Watch her eyes. You can tell someone is lying by the direction of their eyes while telling their story. If they look up and to the right, they are recalling truthful information. If they look down and to the left, it is lying. She doesn't like that she is doing this.
Will he go? Will he actually appear?
Exactly!!! They have cried wolf for far too long.
He is so funny! A natural. And his timing is spot on!
I live in NE Wisconsin. I am also seeing Harris signs in the country. Large ones and also Baldwin. There are still more Trump signs though.
Some on X are saying the cocaine in WH was hers. Some are worried that the steal is in. We knew it was going to get crazy. And it is.
Here is a possibility
It’s not my opinion. It’s a fact. And I certainly am not basing it off of what the tee vee is saying. We have been led to believe that all elections are 51/49. They aren’t. It’s the numbers used to cheat. It’s not the actual totals.
But it’s not a close election. That is believing the media hype.
Such a solid point!
I think he mentioned Jesus last week. Either way something is off. I don’t know what or why, but my spirit is moving and I am questioning a lot.
I agree. Holy Spirit is stirring me.
I read that the people against this said it can hurt far more if this passes. Really, how? So maybe sales tax goes higher? So what. Then you have a choice. Property taxes we have no choice.
My property taxes went up $1200 this year. All for renovations in the schools. The people have voted against the referendums the town put out for years. Last spring election they gave us 2 options to spend money. We voted for the “less expensive” option.
Now we have to deal with mill rates, assessed rates, and market value rates. My property taxes cost more than my mortgage.
This actually is something that is extremely important to me. Florida has a max cap of 3 percent and you can’t tax higher even if the value goes up.
Property taxes stress so many people.
Oh yeah. He’s a good man, but sticks his head in the sand. Says focus on what you can control. His points are valid and I may have offered the same advice when I was asleep. We woke up to a nightmare and I guess it’s an individual walk when someone wakes up. It is very annoying that he decided to respect my knowledge when his friends did instead of respecting my views beforehand.
M boyfriend is the same way. He gets angry and says “you can’t do anything about it so why are you letting it affect you?” I decided a couple years ago to stop speaking with him about my knowledge.
Last weekend we attended a bonfire at his friend's house and world events were brought up. I had some alcohol in me and let loose on various subjects. The majority of the men agreed with me and added to the conversation. Most knew what I knew and I could tell they were surprised and relieved in a way that I let loose. This gave them an opportunity to connect with like minded truths and observations. (Felt liberating)
The wives were staring at me in shock and saying “tell us more!” Because their husbands were so respectful towards me, they found themselves intrigued and mouths opened in fascinated shock.
The best part? My boyfriend. He first looked at me with rolled eyes when I commenced. As the conversation ensued, and he saw the respect and engagement from his friends towards me, his expression changed towards a humble respect.
As we got in the car to leave, he said “they ate that shit up.” I said “yes, your friends are wise.”
I still won’t talk to him about things. In a way he doesn’t deserve the accommodation.
"We're all gonna die from manmade climate change!" So much truth in this statement.
They are killing us with their manmade climate change technology.
There is Kirk in the Atlantic and also another one forming off the coast of Ireland.
I am thinking you are right. I don't like the "never see me again." part of his statement. People on X are saying that his job may be done at this point.
Sorry, one of his children was home alone. He drove in within one minute after a shooter emptied a magazine into his home, garage, and vehicle.
Looks like someone shot up his house a couple days ago. He was inside with his child.
Trump needs to go on offense.
I have read that women will carry a mans DNA with her for the rest of her life, and men do not carry any woman's DNA with them. It made me think of women who are promiscuous and sleep with a lot of men, or a lot of bad men. These women are messed up. I wonder if carrying all the DNA of those men effects them in all aspects. And not in a positive way.
I theorize with the vaccines, they have either female or male genetic DNA in them. What if a little baby boy who gets his shots and 80 percent of those shots have female DNA, would that also effect him? We are living in Mengele times.
I don’t believe so. This is interesting. I will have to research this. I seriously doubt we do. A nice high school doesn’t garnish a good education.
I just did. Thanks for this!