Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm and is Congress a group of unelected autocrats? She has wet paper bag type logic

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Truth is that the headline was copy/pasted, Also I gave links for further clarification, if those aren’t also viewed and someone gets duped by not reading into it’s not really my problem, it didn’t seem THAT nefarious. it’s pretty subjective on how you look at it too, Did the inventor of Coca Cola know that his product was going to be worth billions? Who in their right mind would think a single can of coke would be worth billions? But the entirety of their corporate empire? Yes, Billions. It’s silly to even be discussing this anymore. So respectfully I agree to disagree. Happy Friday 👍🏻

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Say it’s used in an industry that might send rockets into space to mine asteroids for rare minerals. Would it be worth Trillions now if that was the only tech stopping it from being reality? Not to say that is the case but hypothetically I’d say that would be a reasonable idea we could both agree on

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correct, opening the door for jobs which the workers wages will be paid by the sale of powder they are producing, I really don’t see how you’re so hung up on this, it all seems pretty obvious which is why I didn’t refine the headline, anyone can misinterpret something, it happens.

Bigtortoise 5 points ago +5 / -0


I just thought it was cool and noteworthy so I decided to post, I’m not an Engineer

Bigtortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

A more in-depth interview if you’re interested https://youtu.be/kWEM7YzNExk?si=7TYV5g-0tHddUTR4

Bigtortoise 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don’t think it’s that misleading honestly, and anything with scarcity in the right quantity can be worth billions, also subjective as to what manufacturers will pay per pound, less than 1000 Tons of material can be worth billions..

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also another Fren from the worldwide web noted that Obama Was the 44th President, talk about lyrical genius.

Bigtortoise 5 points ago +5 / -0

100%!! You’d think it would be a criminal act to subject that many people to toxic chemicals for no apparent reason

Bigtortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’d say you’re right, but don’t forget about predictive programming, the movie “White Noise” is a chilling foreshadowing of what was to come

Bigtortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

I DO NOT care if you don’t like the music, but the lyrics are telling of the truth bubbling to the surface in pop culture.

”Obama describes how he will rule over the US, “hiding in the basement” leading an Elected President”


Bigtortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow! How did I not catch that! I only watched it once and it happened pretty quick, this is so fucked up. Bet he’s regretting that decision

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is some good info, I’ll definitely have to change my strategies as I was almost ready to offload what warrants I had because I was getting impatient, but no more! Thanks Fren!🐸

Bigtortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

When/how can warrants get exercised? They give very little info and people just say “Contact your Broker” do you really have to call them to access your options? Coming from Fidelity btw

Bigtortoise 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hahaha I didn’t even catch that, good laugh for 6am.

But yeah that and so many other variables, they can’t even strategically use these tanks because air support doesn’t exist and then to find out they have all “31” in the same general location, jeez the Russians probably love shooting fish in barrels. Also there is no way we are sending our best surplus armor over there, these donations are just a placeholder for Ukrainian coffins. By now they should realize how little our politicians care for them, they’re not going to stop at the last Ukrainian, they’ll take the French, Fins and Norwegians down with anyone else foolish enough to enter that arena.

Bigtortoise 13 points ago +13 / -0

Its all about the shells, but me being an American civilian doesn’t expect a member of the armed forces of Ukraine to comprehend that TP-T are not HE, which if you were going to fire into a house is exactly the type of munitions you’d want to be using. I have over 800hrs playing Battlefield 4, and mechanized Warfare is my favorite, would be willing to bet my Xbox training far surpasses whatever the fuck they’re on.

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