Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

You haven’t seen enough victims yet is all.

Many a man was awakened in his cell as the gallows were prepared outside.

Lack of knowledge and understanding is not an excuse to force a tested and verified product known to cause multiple adverse events including and leading to death.

Prior to the public roll out of the covid mRNA shot Thomas Renz had gathered military doctors to testify and expose the military roll out and all the adverse side effects that occurred the year prior.

There is absolutely no excuse for any nurse, doctor or government official to not know what was documented congressional testimony including verified factual data about the adverse effects of these mRNA gene therapy “vaccines”. All this information was known and publicly available prior to the pubic roll out.

In theory those shots could have contained anything in the world and the doctors and nurses administering it could care less about you and your health, they didn’t even care enough about you to even look into it and in reality chose to mock you and have dance parties and then roll up their sleeves and inject you and your children with genocide.

I don’t seek harm or mockery. I seek Justice and accountability. Being complicit in genocide is a serious matter. Having an entire industry so easily corrupted into profiteering off of this genocide makes it even worse and should make how we deal with it moving into the future that much more severe and harsh.

Family members were murdered. Fuck that, that these people get a pass and can just continue on in an industry that’s foundation should be trust.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s only if four subtracted his one and isn’t a bigot against threes, only then can he fully accept his reparations payments and add it into his twos bringing his account into the nines but remaining equitable at 5 and yet still having the social credit of 4. Either way when he attains the true enlightenment of five even though numerologically he is a four, he still has spots and all the other twos will be jealous and will put him up against the wall to be shot in the face, if this makes sense.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0


On steroids might be an understatement.

I present to you the phrase “the black awakening” and would suggest getting to know who and what professes this so called black awakening.

This is a man named Russ Dizdar, he has been in the trenches and fighting the war on the front lines for over 40 years dealing with SRA, multiple personality Mkultra victims and the groups and handlers behind them.

I greatly advise you and everyone else to listen and seek out Rus and his teachings to understand the deeper revelation behind mkultra/sra and these Manchurian Candidate gunmen

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Social engineering is what it’s called.

Fascism is the mechanism that is driving this engineering. They usurped our sovereignty through implementing despotic agencies unaccountable to the people and elections, then use that influence to gate keep the enforcement of the laws or intimidate and coerce through perceived authority and subjugated a majority of the world through their propaganda campaign into a voluntary global genocide using the mRNA as a weapon to achieve depopulation. They simultaneously are waging law fare to suppress the peoples resistance while their partner coroporations, ngo’s and thugs such as the cartels, ms13, antifa and Azov operate with impunity to implement open borders and whatever their part in this engineering and intended collapse of the United States into a 3rd world country is.

Technocratic global fuedalism is their end goal. Destroy the sovereignty of the middle class in order to divide us into rulers and serfs. Implement a.i to control, monitor and regulate. And make any dissenters disappear to the gulags.

Just the humble observations of a sweeper of floors

Burritoes4everyone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Although I think he did get it right when he called himself primordial ooze, I can see him being created in a Petri dish

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

she’s afraid of the Muslim brotherhood and her family finding out she’s a rat if they didn’t already know.

Curious to see if the MB got wrapped up in this sting through her. Was she feeding them blackmail material and intelligence through her connections and what she was involved in with wiener and the Clinton’s.

Burritoes4everyone 4 points ago +5 / -1

The fact that you are not concerned of where your philosophies originated is what’s concerning.

I am merely presenting you the root and origin of what your professing. It doesn’t strike you as odd that it was lucifarians that created this new age religion your proclaiming, this melting pot of eastern and western philosophy and religions?

Did Jesus say look to the East Buddha got it right? Did he say of the Babylonian religions look to them and glean what is good? No, he said I am the way the truth and the life and no man gets to the father but through me.

He said “I came to fulfill the law” What does this mean?

“Go within” is a generic and vague statement. Jesus did not say go within and there you will find salvation. Your just as bad and as shallow as all the preachers who cherry pick scripture without the context of the entire story.

The revelation of a sinful man standing before a holy God and his creation and being freed from bondage because of the most simplified act of accepting his sacrifice, this is what starts you on the journey of true wisdom.

But without this foundation, meditation within is vain and will never achieve your salvation.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. the love of God is what sustains us through our tribulation.

Burritoes4everyone 3 points ago +5 / -2

What your presenting is nothing new, it is new age spiritualism and relative moralism that cherry picks from any or all religions in order to satisfy what you feel is the correct way. Your denying the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and saying that through your own works you can attain all that God is offering in the Bible but without the acceptance of his atoning sacrifice. You may think it is your own conclusion but I assure you it’s not new and it is not an original thought or philosophy.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +4 / -3

Is it Christian dogma to point out to you that these concepts and ideas about merging Christianity with eastern religions was brought into the western culture and popularized through lucifarians in the mid-late 1800’s?

Would it interest you if I pointed out a lady named Alice Bailey and the esalen institute that began the psyop of the new age religion?

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Best news I’ve seen all year!

“Our nation was once great because it was good. It was built on moral principles founded in natural law and yet, the recent acceleration of moral relativism has us headed towards a precipitous implosion. While all good things come to an end, we refuse to allow our nation to go quietly into the depths of decadence and decay. We promise to exhaust all moral, ethical, and legal means to restore the rule of law and will begin by attempting to hold senior military leaders accountable. The Constitution is the supreme law of our land. We will fight to enforce that law and put an end to the two- tiered justice system. May future generations see our efforts and, God willing, may they also be recipients of the great gift of liberty that we have had the honor of safeguarding.“


The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion.

Father we lift these men and their families up to you and ask for your hand to be upon them and their lives, that you’ll amplify their voices and bring attention to their efforts across this land, that you would strengthen their resolve to see this battle through and that their endeavors would inspire and encourage your people to stand and relentlessly pursue the wicked and corrupt, to hold them accountable for the crimes they’ve committed. Father we ask for your wisdom and guidance to put our house and constitutional Republic back in order, in Jesus name.

Burritoes4everyone 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think you meant to say beating up women for their sports records.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn electronic voting machines keep hiring them

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

So your saying Albert pike doesn’t know what he’s talking about? Your saying that all those mentioned above like Alice Bailey don’t know what they’re talking about?

Your like a Muslim trying to declare Islam means peace while saying don’t look at those scriptures of jihad it’s not really what that means.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

your lower than those above you and that’s all that matters now doesn’t it.

Burritoes4everyone 1 point ago +1 / -0

You may not be, that’s the whole point. At the lower levels they keep you ignorant. You are a useful idiot espousing right now exactly what your meant to be saying to the public, well done ignorant and loyal subject.

As you ascend through the ranks and are slowly conditioned into their occultist beliefs, which if you read the writings from the upper degrees, such as Albert pike, they profess the worship of Lucifer.

It’s in books that have been published spanning over 150 years, go pick one up and read it for yourself.

My knowledge comes directly from the mouths and writings of professed high degree masons.

Once again your either a momo, or your just a liar. There is no other attribute for a mason at this point in history with the access to all this information available for you to see for yourself.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know you don’t have to be ashamed that masons worship Lucifer at the highest levels. If that’s what you want to support then support it and defend it. You don’t have to lie to me about it.

Burritoes4everyone 3 points ago +3 / -0

State sanctioned death panels where they can choose who’s worthy enough to live, the rest they just lie and say there’s nothing we can do.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

So poor sources like morals and dogma by Albert pike?

What about his friend Helena Blavatsky or the great new age occultist and influencer of the masons Alice Bailey.

What about the teachings and writings of manly p hall

I can verify everything I said by merely quoting Freemasons themselves. So what is it that you dispute?

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

My personal opinion is that there is no way that the enemy benefits from an operation that teaches people to research and think critically in order to analyze data and information, while using logic and rational thinking to come to their own personal conclusions outside of establishment “experts”.

It’s why they removed teaching this process in schools.

No doubt there are those who have subverted the movement to plant manipulative narratives.

Burritoes4everyone 3 points ago +3 / -0

I posted in a comment with a link to a book which contains sections of a letter written by John Quincy adams concerning freemasonry and the illuminist takeover that was occurring at the time. The 13th chapter of that book details a lot of the subversion that took place inside American lodges if your interested.

This period and subject of a takeover is intertwined with everything unfolding concerning a one world lucifarian government.

Burritoes4everyone 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have to distinguish the Bavarian Illuminati takeover of the lodges in the early 1800’s from the earlier freemason lodges. As well as understand who Albert pike and his contribution to modern day masonry is, which I don’t believe the lodges of the day Washington had a part in, had the same views and beliefs as modern illuminist masonry.

Was masonry bad pre illuminist subversion? Maybe But once history is uncovered it’s transparent that the illuminist takeover in the 1800’s is when lucifarianism really gained its foothold directing and shaping this plan for a global government takeover and one world religion.

Burritoes4everyone 3 points ago +3 / -0

Masons by the nature of their society are conspirators and to say the contrary is proving yourself either a Momo who doesn’t know history, a gullible sap who enjoys bbq’s at his lodge but doesn’t know more than that or your a liar and trying to deceive.

A great chapter detailing the subversion of masonry in the americas by the illuminists in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s


Chapter 13 How the Conspiracy was Developed in America

“There were, as recently as 1957, in the Rittenhouse Square Library in Philadelphia, three letters writ¬ ten by John Quincy Adams, the 6th President of the United States, to Col. Wm. Lucifer. Stone, a Knight Templar and editor of The New York Advertiser. These letters were very critical of Thomas Jefferson and the manner in which he had subverted Freemasonry in the New England states. Adams knew of what he was writing, because he had been mainly responsible for organizing the Lodges into which Jefferson infiltrated his Illuminati. Adams gives as his reason for running against Jefferson for the presidency, Jefferson’s subversiveness. The letters he wrote Col. Stone are credited with defeating Jefferson. Adams listed five main objections to Illuminism as being proselyted by Jefferson and his fellow Illuminists:

  1. Their teachings are contrary to the law of the land.
  2. They are in violation of the precepts of Jesus Christ.
  3. They require members to take a pledge to keep undefined secrets, the nature of which is unknown to the man taking the oath.
  4. They require a member to express his willing¬ ness to suffer death should he violate his oath.
  5. They require a member to say he will accept a mode of death which is unusual, inhuman, and so cruel that the details are unfit for utterance from human lips.”

Albert pike and the Palladian rite are above the 33rd degree and once you read Albert pikes writings you understand that it is all about lucifarianism.

Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey are also big contributors to the modern day illuminist lodges you call freemasonry.

I’m sorry but you are a useful idiot inside a masons lodge at this point in time and that’s all you’ll ever amount to being a member.

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