Brennywaffle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Machine superintelligence will be the single greatest invention mankind has made since FIRE!

It's power will transform every facet of life, nothing will be left untouched by it. Very little will be the same after it is born.

It'll be so significant that a new era will be named: "Pre-AI" and "Post-AI", we right now are still in the "Pre-AI" era but that is soon coming to an end.

I'm so excited that I will live to see the dawn of machine superintelligence, to be able to speak to one will be an untold privelege. Somthing only sci-fi could conjure up is quickly becoming a reality.

Itd be a tragedy if we stopped ourselves here, when a technological revolution is within our lifetimes!

Brennywaffle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the magnetic field around earth is due to its molten core spinning. Its why the magnetic poles match the rotation poles. I think if energy is siphoned off of this field that it can only contribute to slowing the earths rotation. And that doesnt come back.

No device small enough to fit on earth could harvest anything off the field. The field direction and strength is the same for even a city sized object (think compass). You need differences (a high ball rolling to a low valley) to harvest energy

Its moreso harvesting the earth's rotation through magnetism than the magnetism being harvested itself.

Brennywaffle 2 points ago +2 / -0

The scientists dont control where the money goes (corruption could be all throughout it), and these reactors are suuuch a complicated feat of engineering that ITER (the largest experimental fusion reactor worldwide, under construction) has atleast a hundred PhD's chugging at it. And its still progressing slowly.

Superconductors arent new. CERN's been using them in their particle accelerator. Proven largescale engineering feat, not only labscale. It needs liquid helium which is realllllly expensive.

What IS new and IS labscale is superconducting material (under very high pressure). The temperture it needs is only with liquid nitrogen, waaay cheaper. But the high pressure is impossible to have anything useful yet. Only labscale.

Life on earth is possible because of FUSION from the sun. Just like with birds and flying: we can see it, so it can be done.

Brennywaffle 2 points ago +2 / -0

We cant make energy out of nothing it has to come out of somewhere, solar from the sun. And gas is packed full of energy we harvest.

For reasons we cannot harvest the magnetic field of the earth. BUT the easiest reason is that if (if) we could we be stealing from the magnetic barrier that shields the earth from charged particles from the sun.

For more technical reasons we cant, but IF we could, we'd weaken the shield and smaller solar flares could get through and fry satellites and ground electronics maybe.

Brennywaffle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not "never" a way, but a long ways off. Superconducting loops already house currents which are permanently in motion without loss.

Theyre seen in tokomak reactors. Today they require supercold temps, but evidence is suggesting it can be done without it eventually.

Loooong way off, we'll have fusion power well before then and the storage issue wont matter

Brennywaffle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Locomotives I think have trouble linking mech energy from the engine to the wheels. Diesel electric is more flexible that way.

And less clunking parts in diesel-electric makes subs quieter. But nuclear is better for that

Brennywaffle 2 points ago +2 / -0

All I know is theres big starch carbohydrates and small sugar ones and that the big ones "burn" slower. I didnt know the speed ranking of the sugars but surely moderate big starches for long energy and moderate sugar for short energy is best. Fruity sugar or refined, a 3000 calorie/day diet will pork anyone but the fittest, biggest people.

And imo "basic biochemistry" is an oxymoron haha

Brennywaffle 3 points ago +3 / -0

Biological chemistry, we all use glucose. Whereever its dervied, too much sugar is fattening. Sugar itself is addictive and its an eating disorder if you have that addiction. I wont look up if HFSC is actually more addictive than sugar, but its certainly cheap+in everything, so its a shitter additive definetly.

Brennywaffle 3 points ago +4 / -1

Parasite-this parasite-that.

Isolate the parasite and name it to us. That it looks like a demon doesn't matter. Even our own microscopic cells can look strange.

Living beings emitting radiowaves is utter bullshit.

Brennywaffle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Billionares have probably cancelled much bigger events over much smaller bullshit.

If diaper don was true the deepstate enemy wouldve unleashed that on him already.

This is the endgame, unfounded ad hominem propaganda is very weak

Brennywaffle 3 points ago +3 / -0
  1. Yep

  2. Tactical nukes can be small, theyre ment to act as a missle barrage but with the impact (and hassle to coordinate) of only one strike. And nuclear power plants(or a LNG ones, honsetly) are worthwhile targets. But still that would begin ww3...

3.. The actual molten uranium of chernobyl mostly sank into the basement (elephants foot), but the true danger emerged when the steam explosion released tiny fuel particles. A powerful enough bomb on inactive (still potent) uranium can cause a chernobyl event.

Brennywaffle 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Miller-Urey experiment in 1953 proved that water, ammonia, methane and hydrogen can form amino acids (the building block of life) when subjected to electric shocks. Thats some proof we use showing that life can come from non-life. And creationism is non-science, carbon date an early man's bone and he'll surpass the supposed years age of the universe.

Gene engineering is a pretty transparent example of scientific supremacy. We know that what makes us US is our DNA (not a warm sunbeam) and it can be tinkered with artificially.

As a "great awakening" guy, the truth about how the world works is more important than how rightous I feel. And its extremely important in science to be able to answer questions with "I don't know" instead of offloading it to the divine. Thats ignorance.

Oh yea, and didn't the "act of god" defence get thrown out of court, permanently? Yes, because you nothing unprovable can fly there.

Brennywaffle 1 point ago +1 / -0

"So why do we care if it does?" Because you'll still have a USA left (if your lazy ass wins).

DC is an enemy-tainted swamp, but its still American soil and its still the cultural centerpiece of the country.

Brennywaffle 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sentience CREATED ITSELF in the chemical slaw of the primordial earth. That's why its obvious that intelligent beings could create it themselves.

Unless you're a science-less creationist, there's no dispute that consciousness is a physical (non-spiritual) phenomenon.

Brennywaffle 1 point ago +1 / -0

They represent the New World Order whose ultimate goal is a 50M world population.

I doubt most know that, so assigning them the ACCURATE title "protector of the muslim pedophiles" is heinous enough.

Brennywaffle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Common islamic and muslim enemy (grunts) with 2-tier-kier regieme (NWO) support.

Peace will not solve this, the enemy in UK grows until shit hits the fan. Theyve saved themselves until now and the regieme is activating them.

I think its UK Vs. Not UK (simple war) and parlament is NWO, not the UK.

Brennywaffle 1 point ago +2 / -1

Optics and media are worthless in a rebellion.

Brennywaffle 1 point ago +1 / -0

They burnt Sweden out harder than a 40 year old whose realized their partying days are over.

The rats are all moving to the next bed to shit in.

Brennywaffle 5 points ago +5 / -0

Theater shit. All awakened people already know what the solution is.

Brennywaffle 2 points ago +2 / -0

The feminist cunt bitch "reasserting control" (woman-splaining) at the end is the hybrid war equivalent of watching a destroyer recoil from a torpedo strike.

God showing off the opprotunistic race swapping will work beautifully against the cult, kamala did it to herself.

I wonder how late in the game the DS will switch their batter?

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