future. Trump would then accuse Biden of the same things Trump had already been accused of for years. This made the accusations against Biden carry less weight for most of the public not paying attention. Replacing Biden's name with Trump worked out a little too well for Biden. For that reason, I think it is more likely Biden or Obama volunteered the idea than Biden being the original target. Sprinkle in all the intelligence experts saying the Hunter laptop was Russian disinfo, and this looks like a preplanned orchestrated coverup, just in case Biden became exposed, dating back to 2015.

BigMikesDingALing 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't think the actual content of the interview was that important. What is important is exposing the lengths our media and intelligence agencies will go in order to prevent dialogue and different perspectives. They want to portray every adversary as a madman, unwilling to negotiate, in order to proceed with predetermined wars for profit. Providing any perspective outside of the chosen narrative is met with unimaginable resistance through espionage and media-guided psychological warfare on we the people.

BigMikesDingALing 1 point ago +1 / -0

I keep weird hours and tend to be out and about in my town between 11pm and 1am. Grocery stores are open that late here and I usually do my shopping during these times since there are no lines and barely any people in the aisles. I have noticed well dressed plain clothes men suddenly milling around the places I go during these hours. They seem like they are on patrol, they do not seem like vagrants and they do not seem like they are from where I live.

BigMikesDingALing 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are so many ancient writings that have been hidden from us and even the translations that what we do have, have been intentionally distorted to hide things from us.

BigMikesDingALing 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. Even the liberal justices seem to see how easily the Republican states could (and probably would) then do the same thing to a Democrat candidate. If they uphold this, we essentially no longer have a country. I think even the liberal justices don't want that as their legacy.

BigMikesDingALing 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have found Cates and his speculation to be mostly accurate over time. I do not understand the anti-Cates slant on this site, unless it is by shills. I have noticed someone will post a reasonable take by Cates and all these accounts come out of nowhere shouting the man down.

BigMikesDingALing 7 points ago +7 / -0

It is three months later, not thirty years. With a world leader who is in the midst of a war with a neighboring country. If that is enough for you to dismiss cause and effect, I’m at a loss for words

BigMikesDingALing 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m all for believing sports are rigged but in this case it is clearly a joke. The kid is talking to his uncle who just defeated his dad coaching a flag football game.

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