Beauty of a post.
Can we talk about how Stamos is not even holding the casket? He seems to be adding weight with his hand on top…
You’re new here. That’s obvious by the handshake.
Understand that Q told us that “future proves past”.
Many believe that Q drops on a specific date in the past are relevant to a future event on that same date. I.e. 12/22/19 —> 12/22/XX
This is awesome news. Congrats!
But what does “fair warning” mean in this context? What am I misssing?
This is called a blackpill, shill. Gtfo.
It means something to normies who need something like this to force them to see the truth. That’s what matters.
This song fucking SLAPS!
Is this a pun or play on words I don’t understand?
It’s resent.
What the fuck is this gibberish?
This is the way.
Very good idea.
Just saw his full name today. It’s Alexander. Probably on purpose to piss him off.
That’s the spirit! It raises your home value, too!
So if Florida goes blue I know who to blame…
How stupid to not want other like-minded Patriots moving to our state.
Are we though? More of us is always better.
Haha came here to say this. Good crepes that’s nasty.
Why did it post sideways? No clue.
They both look like they are trying to squeeze a fart out…
Are you homeless? Do you not rent or own property?
A credit score is very important.
Gotta think beyond consumer credit card debt.
What about fat people? What about smokers? Where does it stop? Right FUCKING HERE!
Just moved down to Tampa from the very same area of Crook co.
Coof numbers are bullshit.
Masks are few and far between.
Trump stickers and flags are regular on the roads. Even saw some “fuck Biden” flags 3’x5’ on a truck the other day.
Exempt from what? FDA approval of something doesn’t mean it’s mandated…
I always used for Q drops. When I search “packet” nothing is found.
Is the search busted?
Chewbacca looking ass bitch.
Came here to say some type of gastric surgery. There are a number of different kinds that will lead to this type of rapid weight loss.