Blue-collar745 0 points ago +2 / -2

Dugin is an occultist who supports marxism. I’d be careful who you trust. Putin is one thing but this asshole is most certainly satanic. Mythic Sociological Marxism is something I can’t support.

by Ole1212
Blue-collar745 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t get your angle. She wanted him to do it. Is it weird? Yeah. But I feel as though you are overreacting.

Blue-collar745 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely. It’s a good example of how they manipulate language to their benefit. Patient is a more sympathetic term than client

Blue-collar745 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ours might have been “study” too. I had fun but wasn’t the biggest fan, because I always was a less than social kid

Blue-collar745 1 point ago +1 / -0

Btw this was not an attack on you OP or an attack on the message of the article. Just something I noticed

Blue-collar745 7 points ago +7 / -0

The destruction of our language:

Catholic woman protester vs Female Catholic Protester

Woman patients vs female patients

Eliminate female from our vocabulary because it is used across the board to describe animals and humans alike. Grammatically isolate humans by using woman instead, so you can bend the definition of atheism word “woman” without making it too obvious that it’s anti-science. Nobody says “woman cat” or “woman lizard(Hillary)”.

This is how you manipulate language 101.

Articles like this are still spearheading the trans agenda by manipulating language.

Blue-collar745 3 points ago +3 / -0

We had Vacation Bible School at some of the past few churches I went to. Idk if you guys did that

by Ole1212
Blue-collar745 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Why doesn’t this surprise me?

Blue-collar745 1 point ago +1 / -0

And? This is a research forum around the “great awakening”. We should be allowed to discuss conspiracies on here

Blue-collar745 1 point ago +1 / -0

“WeWl TeKnIcKaLlY tHe FbI aReNT pOwEeCe”

Blue-collar745 4 points ago +4 / -0

I saw(and blocked and reported) a instagram vid of a child pole dancing on camera. People in the comments were saying that this kid(who couldn’t have been any older than 5 if I remember correctly) was just dancing and that the comments were sexualizing them by pointing out how wrong it was. Apparently it’s creepy to not want a child to do a pole dance on the internet for tons of people to see.

Blue-collar745 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe be already has. He said it like a year ago. I don’t necessarily trust him either tho

Blue-collar745 1 point ago +2 / -1

Tbf we don’t know if he can say anything yet. I assume it’s important to keep the truth of Racine out of the public eye for now so the media can’t just shoot it down. We don’t need them to build up a narrative around Racine yet considering how important it is.

I don’t even trust Elon, I’m just being objective

Blue-collar745 2 points ago +3 / -1

This post is right though. Just about everyone in Hollywood and the governments around the world are transgender. Hitler was no exception.

That’s probably why they need to traffick children. How else are they gonna produce new actors and leaders

Blue-collar745 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’ll find that the vast majority of male Hollywood actors’ skulls belong to women

Blue-collar745 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Saturnalians aren’t just some form of freemasonic propaganda. They’re real families that span generations.

Did you ever both to check the counter arguments to these things

Did you? Because they really said nothing of note.

First of all, looking for the answer on a Catholic website is like asking Bush if he did 9/11.

Secondly the website you linked has an article right there on the front page portraying the Jesuits as a “society of Jesus”. Anyone here can tell you the Jesuits are evil.

What about the papal bloodline is Satanic?

Is it the controlling the world part that you are confused about? David Rothschild literally married into one of the bloodlines.

Blue-collar745 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nope the Jesuit and papal bloodlines go back far and are extremely satanic. Are you aware of the Black Pope and the Grey Pope. The black pope controls the Jesuits and the White pope is the figurehead. The Grey Pope, Pepe Orsini, controls them both.


Blue-collar745 2 points ago +2 / -0

Freemasons mortal enemy has been the Catholic church

I disagree. The Catholic Church is controlled by the Jesuits and old papal bloodlines. It has been since the fall of Rome.


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