Bye_Reddit 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well, you're not alone. Just do what you can to take care of yourself and your immediate loved ones. Always stay true to your morals. Hopefully there's something better on the other side of the tunnel.

Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

In general, I agree with you here. Stretching and exercise are very important, especially given the obesity crisis we face in the west.

When I speak of the satanic nature of yoga or dance, I'm referring to the institutionalized, commodified versions of these activities. I'm focusing mainly on yoga here, because dance is a much broader term and I can get behind the idea that there is something "fundamentally human" about engaging your body to a rhythm.

Yoga is not a catchall for "stretching." Will you burn calories doing it? Sure, but you can also get your cardio from doing any number of physical activities - it doesn't have to be degrading. Point is, yoga was not created with scientific rigor in mind. There are better ways of training your body that don't involve "downward facing dog" (even the names are degrading...)

EDIT: Here's a good article that goes into more detail about the scientifically unsound nature of modern yoga:


I haven't read the whole thing, but I don't think it goes into yoga's satanic origins or anything like that. I just wanted to back up my claim that yoga is not a great exercise.

Anyhow, the human body is an incredible thing and physicality is not intrinsically evil, but it is being exploited at a cultural level. Let's go with an obvious example: sex can have a positive, crucial role in our lives, but how does it manifest in the culture? Porn. It's done incredible damage to the male psyche. In a way, I'd say yoga is to exercise as porn is to sex. They take something positive and spin it in a perverted way, that's the whole idea.

Bye_Reddit 16 points ago +16 / -0

Sucks that he couldn't put two and two together without getting beaten up and mugged, but I guess late is better than never. I know a couple Swedish people with at least mild cases of TDS and I hope they see reason soon, without having to go through this kind of trauma.

Bye_Reddit 10 points ago +10 / -0

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Bye_Reddit 19 points ago +19 / -0

Assuming this is the same woman, it looks like the coroner's office ruled it a natural death by "bi-lateral Pulmonary Thromboembolus":


Make of that what you will.

Bye_Reddit 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's a fair point. Perhaps it's worth looking at other instances of him using the word. I get the feeling Trump is deliberate and consistent in the way he speaks, so if "terrific" has a loaded meaning, there should be a pattern here.

Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's an interesting theory, but Trump is on record using "terrific" to describe people he admires. Example:


I'd sooner chalk up his statement on Epstein as simple misdirection. The alternative is much darker.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree, I had the same takeaway. There's nothing glamorous about being hikikomori but blaming them for being unwilling to participate in a rotten society is misguided at best.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe it's just this picture, but there's something more Asian about her eyes here. Just squinting, maybe? Would need to see a video.

If it's a double, it's a pretty good one.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's why I don't bother to talk much about this sort of thing anymore - I get labeled a "prude" by those who either can't or don't want to believe that activities which have been fully integrated in our culture are actually satanic in origin.

I've made my peace with it, and you're entitled to your beliefs. I'm aware that I'm making bold claims here. As far as yoga goes, let's just say it's not a coincidence that one of the men responsible for spreading yoga to the west in the 1970s turned out to be quite a prolific sexual predator:


If you don't see what's wrong with this picture, there's some very deep programming at play:


This is right on the creep's Wikipedia page. It's what passes for "normal."

Of course, this form of yoga dropped in popularity when the world found out how sick its founder was. But the seed was already planted. It was rebranded to a different "style" and no one batted an eye.

The harsh reality is, yoga is one of the dozens of ways women are being sexually exploited by the system, as part of an ongoing campaign to turn them all into whores. The reason it works is because many women have been duped into believing yoga is empowering and/or good for them. It isn't. Maybe that's hard to believe if you don't have male brain chemistry - as a guy, I know exactly what all of those poses are supposed to convey, and I promise it has nothing to do with making you more limber.

EDIT: One last thing. On the subject of your original post, I want to commend you for having the courage and ability to see how they're exploiting children. But, it's not just the children; grown men and women are being abused with similar techniques, and I hope you see that too.

Bye_Reddit -1 points ago +2 / -3

There are a lot of "normal" activities that are thinly-veiled sexual rituals. Not all of them involve children, but dance is one that certainly does. Yoga is another that's more geared toward adults, but the premise is the same - degrade the culture with sexual innuendo while pretending it's not.

Bye_Reddit 7 points ago +7 / -0

So sorry to hear that. I had a best friend of 20+ years also go off the deep end recently. Similar circumstances - he took a job as a government contractor and was seeing a psychiatrist. Then COVID hit, and he went completely off his rocker. No military experience, though. I still don't really know what happened but I'm not comfortable chalking it up to "onset mental illness."

God Bless.

Bye_Reddit 18 points ago +18 / -0

Sounds like an MK Ultra victim, to be honest. He has military background after all. He may have been involved with the CIA on some level. I wish him the best, and I'm thankful to hear he didn't hurt any innocent people.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Republicans are conservative in the sense that they want to uphold the status quo, i.e. rampant political corruption and a culture infected with leftist ideology. That's what they conserve.

Bye_Reddit 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's within the realm of possibility.

If it happens, it happens. Have an emergency food stockpile, a gun, and a store of value of your choosing. Hope for the best, but brace for collapse. That's all any of us can do right now.

Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've reached the point where I'm no longer comfortable excusing evil by way of stupidity. I think he knows exactly what he's doing. He, along with his masters, must be held responsible.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

He admits that the US government has too much power for its own good, and then angrily wonders why people aren't giving up their only means of defending themselves.

Is this guy an MKUltra victim or just born evil? I suppose it doesn't really matter at the end of the day, evil is evil, but I'd really like to understand how people got this way.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think children can grasp the concept of mental illness well enough that you don't have to present another explanation.

Bye_Reddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was reminded of that as well. They tried to spin it as a "camera delay" glitch.

Bye_Reddit 5 points ago +5 / -0

VPNs appeal specifically to those who are privacy-minded and do not want their online activities tracked.

What better way to spy on these people than by channeling them through a single service and lulling them into a false sense of security by slapping a pricetag on said service?

Bye_Reddit 7 points ago +7 / -0

Now imagine how good the holograms look when they don't want you to know it's a hologram.

Bye_Reddit 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you search for "prith" online, the first result is a page that defines it as "to extend or send" in Sanskrit: https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/prith

So we got "send demons," I guess.

Bye_Reddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting, thank you for the link. There has been a LOT of air activity here since the dawn of COVID, but I haven't noticed any more planes/drones than usual in the last two weeks... keeping my fingers crossed it's just a crazy year for pollen, but the timing is very sus indeed.

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