Mark your calendars! SUM OF ALL FEARS. Allegiant Stadium, Las Vegas Nevada, Feb. 11th, 2024. Will the most Superb of Owls make an appearance this year?

Usher. LOL Imagine giving a fuck about anything USHER
They're going to stage a terrorist attack at the stupid bowl, blame it on the Iranians, and rally behind Taylor Swift's fake death in Gulf War 3?
Sum of All Fears - movie about a nuke set off in BALTIMORE during a football game. Soooooo - must have Baltimore in the comms ....
Yes BUT, if they nuked Baltimore would anyone notice
hah, good one. I would notice only because we would require iodine pills of which I have plenty :-)
Oh well, nothing happened anyway so we trudge onward.
They did all this color of the super bowl logo crap and all this rigging conspiracy talk, to make all "conspiracy theorists" look wrong and crazy. As soon as the purple and red logo thing didnt come true, all the commies at work started scoffing all conspiracy nuts. It confirmed in their minds that all conspiracies are fake and the people spreading them are wrong and nuts. I believe this was all a play to discredit us all.
I find it amazing people bet on rigged games. Cracks me up.
Down here in the South we still have Mardi Gras in full swing with parades pretty much all day during the weekends and in the last week I believe they took off only one day, and it won't be over until Fat Tuesday next week.
I know down here folks love their college football, not sure with all the festivities going on right now how many will be watching the super bowl, but who knows. My family don't watch any football. Heck the only sports our family likes to watch is MMA type stuff. If they showed jiu jitsu matches, it would be on all the time in our house.
Superb Owl?
I think all the eyes on, FBI / police increased presence etc will thwart any "1 minute to midnight doomsday Taylor Swift clock" fuckery they may have planned. Praying 🙏
All games are rigged. More money for the owners and players. More money not to tell. One for you five for me. Two for you eight for me get it https://dailyevergreen.com/151460/sports/the-nfl-is-rigged-always-has-been/
Weird. According to Google it's chiefs and 49ers in Vegas. Did someone get it wrong?? ( I don't watch sports or msm and never really pay attention to it as I know it's all rigged and satanic)
What do ushers do?
I just have to say how funny it is that I, as a total non-sporting event person, do not understand one single thing that is written about this subject. Except the satanic half-time probability.
Not sure if any of you saw that movie The Tomorrow War with Chris Pratt. Usual normie fare, had an awkward and forced side thing about how his daughter wanted to grow up and make vaccines (you're supposed to think that's cute and wholesome). Anyway one of the main scenes involves future people showing up in the middle of the Super Bowl to talk to the world. Was that a hint that some big event of some kind is planned?
Wasn't that Chris Pratt? Or maybe this one of those Berenstein/Berenstain Bears kind of thing. ;)
Hahaha good catch I always mix those two up.
I’m about 2300 air miles from the stadium. I don’t think the fallout will reach here.
What a shitty city.
49ers represent gold.
A raven represents a delivery bird.
So on 2/11 we should all expect a gold delivery.
The Superb Owl is a Satanic spiritual assault!
In addition to being a disgusting and profane, sex-laced show, the Superb Owl halftime show is also replete with Illuminati and Freemasonry symbolism.
Discerning viewers were easily able to recognize Illuminati favorites like the All-Seeing Eye, 666, the “as above, so below” of Freemasonry, and all the rest of that Satanic garbage.
“For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesians 5:8-11 (KJB)
Not only that, if you watched the dancers, they were more like writhing hordes of tortured souls who appeared to be possessed. Watch the facial expressions of the dancers, and you see an angry spirit, eyes that looking like they’re looking for prey and souls of men. It took me awhile to find a video that focused more on the Illuminati aspect instead of the raw sexually-charged part of it, but I found one and present it for your consideration below. The All-Seeing Eye was everywhere you looked.
The NFL head famously said that the Superb Owl had gotten so big and so popular, that it’s “become its own holiday“, and he is right. I will go one step further and say it has become a religion where people are worshipping at the alter of the Illuminati and the coming agenda on the New World Order. There is no getting away from the All-Seeing Eye, as the darkness surrounding America grows heavier and more oppressive every day.
The Superb Owl, whom have showed repeatedly to be New Age Illuminati Luciferians, contains peodophiles who refused to stand while the National Anthem was being played.
They love the All-Seeing Eye of Satan, and it is rapidly becoming the symbol of the new religion of an America that rejects God.
An armature won the PGA today. Last time it happened was 33 years ago.
An AMATEUR won the PROFESSIONAL Golfers Association of America?
A tournament.
How is an AMATEUR permitted to play in something called the PROFESSIONAL Golfers Association of America Championship?
It is explicitly the only golf major where amateurs are NOT permitted to play. It was even a Final Jeopardy in 2004.
He won the US Amateur. He does not receive any money for the win.
Then why did you say he "won the PGA?"
He won last weeks tournament. Left out a word.
You still said he "won the PGA," where the P stands for Professional.
Doesn't matter when it was.
Amateur and Professional are mutually exclusive. You are either paid or not.
LOL Usher
Right lol wtf he’s 65 years old at this point
NFL officiating has been horrible this season. It has affected every team and has turned games. And it's happening right when the league gets in bed with Vegas and is aggressively promoting gambling. I think this is intentionally being done to prepare fans for the revelation of corruption that's coming.
It's always been horrible. However, some of the calls I have seen this year in college ball had me wondering if they were actually trying to out themselves as frauds. "After further review, what you saw with your eyes was correct, but we're calling it something else."
Sports fans need to wake up. There is little doubt in my mind games have been rigged for decades. Once I started to question, years ago, I started to step back from them and see them for what they are. A distraction, and a way to fleece the public even further. I still enjoy SOME college ball, but I'm don't even watch the bowls or playoffs anymore. It's too fake. Too scripted. Who is going to win? That's easy. Whoever they want to win.
Given that the 49ers and the Ravens are the 1 seeds, this could just be a case of autofill or putting the 1s as placeholders and somebody published too soon. We’ll find out soon enough though. Definitely an intriguing one.
Well if that isn’t a Vegas Marquee style announcement that pro sports are fixed, I don’t know what is.
Hey cat did you take this photo?
No but that's a logical question considering where I am!
Only reason I wanted to ask is because if you look at the box the test is written in, inside the red circle, it almost seems as if there is signs of photoshop but also could be an optical illusion being caused by the red circle.
If you look at the silver vertical line on the left side of the box, that runs parallel to:
It looks as if it is warped slightly to the left. If you put two rulers square on that, the trajectory actually slants left rather than line up with the silver line above the red circle that would be connected to it had that red circle not been there.
Like I said it could be an optical illusion and I’m having a hard time telling.
Also, if you zoom all the way in, where the silver line running vertical, parallel to the aforementioned words, meets the red circle, there is a slight distortion and bend where it looks like someone tried to straighten it back out.
I hope the Lions ruin it for everyone.
I was just telling the wife if the lions win that is a very good distraction.
So does everyone in Michigan
I hope the Christians beat them eventually
I don't follow the NFL anymore aside from UrinatingTree, but I can't deny that a big part of me is pulling for the Lions after all they've been through over the years.
If they lose, whatever, more time for the Q cause.
How do they know the 49ers and Ravens are the two teams playing??
Actually, I'm waiting for the Chiefs to be the "underdog" entry into the SB....because, the NFL has to find SOMEWAY to get the Swift/Kelce (Swelce?) combo into the big event. My sons tell me there's no way they'll get there...of course, they said that the Bills were going to beat the Chiefs yesterday. Silly, silly boys...of course, they think I'm insane when I tell them it's ALL rigged.
Exactly! At least the Chiefs lose next weekend.
My daughter sent me this yesterday it’s dated 11/8/23.
NFL fans think Super Bowl logo reveals matchup for Las Vegas showdown after spotting insane trend
A little bird told them?
Comment should be higher up the chain. We didnt even know who was playing the Ravens before the superbowl until like 20 minutes ago. I have always thought many of these games were rigged.
The Super Bowl logo conspiracy is a fun one. According to the colors this year it’s the ‘9ers and Ravens.
Did a quick search and found a recent si article (rip): https://www.si.com/fannation/bringmethesports/nfl-news-and-rumors/super-bowl-logo-color-scheme-conspiracy-holding-strong
So is the news source in Vancouver Island, Canada (Top right corner)? Did they get there marching orders a little early?
Do we have a video of this? I don't trust pictures anymore.
Post Malone was talking about the Great Reset on JRE so idk
I sure hope Madonna is there for halftime------on her walker! KEK
I won't be watching that crap anyway!
Did y’all see the time it was announced on that screen? How many 6’s are at the top (6:16:46)?! Cabal must be calling the flip. 😂
There are even more of those numbers. For example, it is 11 years after Super Bowl 47 where the lights went out for 33 minutes (NFL says 34 as to not arouse suspicion from Alex Jones). The Super Bowl is scheduled for February 11th. I wouldn't put it past the NFL to stage the kickoff into the end zone for the touchback at 3:33 PM local time (6:33 PM ET). This game as well as Super Bowl 47 are or is on CBS.
Then we have the logos: The one for Super Bowl 56 was orange and yellow. The teams that made it are the Los Angeles Rams (yellow) and Cincinnati Bengals (orange). Then we have Super Bowl 57 which had a green and red logo. The teams that made it are the Kansas City Chiefs (red) and Philadelphia Eagles (green). This year's logo is purple (Baltimore Ravens) and Red (San Francisco 49ers). Keep in mind that those two teams both met in the Super Bowl 11 years ago.
2 + 11 + 24 is 37 so…
Not 23
Perfect time for the post (6) - 1(6) - 4(6)
Post is based lately. That’s odd
I wasted almost zilch time watching people making more in a day than most do in a lifetime playing some game for their current job and will likely change employers.
Kunta Kinte voice: "Yassa Massa I'll kneel"
Amusing fact: Kunta Kinte actor LeVar Burton's great-great-grandmother was half-white and her dad served in the Confederate Army.
Legit LOL. My favorite are the "Stop Hate" helmets. The fuck out of here