It’s MAGA Patriot 1776. He’s a shill. I pay attention to these glowniggers.
Yep. Pay attention to who tries to manage everything. These fucks are trained handlers. They know how to manipulate and push their agenda. They came hard, and now limp. Lol
I’m sorry but I’m a fucking truth seeker and anyone else here that’s genuine is too so enough trying to manage what everyone thinks, looks at, posts, talks about... wtf is that. We are in search of the truth. Everywhere. If you wanna sit all day and obsess about one thing, please do so, but You don’t get to say shit about everyone else. Don’t fucking worry buddy, the audit isn’t gonna zip right past us.
“Instant insults. Come on, trying putting together a thoughtful sentence. I see 3 of you pig pile on him acting outraged. It looks so manufactured.”
We are looking at you, fucking shill.
So now your managing what I look at, what I say, how I feel and what I should do.... Did they teach you all of that in glownigger school?? Bwahahaha nah you aren’t going to ‘handle’ me faggot. I see right through this whole charade. Talk about distractions. This isn’t my first day.
I don’t post, fucking genius. Did you somehow prove something???
Right I’m the shill telling everyone what they can think and do. Bwahahaha
Soo we literally can’t look at or talk about anything thing else going on??? Fuck off asshole
Right. So, now she’s sterilized? What kind of future are you planning here friend?
Indeed. Most do not have an even basic understanding of political philosophy. What’s interesting is the closest thing to classical liberalism today is libertarianism. But, that’s what the cabal does best, pervert truth into darkness.
Erect a nice marble wall with their names in DC on top of their mass grave so we know where to spit.
Fiat central bank money
In short the US is in economic collapse.
This is the same concept as the LIBOR scandal issue. Central banks need reserves vs lending ratio. Clearly the FED is in short supply and the Bank for International Settlements system is collapsing. They are opening the liquidity on a global scale to cover the fiat fractional reserve lending operations.
Consider some people theorize extraterrestrial existence based on YouTube videos etc, others have looked them directly in the eyes. We are not alone. Mark my words. The Galactic Federation of Light is here.
The silent majority... the ‘meek’ shall inherit the earth. Those who have chosen to align with the dark agenda have consented by their free will towards their own destruction. For some, not only they but their entire line will soon be wiped clean from the human experience. This is the ultimate karmic boomerang and removal of their entanglement. Most will see it coming too as major disclosures will unfold just before they perish. This is not judgement, simply soul growth. They will continue on elsewhere to further their own evolution as they have chosen on a soul level to opt out. This is merely one opportunity to do so. Ascension will not be for everyone.
The Merovingian Dynasty, yes. In short, there is quite an evolution to what happened after the fall of Rome with the development of the Papal States and Royal houses of Europe. You have kind of the divergence of the Ghibellines and Guelphs. The thing is, the world is a big place and in order to rule, the circles of power must expand. The nature of power must evolve. Bloodlines have intermarried and changed but the power remains within those who groom their lineage. In order to control the top bloodlines have cast a net. Research the Committee of 300. There are many Houses that have needed to be brought in in order to complete their objective. The real game is over control of the human collective consciousness. It was once easy to be master over mankind. The Roman Church and its Royal Houses could simply demand allegiance under the guise of Divine Right. This of course fell under the Protestant Reformation. If the Church cannot command through Temporal or Spiritual power than what does it have? And thus the need for other ways was necessary to control humanity. Political, economic and military means gave way. Venetian mercantilism began etc. New horizons...
The black nobility bloodlines are at the human top. These are the descendants of Cain. They are the nephilim bloodlines. They eventually settled in Rome and became the Holy Roman Empire. Their lines still exist today although their kingdoms are not drawn on a map. Just research the Colonna family alone and you will begin to understand. They have been the hidden hand for thousands of years. All roads lead to them. They are the columns of Freemasonry. They are the Jesuit empire. Was Weishaupt not a Jesuit from the start? The Italian Mafia is merely a small extension of their power. They founded Nations, from birth. They are the real Illuminati. Is there any wonder it derives from Italian? What do you really know about the Colonna, Massimo, Orsini, Ruspoli, Pallavicini, Theodoli, Sacchetti, Medici, Borgia, Borghese, Odescalchi, Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Savelli, Caetani, Aldobrandini and Conti? Maybe you’ve heard of one of them in some Netflix show, but I guarantee you the history is quite obscure since the 15th and 16th centuries. That’s because history does matter. How you’ve been enslaved is absolutely supposed to evade your conscious awareness. There is a very distinct reason you can trace human power from today all the way back to ancient Sumer. There is a reason why historically the Pharaohs of Egypt to the Roman Popes had to disguise their cranium in public. It may seem too bizarre to believe, but just look at the Paraca skulls of Peru and you can begin to put the debate aside. We are not alone. Space invaders aren’t coming, they already came. Who were the ‘sons of God’? The fallen angels? We are talking about flesh and blood beings and they believe they have the Divine Right to rule as our sovereigns. Who did God say had domain of Earth?
Xi and Putin are a part of the alliance. Mark my words.
The papal Jesuit bloodlines of the Holy Roman Empire.
Free will... to be stupid. We shall inherit the earth. ;)
1 Black nobility 2 Committee of 300 3 Jesuits - Zionists - masons - CFR - RIIA - TC - BIS etc. 4 corporations - banks - media - Hollywood etc.
We should start collectively taking notes and expose these assholes.