The vote on the House Floor just concluded, the Judiciary Committee hearing should be starting again shortly...
Understand the confusion...
Your are watching the hearing portion of today's meeting (currently in recess)...
Here is a video of the business portion of the meeting (adopting the rules of the committee) that preceded the hearing you are watching.
Since the committee recessed between the two meetings, the business portion of the meeting video is a different video from the hearing portion that you are watching now, which is in recess to vote on the resolution condemning the horrors of socialism and a resolution blocking Ilhan Omar (D) from serving on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Here is the House Judiciary Committee homepage on youtube... a quick way to keep up with this committee's meetings
The Judiciary Committee Hearing from today is now in recess while the whole House meets to vote on the two resolution mentioned above that The House Committee on Rules debated and passed out of committee yesterday for vote on the House floor today... it was a whopper of a meeting... see link below for analysis and link to hearing video ....
There was another hour of debate on the house floor on the two resolution before the vote that is now in progress... it was a donnybrook as well. If interested, when the video is archived... I will post it for you on this thread.
The first portion of the meeting is a business meeting to adopt the rules of the committee for the 118th Congress.
Democrats on the committee voting against adoption of rule requiring the pledge of allegiance to the flag before meetings of the Judiciary Committee or if the rule is adopted that no one who participated in an insurrection be allowed to lead the pledge before meetings.
The meeting so far is the very definition of clown world
Think of it this way...
"To feign disorder, one must possess strict discipline. To feign cowardice, one must posses great courage. To feign weakness, one must possess great superiority. Order and disorder depend on organization and structure. Courage and cowardice depend on posture and circumstances. Strengths and weaknesses depend on formation and disposition of the army."
Sun Tsu - The Art of War - Chapter 5 Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China / 2013 / page 109
At this point nothing would surprise me about who is a white hat and who is a black hat.
The interview was just posted to JImmy Kimmil's Youtube home page... enjoy
9.5K views in first 15 minutes (9 min, 30 sec)
It already isn't going the way Kimmel thinks.
Two of the lawsuits Mike Lindell is involved in are reaching inflection points, the defamation suit brought by Dominion (Dominion v MyPillow and Mike Lindell) and the motion to lift the gag order on Dennis Montgomery (Montgomery v eTreppid Technologies) which will allow Montgomery, the source of the 32 terabytes of PCAP data from the 2020 election hack and vote flipping (subject of Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium in August of 2021), to testify in the Dominion v MyPillow and Mike Lindell case.
Things will start to unravel quickly once these cases enter the actual discovery phase. (55 seconds)
If you watch the video to the end you would see that Mike Lindell is alredy in the claw machine and Jimmy Kimmel states the interview will take place in about 20 minutes...
Right now this clip has 98K views and was posted only 40 minutes ago.
Below is the same link to Kimmel's Youtube home page... keep checking / refreshing every few minutes... the interview should be up shortly.
One of the best Reps in the House, IMO.
A master of the rules of the House....
Ranking Member McGovern (D): "This resolution is BULLSHIT!"
Kek! Kek! Kek!
I think she is going to get indicted for PPE fraud... just a gut feeling.
Maxine and the Democrat ranking member keep bringing up PPE and defending it... out of the blue.
M'thinks she is protesting something that is not on the agenda or in the resolution way too much.
Department of Justice Rule 42
"Does Waters even know what she's denouncing?"
She actually asks for a definition of socialism at one point.
Nope... for once in her life Maxine was not reading from a Van Doren.
Charles Lincoln Van Doren (February 12, 1926 – April 9, 2019)[1] was an American writer and editor who was involved in a television quiz show scandal in the 1950s. In 1959 he testified before the U.S. Congress that he had been given the correct answers by the producers of the NBC quiz show Twenty-One. Terminated by NBC, he joined Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. in 1959, becoming a vice-president and writing and editing many books before retiring in 1982.
A "Van Doren" (noun) - professional interpreter's slang term for a copy of a speech in advance of the live presentation of that speech, that an interpreter will use to to prepare a finished translation to use to provide a polished, seamless, simultaneous or consecutive interpretation at time the speech is given to a live audience. A good example is when an ambassador in a foreign country would give an advance copy of his prepared remarks to his interpreter in advance of speaking at some official function so things go smoothly and there is nothing "lost in the translation").
Used pejoratively when the fact that the interpretation is as scripted as the speech, and the interpreter pretends they translated a speaker's remarks without knowing in advance what was going to be said.
Rhetorical with a capitol R.
"To every man upon this earth
... Death cometh soon or late,
And how can man die better
... Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
... And the temples of his gods."
p. 30, XXVII, lines 220-225.
by Thomas Babington MaCaulay
ISBN 978-1449574116
The Department of Homeland Security - 1876
And don't call me Shirley!
"I love the smell of a temperature regulating thread in the morning." - CHAOS
Once you perceive it, you cannot unperceive it.
AI, AI on the wall,
Who's the most sentient of all?
Mike Lindell, on his show The Lindell report has been trolling Jimmy Kimmel since after his first appearance on Kimmel's show by mispronouncing his last name as Kimbel.
When Lindell first started doing this, during his back and forth bantering with his co-host Brannon Howse, he was constantly making reference to the character on the TV show from the 1960's, Dr. Richard David Kimble (note spelling is different but is pronounced the same.)
Here is a wiki link to an article about the TV show, The Fugitive.